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Posted: 18 Mar 2017, 14:52
Sounds good! Will we be able to play with 16 cars off-line, too? 12 seems like a good balance, but I'd like to be able to try playing with more, too.
Posted: 18 Mar 2017, 18:10
Code: Select all
Skin changer: No consensus yet on how to implement it, and more importantly, how to share the right skin used over network. Uploading entire texture to other players is out of the question, so 1) all players should have the skin installed, and 2) each skin should have a name to identify it. This needs more thought... unsure.gif
About skin changer : why everybody shoold have the same set of skins ??
Why not simply add (skin1.bmp, skin2.bmp ... skin16.bmp) in the car folder
And in the game : player A select skin1, plaker B skin2 ...
But during the race skin1 for player A could look complettely different that for player B because each player get his own skin set

(or original skin if no skin pack is ready)
and simply add on RVZ a skin set section for each cars ...
Code: Select all
Star pickup: An option just for disabling this seems too frivolous. I can reduce its probability though (so it appears less often).
I might be wrong but as far as I remember with revolt 1.1 we never get star as pick up on battle tag. But happen realy frequently with last rvgl/rv1.2 ...
And in generaly If 1 player get a star as pickup during a race we can be sure that 2 - 3 players will get a star in the same race ...
Posted: 18 Mar 2017, 19:31
I would never add skins in RVZ,there will be always someone who doesnt have them downloaded,or doesnt know about them,specially noobs.
Would be better if huki could add them in new rvgl release so whoever joins,has them...just an idea
Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 15:49
Thoughts about multiple branches for events and such?
I also would like to have the source code for personal museum and exploring purposes.
I'd be more than happy to provide direct feedback and testing/qa of bleeding-edge versions.
What about adding a console to the game? it would bring a lot of flexibility for management and such.
For singleplayer do include zorbah patch for player count, and perhaps automatically change grid scheme for 16+ players.
for multiplayer: increase racers to 16 but also increase the total to 32 players (16 spectators)
for skin changer: simply add a sub option to change textures found in the car folder on the fly, falling back to the skin in specified in parameters if other player(s) do not have the skin filename
(doing this is the only way to avoid crc errors in my opinion)
adding new parameters creates and doesnt fix the message for unknown parameters present. also would be useful to bring back that message box but only if it actually doesnt exist, at least show it when you run with -dev. the usefulness of this is for car devs who might make typos while doing this.
it would be a good idea to start implementing track and car sharing right from the game: p2p transfer for both cars and tracks. and if multiple players have the track/car, get it from the player with least ping (yes this involves heavy cooperation, and no automatic uploading but downloads on demand because of ping checks)
it would go like this:
1-hey i dont have that car lets check ping
1- ok we checked the player with lowest ping doesnt have it, next one
1- this one does, lets request a download
2- upload request accepted, sending
1- download done, lets add the new content on the fly
Yes, i am also suggesting adding on-demand refresh of track/cars. in game if you made changes to a car you would need to use changeling but it doesnt always reload corectly IIRC
Have more flexibility in spectator: like, how annoying it is to miss a race because you forgot to switch back from spectator? lets tell the game to automatically bring us back after the planned N races.
About star: Did the weapon code change? how much?
let host decide how many car changes can be there, to prevent abuse, with a default of 4 changes. also restrict between stock cars only, host cars only, or unrestricted.
Maybe it would be a good idea to change the fallback car, to a box that adapts to the collision data sent over network from the other player
Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 20:59
I think that for download cars in-game, the game must keep them on a temporary folder, and when the race ends, just erase that files (for people that doesn't want to overload their game with junk cars, like me)
Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 23:55
607 @ 18 Mar 2017, 02:52 PM wrote:Sounds good! Will we be able to play with 16 cars off-line, too?
Well, yesterday I thought of switching to a 3-cars-wide setup when cars are more than 12, but even many stock tracks (like Museum) and a
lot of custom tracks were designed with only 2-car-wide grid in mind. I can squeeze the 3-car grid to fit, but it doesn't look all that great. Today I've arrived at a better and simpler solution.

I'm also adding new 3-car grid setups that custom tracks can use (with STARTGRID inf entry). Just as a sample, the following is NHood1 with STARTGRID 4 and modified STARTPOS:

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 00:22
Looking good!!

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 03:56
And about multiplayer games, what will happen with Game-Ranger MP races? We will need to use older versions of Re-volt? Or just use RV House for now and then?
Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 12:03
About skin changer : why everybody shoold have the same set of skins ??
Why not simply add (skin1.bmp, skin2.bmp ... skin16.bmp) in the car folder
And in the game : player A select skin1, plaker B skin2 ...
I think this is a good idea, but maybe do something like car.bmp, cas.bmp, cat.bmp (wut), cau.bmp ? The game's files use this pattern sometimes (levela.bmp, car.bmq), so I guess something like this would be okay.. And then you would be able to change when the car is shown zoomed on the frontend's floor, so you would press PageUp /Down and the carbox would cover the car again for the skin to change. Or not, it's just my picturing of how it could happend.
And this \/ is great! but the fact that the last car is alone is a little weird, isn't it? Maybe the max number of cars should be a multiple of 3.
[HIDE=Huki's Beautiful Screen]

Posted: 21 Mar 2017, 09:02
Great huki! why not shrink the space between cars to accommodate them all? similar to how clockwork carnage works. of course taking in account larger and wider cars.
why a \/ style rather than /// style similar to how is the 2-line grid. making the lego tracks start gird style to fit seems more challenging
zorbah: that was an example, which not necessarily has to be enforced. better just pick up the textures which are supposedly mapped for that car. that's far more dynamic and do it on the engine rather than a parameters.txt flag
Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 07:33
Another quick teaser:
[hide=How many is that??]


Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 18:08
20 users there although above it still reads 16 racers
nice bug
Curious about updates to the grid themselves...
EDIT: right i didn't realize that it reads spectator in the second screenshot
Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 19:55
Abc @ 24 Mar 2017, 01:38 PM wrote: 20 users there although above it still reads 16 racers
nice bug
It always showed the amount of
cars, not the amount of people in the lobby. With 16 players, it previously showed 12 cars as well.
Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 19:56
Abc @ 24 Mar 2017, 02:38 PM wrote:20 users there although above it still reads 16 racers
nice bug

Spectators do not count as racers. It clearly says "Number of Cars", not "Number of connections".
[Edit]: You win this time, Marv.