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Posted: 21 Dec 2016, 03:05
I don't know if it's apropriate to create a new topic to show you this, but in case you haven't seen it on RVL:
it's a custom weapon I have created using the leaked source code. Have anyone ever done something similar? Hope you enjoy it!
Posted: 23 Dec 2016, 10:13
Hey, that's pretty cool.
Why offtopic section? Considering it's indeed re-volt related, I suggest we move it to an appropriate re-volt section, maybe "Development, Projects & Tools".
[Vaid]: Ok.
Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 01:12
This mod also pleases me, but I would like to know how it is to have 30 car without the mod carnage ...
Posted: 31 Dec 2016, 01:36
It's another source modification, it goes up to 300 cars.

Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 18:03
Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 21:42
Looks cool! But where did you get the source code? I did a quick search but couldn't find anything.
Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 22:43
Wichilie @ 4 Jan 2017, 01:12 PM wrote: Looks cool! But where did you get the source code? I did a quick search but couldn't find anything.
It's the leaked Xbox Live edition Source code.
you can find it somewhere in re-volt live or in BetaArchive private FTP
it includes three copies of the re-volt source tree: checkin from acclaim, one non functioning on the root and the working 8.1 one on pc folder, you need the 8.1 sdk lib and includes and xbox version in the respective xbox folder.
you also need visual studio 2003 (converting from vc++6) to compile it successfully. it also uses some assets made post-release of the game and some exclusive to the xbox version and this development test build.
Posted: 05 Jan 2017, 22:27
Abc @ 4 Jan 2017, 06:13 PM wrote:Wichilie @ 4 Jan 2017, 01:12 PM wrote: Looks cool! But where did you get the source code? I did a quick search but couldn't find anything.
It's the leaked Xbox Live edition Source code.
you can find it somewhere in re-volt live or in BetaArchive private FTP
it includes three copies of the re-volt source tree: checkin from acclaim, one non functioning on the root and the working 8.1 one on pc folder, you need the 8.1 sdk lib and includes and xbox version in the respective xbox folder.
you also need visual studio 2003 (converting from vc++6) to compile it successfully. it also uses some assets made post-release of the game and some exclusive to the xbox version and this development test build.
Alright, thanks! I'll have a look.
Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 00:47
Here is it compiled. And again, this is not official so don't expect it to work perfectly (there are still many bugs). if you want it's source code for some reason contact-me via PM. I hope you enjoy
here is a pic:

Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 23:05
wow dude amazing job, did you work around the texture limitation? Did you fix any additional bugs present in the codebase?
feel free to send me the relevant bits over pm

EDIT: what filenames it looks for for certain stuff? since i cant see the section title font
Posted: 13 Jan 2017, 09:16
Did you work around the texture limitation? Did you fix any additional bugs present in the codebase?
Since I messed with the leaked xbox source, all I did was undo changes the porters made (most of the changes were commented, so it is now closer to the original 1207 patch, kind of). I got the source from a link shared by doll265 at RVL (thanks again!) and I don't know if he/she changed it in anyway you say, but I certainly did not, since I have zero knowledge on graphic interface and directx stuff. It would be fun to start fixing bugs from the original 1207 patch, but I have no ambition of doing anything close to a officiall thing since we got Huki light years ahead with both his patch and knowledge on the field (also, I have very little discipline), so I do this kind of thing just for fun and I don't focus on more technichal problems. But if you still want to take a peak at the source I'll be glad to show you.
what filenames it looks for for certain stuff? since i cant see the section title font
Posted: 13 Jan 2017, 18:46
oh okay, thanks for what you did, its a great contribution.
is this source copy any different? did you know that the leak included not just the ported code but two checkins of pc version? it's a development build that uses some textures from the xbox assets and is a post-retail version, likely was the beginning of the updated version of the game if acclaim wasnt closed; its on 8.1 unlike the original version but that might be porters work. the font texture is special here since the
correct font1.bmp was nowhere to be found, likely a earlier revision.
(no offense)
why the font texture looks so choppier even at point unlike the original builds?
The keyboard input on the wheel is broken and i have to use arrows to change text.
Apparently all explosions cause the new weapon to enter in effect or its just the ai triggering it..... Hmmm
It's a really interesting build and i am sure Dolo will approve this XD
I nominate you to succeed 1.2 development since huki is focusing in RVGL.
I'd like to have the rocket camera, also the ring gives the game a true MK64 feeling

[/HIDE][HIDE]and the filenames question comes from this:

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 16:14
zorbah @ 10 Jan 2017, 08:17 PM wrote:Here is it compiled. And again, this is not official so don't expect it to work perfectly (there are still many bugs). if you want it's source code for some reason contact-me via PM. I hope you enjoy
here is a pic:
I was interested in this, but got this error when running the executable.

Posted: 16 Jan 2017, 01:10
607 @ 15 Jan 2017, 11:44 AM wrote: zorbah @ 10 Jan 2017, 08:17 PM wrote:Here is it compiled. And again, this is not official so don't expect it to work perfectly (there are still many bugs). if you want it's source code for some reason contact-me via PM. I hope you enjoy
here is a pic:
I was interested in this, but got this error when running the executable.
I have the same problem
Posted: 16 Jan 2017, 02:07
Try copying the revolt_zuardo.exe to your re-volt folder instead.
i have not tried unpacking the entire folder but instead extracted the executable and ran it from my "beta re-volt folder"
shipped mss32.dll is the old one. likely the reason of the crash. make sure you have VC++ redistribuables installed, not sure which version exactly but the 32-bits one.
try running the game as admin
you also need to use a commandline; suggested: -showring -nointro -dev -window -sli
Posted: 16 Jan 2017, 19:51
Abc @ 15 Jan 2017, 09:37 PM wrote: Try copying the revolt_zuardo.exe to your re-volt folder instead.
i have not tried unpacking the entire folder but instead extracted the executable and ran it from my "beta re-volt folder"
shipped mss32.dll is the old one. likely the reason of the crash. make sure you have VC++ redistribuables installed, not sure which version exactly but the 32-bits one.
try running the game as admin
you also need to use a commandline; suggested: -showring -nointro -dev -window -sli
I installed the VC++ 2015 redistributable, but there also seem to be 2005 and 2008 ones. Should I try those though?
Also, how do I do those things in commandline?
If I can't get it to work that's no problem, but it could've been interesting.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017, 05:03
actually you do not need any redistributable but it is better to have all of them, zorbah additionally updated the build.
you enter commandlines in shortcut properties or in CMD after specifying the executable.
next time research before asking