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Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 13:18
My New Track is up at the Zone! Merry Christmas
Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 18:03
Hmm ?
Sorry, I love your earlier work and always admire the attention to detail of the visual and architecture, but this track seem's a bit below your usual standard.
And I'm not sure if it's an error or part of the visual effect, but there seem's a lot of see through areas.
The racing flow is also a bit gnarly.
You know I love your work, sorry if I offend.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 19:58
Visually looks as good as stock track. And runs just as good perfomance-wise.
Although some less noticeable details were removed like half stack of tires (pic below). Probably to keep better performance by having lesser amount of polygons, but this place in particular can be noticed quite easily while racing, at least I do.
Few other objects were only mapped one sided, some buildings having *holes* on roofs if you look from the certain viewpoint.
(I don't think it was noticeable while racing, so don't count as an issue, it was mapped like that in Ghost Town buildings as well.)
The flow might need to get used to. Not as easy. You will definitely have to use brakes when playing first time. AI is challenging as well.
It was somewhat refreshing.
Manmountain could elaborate more on seeing
lots of see through areas. I don't really have any complains, the track is quite solid.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016, 03:04
Thanks guys and to be honest i built it in less than 3 weeks while working and having a pregnant wife lol It is just a track to get used to using the new things available. I don't get offended by criticism I just wanted to get something out to you as the tracks from the community haven't been hammering in of late. I personally think it is pretty close to being my best max work even with the holes

Speak soon and have a great Christmas all
ps I really did hack the crap out of it at the end as you say coz i was so worried that it would be laggy! I have a great mesh with no holes that i will polish up and release after the holidays
Posted: 23 Dec 2016, 21:37
Killer Wheels
Yeah ! Great to see you're still around !
I loved the track, especially the place where you drive on a metal plate. The raceline is really tough tho...
Congrats for everything !

Posted: 24 Dec 2016, 14:39
Hi KW have you got an e-mail you could get to me?
Could do with talking to you a lil bit. Not only to give you a rather swollen head by going on about your exporter ( which has totally helped me out by the way) but some other ideas?
Thanks thanks thanks

Posted: 24 Dec 2016, 20:25
Killer Wheels
Glad to hear that !
I pm'd you !