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Posted: 10 May 2006, 18:28
Hello everyone I hope all are doing fine I need some help I no longer have the original revolt cd anyways I had a backup it installed fine but when i try to play it says no CD in found so I am hoping if I use the patch that makes it no longer need the CD that it will work
Posted: 10 May 2006, 18:30
Im sure it will work, if it dont post here and we will sort it.
Posted: 10 May 2006, 19:32
Well I feel stupid I need the patch do any know where I can find it
Posted: 10 May 2006, 19:40
Posted: 10 May 2006, 20:11
With Re-Volt 1207 Patch you will no longer need CDs more.
Check out the arto link. 1207 is the last official release.
Posted: 10 May 2006, 21:23
Thank you sooooooo much it works fine now Well I guess the next thing is to see if I can still build tracks It is kind of a scary thought
Posted: 10 May 2006, 21:56
Hi 666's,
Good to have you back

Posted: 10 May 2006, 21:56
You mean you want to make tracks?
You can start with a Lego maybe. Do it by the revolt internal editor, in the main menu (Track Editor).
If you want to make extreme tracks you need to use 3D Max or something like.
However you need to use the MAKEITGOOD cheat to add objects, instances, lights, ai nodes, track zones.....
Search tutorials. You can found some in
See ya!
Posted: 10 May 2006, 22:09
ADX I don't think triple6s needs tutorials, maybe just a little reference to refresh the memory. He's an old track making veteran

Hope to see new creations soon!
Posted: 10 May 2006, 22:44
Good to see lots of people looking in latly, Revolt Reborn

Posted: 10 May 2006, 22:47
Oh great, never mind! Haha
I never heard about triple6s

Se maybe only a refresh hehe.
pIN, as i said in my MSN nick:
Re-Volt Re-Born Right-Here Right-Now!
See ya!
Posted: 11 May 2006, 01:36
At long last Tripps!!!
Get yer bottom in gear and pump out some cool stuff will ya!!!
Nice to see ya dood!!!
Posted: 11 May 2006, 02:50
Hey Skitch2 do you remember the visbox job I did in Catacombs man it took me a while Looks like I will have to dig out 3D max I have it on a dics somewhere I am nervous with such talented track builders a to make sure its worth racing