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Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 00:17
16.0904a is released. I'm now providing both Win32 and Win64 builds. Pick whichever is appropriate for your system. Test results on 64-bit Windows are welcome.
This release brings
Rooftops integration -
see these posts for more information.
Rooftops is available as a optional downloadable level that is unlocked on completing Bronze cup. Download the rooftops package here:
I quickly put together this package for convenience, there is no readme / changelog yet. It has fixed sfx for RVGL, and fixed reposition AI nodes, but I'll get into details later. Note that the package includes a "custom" folder although it's not used by RVGL. It's only there for compatibility with v1.2.
The release also fixes a bug in 3D surround panning. I also disabled the
exponential volume model that I introduced during this bug report:
sfx volume too high. I now found that the sfx volume was too high in Rooftops simply because the roof wav files were amplified to sound too loud. With the exponential model, sounds fade away too quickly that most of the time we only hear ambient noise. So I now switched back to linear volume model used in the original versions (1207 and 1.2 Beta). Try this release with fixed Rooftops sfx (from my package above), and if anyone still feels the exponential model is better, let me know.
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 01:51
Did the dependencies change?
Code: Select all
raster@meridian:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Acclaim/ReVolt$ ./rvgl
./rvgl.64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 02:03
Evil Weasel and Panga TC remain locked even with Rooftops installed, and even after collecting the star on Rooftops. And apparently I have to complete the silver championship again, which on the other hand gives you access to those two. I am dumb. Using win64 build.
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 02:27
Win64 build working just fine, Rooftops as well.
As speedwagon stated, after installing this patch, Silver Cup completion becomes unticked on Progress Table, meaning two cars, all hard difficulty tracks and Gold Cup getting locked, causing you to beat the cup once again.
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 03:07
VaiDuX461 @ 6 Sep 2016, 02:27 AM wrote: As speedwagon stated, after installing this patch, Silver Cup completion becomes unticked on Progress Table, meaning two cars, all hard difficulty tracks and Gold Cup getting locked, causing you to beat the cup once again.
Sounds like a bug: rooftops progress shouldn't be counted for anything. I'm going to look into that.
@Gotolei: Yeah, blame Arch linux for always being on the cutting edge..

I'll include the updated libglew and reupload the release.
EDIT: I've updated the release:
- should fix the progress bug
- updated libglew to 2.0 for x64 linux
Let me know whether it works.
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 04:29
The updated update fixed the issue with a few stock tracks being locked and the f11 key not working for me but I still have errors.
64 bit version
Can't save profile settings
Could not save profile
Can't load model models/chopper1.m
Rooftops worked as it should with the chopper being shown in the previous version of rvgl so why is it screwed up with this update? If I return to the previous version will it remove the integrated Rooftops track or do I need to do a complete reinstall of rvgl?
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 04:51
mmudshark @ 6 Sep 2016, 04:29 AM wrote:Error
Can't load model models/chopper1.m
Rooftops worked as it should with the chopper being shown in the previous version of rvgl so why is it screwed up with this update? If I return to the previous version will it remove the integrated Rooftops track or do I need to do a complete reinstall of rvgl?
If you're trying to play rooftops on the new rvgl, you should install the
rvgl_rooftops package from the first post. This will provide the necessary models and sfx that you are missing. This is because the new rvgl looks for rooftops models and sfx in the stock location (in models\... and wavs\roof\...).
And yes, returning to a previous version will remove the rooftops integration.
mmudshark @ 6 Sep 2016, 04:29 AM wrote:Warning
Can't save profile settings
Could not save profile
No idea yet, but does the 32-bit version work?
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 05:09
Huki @ 6 Sep 2016, 12:21 AM wrote:
mmudshark @ 6 Sep 2016, 04:29 AM wrote:Warning
Can't save profile settings
Could not save profile
No idea yet, but does the 32-bit version work?
The 32 bit update works as it should. I knew updating Rooftops would fix the "can't load" issue, I was wondering why it was necessary when it worked in the previous rvgl versions.
All is good now though so thank you.
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 05:36
mmudshark @ 6 Sep 2016, 05:09 AM wrote:The 32 bit update works as it should.
Hmm more investigation is needed to figure out why the 64-bit build can't seem to save profiles.
mmudshark wrote:I knew updating Rooftops would fix the "can't load" issue, I was wondering why it was necessary when it worked in the previous rvgl versions.
It's actually because of the peculiar way in which the chopper animation was implemented in Dreamcast. The original rooftops .fob file has the
toy world copter object in it. The Dreamcast code replaces this with the
chopper object at runtime. Note that the entire object is replaced, not just the models. It means the rooftops chopper has it's own animation and code (like the spinning tail wing on the chopper).
The rvgl integration is implemented the same way, i.e., look for copter object in the .fob and replace with chopper object (again, entire object including code and animation). That's why it looks for models\chopper1.m.
The community rooftops uses v1.2 "custom" support to replace just the models. In this case, the game still uses toy world copter code and animation, it still looks for models\copter1.m, and this gets replaced with the copter1.m in the custom folder.
If the custom folder has chopper1.m, etc., you won't get this error even if you didn't install my rooftops package.
Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 12:23
Can't confirm yet but my brother happens to have a win 10 64 bit and his screen is able to run 144 fps yet he only gets 60, Nor are our eyes ever satisfied. huh?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 20:52
Just to let you know,I aslo downloaded win64 specimen,and the only problem
is red x on silver cup for rooftops still remaining after unlocking maps.Dont have any
other issues.Btw huki you wrote we need to unlock bronze cup,you ment silver right?
Posted: 07 Sep 2016, 02:36
Cosmo_Kramer @ 6 Sep 2016, 08:52 PM wrote: Just to let you know,I aslo downloaded win64 specimen,and the only problem
is red x on silver cup for rooftops still remaining after unlocking maps.Dont have any
other issues.Btw huki you wrote we need to unlock bronze cup,you ment silver right?
What red x? Can you post a picture?
Also, what I meant was that Rooftops is unlocked by completing the bronze cup.
Posted: 07 Sep 2016, 02:56
I meant on red x on progress table.
I finished silver cup,cause my 3 tracks were suddenly locked,also finished bronze cup,but still have X on progress table
Posted: 07 Sep 2016, 16:14
Cosmo_Kramer @ 7 Sep 2016, 02:56 AM wrote: I meant on red x on progress table.
I finished silver cup,cause my 3 tracks were suddenly locked,also finished bronze cup,but still have X on progress table
If your gold cup tracks were locked after updating to this release, that's a bug. I fixed it and re-uploaded the release (see
few posts above). So you should re-download the release if you haven't read that post.
If you still have any red x, post a picture of the progress table.
mmudshark @ 6 Sep 2016, 05:09 AM wrote:Huki @ 6 Sep 2016, 12:21 AM wrote:mmudshark @ 6 Sep 2016, 04:29 AM wrote:Warning
Can't save profile settings
Could not save profile
No idea yet, but does the 32-bit version work?
The 32 bit update works as it should.
I'm wondering, are you using different installations to test the 32-bit version and the 64-bit one? Can you give me the installation path(s)?
Posted: 07 Sep 2016, 20:12
I tried to play silver cup,but there is no rooftops to play

Posted: 07 Sep 2016, 22:28
Cosmo_Kramer @ 7 Sep 2016, 04:42 PM wrote:I tried to play silver cup,but there is no rooftops to play

[quote=""Adding Dreamcast asset to v1.2" topic; Huki @ 4 Sep 2016, 09:05 PM"]
Ciccio @ 4 Sep 2016, 11:37 PM wrote:So... If rooftop will be hardcoded in the game just like the original tracks that means it will behave like in the Dreamcast and there will be modifications to championship, or do you intend to keep all of this optional with some switch?
Rooftops (and its special objects/sfx) will be hardcoded in the game, but downloading it is optional and
does not appear in the usual PC campaign - doesn't alter the championship and is not counted for the silver cup single race / practice star / time trial completion.
The single / practice in Rooftops can be completed separately and it could be made to unlock BigVolt and BossVolt - which will be selectable only by the player (like Rotor and Panga).[/quote]
I would be fine with replacing Nhood1 M with Rooftops in the Silver Cup (+other minor track swaps), but some people are not, hence why this was not done. But again, making everything optional would be the best solution for everyone. However that will only depend on developers, whether they would want to do this or not.
Cosmo_Kramer @ 6 Sep 2016, 11:26 PM wrote:I meant on red x on progress table.
I finished silver cup,cause my 3 tracks were suddenly locked,also finished bronze cup,but still have X on progress table
Cosmo_Kramer @ 7 Sep 2016, 04:42 PM wrote:
What X do you mean here, "Norm"? Beat Time Trial challenge time.
"Rev"? Beat Time Trial challenge time in reversed.
"Mirr"? Beat Time Trial challenge time in mirrored.
"Stars"? Collect practice star in Practice mode.
Or perhaps you had the whole Progress Table completed before installing the patch?
Posted: 07 Sep 2016, 23:28
OOooh..its a time trial challange X
I forget how it works i guess, when you have to legally play the game
one ques tho,should't a map appear when playing a cup?
[Vaid edit]: I've just answered why Rooftops is not in the Silver Cup in the post above. Read quotes...
Posted: 11 Sep 2016, 00:47
There is a bug in Rooftops: in the last straight if you press reposition, you will respawn over the start line. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that you can win a duel by simply respawning as soon as you make the last jump in the last lap.
Posted: 11 Sep 2016, 18:45
Ciccio @ 10 Sep 2016, 07:17 PM wrote: There is a bug in Rooftops: in the last straight if you press reposition, you will respawn over the start line. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that you can win a duel by simply respawning as soon as you make the last jump in the last lap.
I've been trying to replicate that bug since
that incident, with no luck. I'd just chalk it down to a freak anomaly.
Posted: 11 Sep 2016, 22:10
Ciccio @ 11 Sep 2016, 12:47 AM wrote:There is a bug in Rooftops: in the last straight if you press reposition, you will respawn over the start line. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that you can win a duel by simply respawning as soon as you make the last jump in the last lap.
Do you mean like this?
Rooftops issue
Make sure you download the new rooftops package from the first post. It has fixed AI nodes to prevent this sort of repositioning bug (I updated both normal and reverse nodes).
Huki @ 6 Sep 2016, 12:17 AM wrote:Download the rooftops package here:
I quickly put together this package for convenience, there is no readme / changelog yet. It has fixed sfx for RVGL,
and fixed reposition AI nodes [...]
Posted: 12 Sep 2016, 23:58
Yeah, one like that but in the starting straight. This bug is present on your release, I've tried to replicate it and at first it worked, then it stopped working for no reason at all. I know about the bug since at least a month, but I forgot to talk about it here.
There is also another bug in the x64 windows build: Playing rvgl without admin rights, if you turn off the music and restart the game, you will hear music again, but the switch will be set to off and no matter what you do, the music will stay on (you can still turn it off by lowering the music volume though).
EDIT: I tested it a little more, it went out that the music switch doesn't work at all.
Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 00:30
Ciccio @ 12 Sep 2016, 11:58 PM wrote: There is also another bug in the x64 windows build: Playing rvgl without admin rights, if you turn off the music and restart the game, you will hear music again, but the switch will be set to off and no matter what you do, the music will stay on (you can still turn it off by lowering the music volume though).
EDIT: I tested it a little more, it went out that the music switch doesn't work at all.
The Ingame Music option only turns off the
in-game music. Frontend / Credits and Cup win/lose music will keep playing. There is currently no way to turn those off (except reducing the music volume).
Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 03:57
I see. Well, thanks for pointing this out, I guess in the original 1.00 revolt it was the same.
EDIT: I don't know if this happened to previous versions of RV but I have issues with Replays.
It concernes "replay lag": the replay car route is a perfect representation of the car route in the real race, at least in the last rvgl build. But the race start is still messed up, very close things sometimes are shown wrong (sometimes things go a little different between replays), explosions do not work very well, water ballons somethimes fail to explode and sometimes explode too early, flipping a car is pretty laggy, missiles are the most random and laggy weapon, stars do not even go off as the cars just lag and stop. Is there a way to fix all of this lag (a lot have been made so far, I still remember rv 1.00 where replays were a complete mess)?