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Posted: 27 Aug 2016, 19:28
Antena in rear view,when in motion,looks like this
Has someone noticed this,can it be fixed somehow

Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 06:47
might be your modification. (fxpage1)
for me it looks like expected behavior, sorry
maybe you mean that it should have blur
(yes i notice the ugliness)
Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 19:45
Mentioned somewhere earlier, it's the same in each version

Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 21:27
It happens when antenna/aerial leans back (due to car acceleration and speed). 3D polygons don't stretch here (if they do, then not properly enough), so they get separated and/or misaligned instead, causing empty gaps.
I wonder if Mystery's clothfx physics or similar could solve this.
Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 16:08
probably mystery is well made, i should take a closer look.