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Posted: 17 May 2006, 01:49
Ok people, I have found a usable script. Have a look at and hit refresh a few times and you will get the picture.
There are others that might be better but this is easy to set up and works how I was hoping.
Alex, I have distorted you banners for ease of testing I will fix that if we go with this script.
I will work on the search engine stuff this weekend so keep the key words coming, you cant have to many.
Very good artwork so far and I will sort mine out soon
Josh - piN
Posted: 17 May 2006, 06:35
arto @ May 10 2006, 05:15 AM wrote:piN @ May 9 2006, 11:37 AM wrote: revolt RC racing sim for PC
RC Cars
On Line Racing
racing sim
rv house
need for speed (not revolt i know but you can attract others gamers this way)
Some more (and it's good to remember it's technically Re-Volt, don't know if it matters for keywords?):
Re-Volt online
Re-Volt community
Re-Volt downloads
Here are some more that might snag the odd interested user/racer;
Acclaim Games
RC Models
Monster Truck Madness (I'm sure there is a couple of MTM conversions)
ZModler (this might bring new modelers and maybe racers)
Racers Point (RV Downloads initial title)
Re-Volt Headquaters
Custom car creations
Although not directly related to online racing, anything that attracts a spark of interest in one person might help spread the word.
piN @ May 16 2006, 09:19 PM wrote:I will work on the search engine stuff this weekend so keep the key words coming, you cant have to many.
Actually, you can.
There is a limit of search phrases or words that some search sites allow.
You need to know if there is a limit, so that we can select the best possible phrases.
Posted: 17 May 2006, 13:53
Fantastic banners all!
Posted: 18 May 2006, 03:55
hey guys, hello piN,
i like those banners too. nice work.
am i allowed to add hungarian words to the list for search engines?
here is a popular one used by hungarians:
thanks for your efforts,
Posted: 20 May 2006, 17:54
This Sunday I will post the banner script and meta tag information which has been complied on this thread. I will fix the script so Alex's banners are not distorted as well, so if anyone has any problems with how the script is please post before Sunday evening. If not it will stay as it is.
Josh - piN
Posted: 22 May 2006, 04:29
This is the script for the banners created, we can add more and have different targets for each one if you wish.
The script is a free one I found and required credit is in the script text so no problem using it
This is what you need to do....
1) Insert this script in the <HEAD> section of the page. (Select - copy & paste in the <HEAD> part of your web page)
// Courtesy of -
function create() {
this.width = ''
this.height = ''
this.src = ''
this.href = ''
this.border = ''
this.mouseover = ''
this.sponsor = ''
ads = new Array()
for(var i=1; i<=5; i++) { ads = new create() }
ads[1].width = "486"
ads[1].height = "120"
ads[1].src = ""
ads[1].href = ""
ads[1].border = "0"
ads[1].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[1].sponsor = ""
ads[2].width = "486"
ads[2].height = "120"
ads[2].src = ""
ads[2].href = ""
ads[2].border = "0"
ads[2].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[2].sponsor = ""
ads[3].width = "728"
ads[3].height = "90"
ads[3].src = ""
ads[3].href = ""
ads[3].border = "0"
ads[3].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[3].sponsor = ""
ads[4].width = "728"
ads[4].height = "90"
ads[4].src = ""
ads[4].href = ""
ads[4].border = "0"
ads[4].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[4].sponsor = ""
ads[5].width = "728"
ads[5].height = "90"
ads[5].src = ""
ads[5].href = ""
ads[5].border = "0"
ads[5].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[5].sponsor = ""
var n = Math.random() + ''
n = parseInt(n.charAt(5))
if(n >5) {
n = n - 5
else if(n==0) {
n = n + 5
n += ""
var image = ads[n]
var ad = ""
ad += '<a href="' + image.href + '" \n'
ad += 'onMouseOver="self.status=\'' + image.mouseover + '\'\;return true" \n'
ad += 'onMouseOut="self.status=\'\'"> \n'
ad += '<img src="' + image.src + '" width=' + image.width
ad += '\n height=' + image.height + ' border=' + image.border
ad += '\n><br><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", size="2">RV House - The home of online racing for Re-Volt</font>: ' + image.sponsor + '</a>'
2) Insert this script in the <BODY> section where you want the rotating banners to appear in the page (Select - copy & paste in the <BODY> part of your web page)
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hiding this script
// -->
Upload that to your server and it should work 
I will post the meta tags later, that needs a bit more work.
Post here with the links to your site so I can see if it works
Josh - piN
Posted: 22 May 2006, 06:26
Is there some way I can add this to my site's home page ?
I use a utility called 'Webs Edit' to edit my site. It is what Freewebs uses for us dumbasses who can't do html coding.
It does have a function to imput html code into the pages.

Posted: 22 May 2006, 16:43
Hi MM,
You should be able to using the input HTML function, I have not used it so you might need to mess with it to get it to work.
I am asuming that you can open your main index page as a text file, I have copied it from your site below and you need to insert the scrit where I have detailed.
Hope this is clear, if not we will get there in the end
You might have to place the smaller of the blue code in a different place depending on where you want the banners to appear. It might be worth finding out if you can insert java script by way of a tool from freewebs.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
Copyright © 2005 FreeWebs Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
FreeWebs offers a limited license for use of this template for FreeWebs Premium Users only.
Under no circumstances may this template be used on a website that is not hosted by FreeWebs.
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Re-Volt Motorsports: Re-Volt motorsports circuits and cars</TITLE>
<meta name="keywords" content="Re-Volt, revolt, rc cars, motorsport, racing, tracks, cars, games, family, fun">
<meta name="description" content="Re-Volt Motorsport">
// Courtesy of -
function create() {
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ads[1].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
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ads[2].height = "120"
ads[2].src = ""
ads[2].href = ""
ads[2].border = "0"
ads[2].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[2].sponsor = ""
ads[3].width = "728"
ads[3].height = "90"
ads[3].src = ""
ads[3].href = ""
ads[3].border = "0"
ads[3].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[3].sponsor = ""
ads[4].width = "728"
ads[4].height = "90"
ads[4].src = ""
ads[4].href = ""
ads[4].border = "0"
ads[4].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[4].sponsor = ""
ads[5].width = "728"
ads[5].height = "90"
ads[5].src = ""
ads[5].href = ""
ads[5].border = "0"
ads[5].mouseover = "Click here to download RV House"
ads[5].sponsor = ""
var n = Math.random() + ''
n = parseInt(n.charAt(5))
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n = n - 5
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n = n + 5
n += ""
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var ad = ""
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ad += 'onMouseOut="self.status=\'\'"> \n'
ad += '<img src="' + image.src + '" width=' + image.width
ad += '\n height=' + image.height + ' border=' + image.border
ad += '\n><br><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", size="2">RV House - The home of online racing for Re-Volt</font>: ' + image.sponsor + '</a>'
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<P><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><!-- ParagraphBodyStart --><P align=center><FONT color=white size=4>Please visit and comment in the </FONT><A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=yellow size=4>Guestbook.</FONT></A><BR><FONT color=white size=4>Contact me or submit any Track or Car </FONT><A href=""><FONT color=white><FONT size=4><FONT color=yellow>HERE</FONT>.</FONT></FONT></A><BR><FONT color=white size=5><FONT size=4>Thank you for visiting, please call again soon.</FONT><IMG src=" ... </FONT></P>
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<p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" color="#FFFFFF"><b><u><A name="53546561"></A><!-- ParagraphTitleStart -->Hello & Welcome to Manmountain's Re-Volt site. <!-- ParagraphTitleEnd --></u></b></font></p>
<P><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><!-- ParagraphBodyStart --><P><FONT color=white size=2><EM>This is my first web creation and I would appreciate any suggestions regarding it's contents and layout. Thank you.</EM></FONT></P>
<P><EM><FONT color=white size=2>Arto the administrator of RVZT has given full permission to host links to his site, thanks Arto.</FONT></EM></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=white>My most used links :</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><A href=""><IMG src="" border=0></A> <FONT color=white><FONT size=4><STRONG><U><A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=white>'Our Re-Volt Pub'</FONT></A></U></STRONG> </FONT><FONT size=2>Admin is TheMeandMe.</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=arial color=white><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=white><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><A href="" target=_blank><STRONG><FONT color=white size=4><IMG src="" align=left border=0>Re-Volt Zone Tracks "RVZT"</FONT></STRONG></A> <FONT color=white size=2>Admin is Arto</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=white size=2><STRONG>A great source of old and new tracks and cars, also accepts new submissions.</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><A href=""><FONT color=white><IMG height=41 src="" width=101 align=left border=0></FONT></A><A href="" target=_blank><STRONG><FONT color=white size=4>ReVolt Archive "RVA"</FONT></STRONG></A> <FONT color=white size=2>Admin is DSL_Tile</FONT></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=white size=2><EM>A good sorce for Utilities, Tools and Tutorials. Plus a vast selection of Tracks and Cars.</EM></FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><A href=""></A></P>
<P><A href="" target=_blank><STRONG><FONT color=white size=4><IMG src="" border=0>RV League</FONT></STRONG></A><FONT size=2><EM><STRONG><FONT color=white></FONT></STRONG></EM></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2><EM><STRONG><FONT color=white>The </FONT><FONT color=#ffffff>best place to find Re-Volt online racing.</FONT></STRONG></EM></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=arial color=white><STRONG>With this site I hope to promote the more traditional Motersports side of Re-Volt.</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=white><STRONG>As there are a vast amount of tracks and cars out there, I will try and bring selective catergories in one place for easy access.</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=white><STRONG>If there are any Tracks or Cars you feel would do well here and are not already listed, then please let me know.</STRONG></FONT></P><!-- ParagraphBodyEnd --><br>
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Posted: 22 May 2006, 22:45
Hi Josh, sorry but I can't edit the main index page.
It's a template supplied by Freewebs, I can only edit the body of the pages, that's why I asked if I could implement it in to my home page.
Posted: 22 May 2006, 23:03
Thats a bummer,
It does have a function to imput html code into the pages.
The script is java script, but the way its done is html (:huh: )
There must be a way to do it using this tool, is there a help page thst you can post a link to without giving outyour id & password, I can have a look there and see if its possable.
Posted: 23 May 2006, 01:37
The basic FAQ's are
And the slightly more detailed information pages are
There is an option to change/upgrade my account to a full html account, but I do not wish to do that as I don't have a clue about html.

Posted: 23 May 2006, 15:31
Hi MM,
I have had a look and it would appear that you can do it with upgrading
Have a look here ... wsm&ctxid= in the customizations section, under adding a banner to your site.
If that is the tool you use then all you need to do is insert the main script (big blue text) just select and copy, get to the editor bit and paste into the <HEAD> part of the page.
The small bit of script should be entered in the same way but put the curser in the part where you want the banners.
I will open a account and create a webpage and see if I cant do it myself which might be a way??
Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 05:39
What's new ?

Posted: 08 Aug 2006, 00:22
My hetic life getting in the way of gaming!!
I got as far as registering a site but stoped there. Things got busy at work etc etc I am away on holiday soon, might have a go then.