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Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 16:33
Does anyone have any idea what's causing the car to do this?
In case you haven't figured it out, it takes longer to recover back to all three wheels when steering left than it does when steering right.
The offsets, the HUL, and the PRMs are all symmetrical and centered - so I am stumped at what it could be.
Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 22:19
You say the offsets are symmetrical, but have you taken in to account the wheel size/thickness itself ?
Also, although there is virtually one front wheel, are both left & right offsets set as opposites and not just the same set of values ?
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 01:01
Are you completely sure they are symmetrical? verified in parameters? could be what MM said too...
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 16:49
Manmountain @ 22 Jul 2016, 04:49 PM wrote: You say the offsets are symmetrical, but have you taken in to account the wheel size/thickness itself ?
Also, although there is virtually one front wheel, are both left & right offsets set as opposites and not just the same set of values ?
All wheels are the exact same size and dimension, with all of them having been centered as well.
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 20:02
without your car's "parameters.txt" i don't know if we can help you ....
we don't need all, only :
- Handling related stuff
- Car Wheel details
- Car Spring details
- and may be pin and axle ...
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 20:18
As sebr has said, we need proof of your param settings.
If you are saying that the car reacts differently one way over the other then some settings in your parameter'txt are not symmetrical, it may be something as simple as a decimal place or - sign missing ?
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 21:58
nero ...
Feel free to try out the car, and see what the issue could be with it.
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 22:04
Do you not have a link that does not need my details ?
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 23:12
If Dropbox doesn't work for you, I can't upload it anywhere else decent, sorry.
Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 23:13

Quite annoying. It seems Dropbox has recently started nagging unregistered users to sign in before downloading any file from there. This wasn't before. Shame.
Posted: 24 Jul 2016, 08:30
You can always instantly download by adding ?dl=1 or just swapping the number in the url