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Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 18:56
So, here is the first native 64-bit build of RVGL.
It's compiled on Arch Linux, so it might not work out of the box on Ubuntu / Debian. It should work fine with officially available libs on Arch and Fedora. Just report here in case of any difficulties finding dependencies.
Install the latest RVGL 16.0705a first, then extract this package over it. The package contains the 64-bit binary
rvgl.64 and an updated setup script. The script will try to detect your system type and create an appropriate launcher for the applications menu.
Windows 64-bit build should come later on.
Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 21:33
I have win 64bit,can u tell me what is supposed to be different with that version

Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 22:42
The game will be the same (visualy, gameplay-wise, feature-wise).
tl;dr you won't see any change.
64-bit RVGL build was more needed for Linux users rather than Windows. Obviously, it doesn't hurt to have win64 build too.
Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 03:35
RVGL is updated to
This release marks the first linux version with a native
64-bit release. Both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are included in the same package. You can simply run 'rvgl' as usual - this is now a script that auto-detects your system type and runs the correct executable.
There is another significant improvement for Linux users: the
rvgl script can
resolve missing dependencies by automatically loading the missing libs from the rvgl lib folder. It means the game should run on a wide range of distros without having to manually copy any libs. The only required dependencies are libGL (which is provided by your gfx driver), SDL2 and SDL2_image. The other libs will be used if they are installed - but if they are not, rvgl will fallback to the ones included in the package itself.
Code: Select all
# Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 # required
sudo apt-get install libglew1.13 libopenal1 libenet7 libunistring0 # recommended
sudo apt-get install libvorbisfile3 libflac8 libmpg123-0 libsndfile1 # optional
# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S --needed sdl2 sdl2_image # required
sudo pacman -S --needed glew openal enet libunistring # recommended
sudo pacman -S --needed libvorbis flac mpg123 libsndfile # optional
# Fedora
sudo yum install SDL2 SDL2_image # required
sudo yum install glew openal enet libunistring # recommended
sudo yum install libvorbis flac mpg123 libsndfile # optional
Well, I hope this improvement solves some of the dependency issues among various Linux distros. The solution is not as heavy as in the case of a container based format - only a few libs (that differ widely among distros) are included with rvgl, and more importantly, the system installed libs are given first preference, which means rvgl can use up-to-date libs when available.
Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 09:36
Setup script doesn't seem to be working on my 14.04 install (
all kinds of problems), though admittedly it's getting pretty long in the tooth (pretty sure it's the same install as when rvgl first came out) and probably has all kinds of janky mess from copy/pasting libs back and forth for over a year.
FWIW, at no point did the script ask for root. Can the script itself be run as root without it massively screwing up permissions or anything?
Also how are launch options handled in the new rvgl script? I have like six launchers set up with -dev, -window, -gazzasaicar, combinations thereof etc all of which assume they're running the executable directly.
Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 14:39
Gotolei @ 11 Jul 2016, 09:36 AM wrote:Setup script doesn't seem to be working on my 14.04 install (
all kinds of problems), though admittedly it's getting pretty long in the tooth (pretty sure it's the same install as when rvgl first came out) and probably has all kinds of janky mess from copy/pasting libs back and forth for over a year.
Ok, that's a good candidate for a test system.
FWIW, at no point did the script ask for root. Can the script itself be run as root without it massively screwing up permissions or anything?
No, you should
not have to run the script as root. It doesn't copy any libs to your system folders. But you should make sure you have write permissions to your re-volt folder itself. As your installation is within your home folder (.wine), the permissions should be fine though.
Can you paste me the output of this command? From the main re-volt folder, run "ldd rvgl.64". Also, what are the contents of re-volt/lib folder? Inside the lib folder there should be 2 folders lib32 and lib64, but are there any other files? Can you delete all those other files and then try again?
Also how are launch options handled in the new rvgl script? I have like six launchers set up with -dev, -window, -gazzasaicar, combinations thereof etc all of which assume they're running the executable directly.
You can use the 'rvgl' script the same way you used the 'rvgl' executable previously. Meaning all the command lines will work as usual.
Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 19:43
Huki @ 11 Jul 2016, 02:09 AM wrote:Can you paste me the output of this command? From the main re-volt folder, run "ldd rvgl.64".
Also, what are the contents of re-volt/lib folder? Inside the lib folder there should be 2 folders lib32 and lib64, but are there any other files? Can you delete all those other files and then try again?
There were some extras, but after getting rid of them the error only changed to a different one:
Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 21:02
Gotolei @ 11 Jul 2016, 07:43 PM wrote:Also, what are the contents of re-volt/lib folder? Inside the lib folder there should be 2 folders lib32 and lib64, but are there any other files? Can you delete all those other files and then try again?
There were some extras, but after getting rid of them the error only changed to a different one:
Use the
rvgl script, don't run rvgl.64 directly. Running the rvgl script will automatically load any missing libs from re-volt's lib folder, without having to place them in the system path. You can pass any command lines to the rvgl script as usual, like 'rvgl -window' and so on.
The way it works is like this:
- Install all the required dependencies from your package manager (libGL, SDL2 and SDL2_image).
- Then, install as many of the recommended and optional dependencies that are available from the package manager. If some of these deps are not available, the rvgl script will compensate for them.
- Run the setup script.
- Run the RVGL launcher from the applications menu, or ./rvgl from the terminal as usual.
You don't have to manually copy any lib to /usr/lib/.
If the rvgl script finds that a certain lib is not installed, it will symlink that lib from re-volt/lib/lib32 or re-volt/lib/lib64 into the parent re-volt/lib folder, then set the library search path to re-volt/lib. Unfortunately, if re-volt/lib already has some old junk, the script may not overwrite them. That's why you had to delete them manually.
If you run the rvgl script right now, I'm guessing there will be no missing lib errors. But you might still get the CXXABI error. I'll see if I can fix that.
EDIT: Ok, I'm uploading a test build with an updated rvgl.64 and setup script.
- The setup script now deletes old junk from the re-volt/lib folder.
- Attempts to fix the C++ ABI error on older Ubuntu distros.
Posted: 12 Jul 2016, 02:36
Does indeed run without errors now.

Posted: 15 Jul 2016, 14:58
64 bits build for windows please? i expected the official release to contain rvgl 64 for windows too...
Posted: 16 Jul 2016, 01:39
Gotolei @ 12 Jul 2016, 02:36 AM wrote: Does indeed run without errors now.
Great, I've updated the 16.0710 package with the fixed binary and setup script.
abc wrote:64 bits build for windows please? i expected the official release to contain rvgl 64 for windows too...
Not now, but we'll see. I'll have to install mingw on my 64-bit system, prepare all the dlls, ...
It will be done, but don't hold your breath for it.

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 18:20
Works like a charm on my Arch installation. A warm-hearted thank you.
Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 15:28
Huki @ 15 Jul 2016, 09:09 PM wrote: Gotolei @ 12 Jul 2016, 02:36 AM wrote: Does indeed run without errors now.
Great, I've updated the 16.0710 package with the fixed binary and setup script.
abc wrote:64 bits build for windows please? i expected the official release to contain rvgl 64 for windows too...
Not now, but we'll see. I'll have to install mingw on my 64-bit system, prepare all the dlls, ...
It will be done, but don't hold your breath for it.
Decent gameplay build for windows please ? I expected the officiel release to contain rvgl decent gameplay for windows too....
Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 18:02
Dolo @ 21 Aug 2016, 10:58 AM wrote: Decent gameplay build for windows please ? I excepted the officiel release to contain rvgl decent gameplay for windows too....
This has been implementéd since the 1.2 already, cheque kindly the
Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 19:13
It was sarcastic, Marv...
But very interesting to repost this changelog...
Because when I read it and the online gameplay that resulting, I wonder what could serve these all versions, except developping completely useless aspects for network play.
It is even worse because it had the opposite effect, with gameplay degrading over time, and no answer seems to be found because the problem does not seem to be a physical problem, but a problem in the management of connections...
And yet the answer seems to be all found, because what one undergoes in network play in version 1.2 or in rvgl, we did not undergo like that in the 1.1 or of way so so very very limited.
A good version of revolt, it is a version that reveals the lag of some players with poor connections (unstable car with quick appearances and disappearances, flying cars) rather than a smooth version that letting very stable car but do not reflect the exact positions...
With consequences as contacts and impacts and yet still more amplified than ever, an indérisable effect that ruins any fun in racing with high traffic of cars ...
Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 00:41
For those interested, I now have
64-bit build for Windows. I don't have 64-bit Windows on my computer, so I only tested this under Wine. Soon I will be releasing it along with the
Rooftops integration.