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Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 21:40
Well,few of us mentioned this a long time ago,and it would be a great change,but
i guess cause of lack of time or whatever,custom skins never took turn in revolt.
I have a simple idea how to do it.
What if we would all pick and voted out a few best skins for each car,and developer
would simply put that skins that we have chosen in a new upgrade of rvgl or 1.2.
Everyone who would upgrade rvgl would have those skins.
When choosing a car,i was hoping it would be like this,Toyeca,Toyeca skin 1,Toyeca skin 2..and so on.
Its very boring to see the same colors and the same cars all the time,considering most of drivers use
toyeca.This would make it visually very different.
Yes u can change a car color even now, but then all the other cars have that same color,so its the same thing again.
Would this work?What do you think about this idea?
Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 01:14
Nice idea,but unfortunately it's hard to chose a skin that everybody likes....yes,one solution could be to put some skins for every cars,but however i prefer to use my repaints

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 04:02
I was doing a pack of skins of all cars of web pages 's. 75 % already finished.
I think I finish this week.

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 13:17
Since clockwork carnage uses colors it would be cool to make either a color picker or allow skinning directly with transferring, its a 256kb file come on, might be streamable too
instead of relying in custom packs...
Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 19:45
@ Cosmo_Kramer
I'm unsure of what your suggesting.
Are you saying that you would like to see different skins on other players while in a multi player game ?
Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 20:08
Yes exactly!
But im not sure is this the most easy way to do it?
Im opened for all ideas,it would be great to see different skins online
Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 22:14
What also could be good for that is the possibility to choose car skins in the game itself. For example: on car selection screen, you choose Col Moss and after the car comes out of the box you can select the skins for this car with the right and left arrow keys. the skins should be called car, car2, car3 and so on.
Posted: 01 Jul 2016, 00:56
Undoubtedly a great idea,this could be a great jump in forward for re-volt,but when and IF this project will do,we should make a questionary where everybody vote for some skins and the most voted will put in the game.
Posted: 01 Jul 2016, 07:16
If this is even remotely possible, I would think having a collection of skins of your own personal choice. Thet would all have the requested specif file/folder name and be randomly applied. This way there would not need to a vote for a specific standard.
Posted: 01 Jul 2016, 12:50
RV_Passion @ 27 Jun 2016, 01:44 PM wrote: What also could be good for that is the possibility to choose car skins in the game itself. For example: on car selection screen, you choose Col Moss and after the car comes out of the box you can select the skins for this car with the right and left arrow keys. the skins should be called car, car2, car3 and so on.
It's been suggested before. ... topic=2123
As for skin integration, why not. Passion, Strix, Mighty and some more have pulled some stock style skins.
Posted: 01 Jul 2016, 23:45
And ?
Has it fruitioned, is there something in the pipeline ? or is more of a pipe dream ?
Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 19:57
We mentioned to huki this custom skin and name's colors for everyone, but it's not possible or something like this he said.
Posted: 03 Jul 2016, 03:51
Here's an alternative way, although it counts as an extra car:
.Let's say we want Volken to have more than one skin. Create a folder called "volken-2"
.Copy the parameters file from the original Volken into the new folder.
.Place the new skin into either volken or volken-2 folder.
.Modify the TPAGE line in volken-2's parameters.txt accordingly.
.Repeat for each skin.
Here's an old example of mine using this system.
Posted: 03 Jul 2016, 10:29
Kipy @ 2 Jul 2016, 11:27 AM wrote: We mentioned to huki this custom skin and name's colors for everyone, but it's not possible or something like this he said.
When? Where? i dont see it anywhere.
this feature might be dependent on the future ability to automatically exchange tracks and cars
Posted: 03 Jul 2016, 18:58
Just to help me clarify and understand, if a player uses say a custom car that other players don't have, then their car shows up as the ghost car model right ?
And this is to keep data tranfer between players to a minimum right ?
I don't think that what has originally been asked is reasonably feasible.
Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 15:59
Jigebren and I did discuss custom skins some years ago (when he was around). By the time we came to a workable solution I guess we moved on to other priorities. I should dig into my old emails. From what I remember, we were wondering mostly about 2 points:
1) Skins or variants: should we simply allow changing the texture (one car with multiple "skins"), or should we allow changing a wide range of parameters such as speed, handling, class, visuals (like size, positioning of wheels)? The latter, which we called "variants", we found more fitting in Re-Volt (eg, it could give us a nice way to integrate DC cars in the game). On the other hand, "skins" was simpler to implement.
2) The other point was on how we should handle this feature in multiplayer, but I don't remember the details.
I still think about this feature, along with Rooftops integration, but I don't plan to work on any new game features currently. In my short free time I'm rather occupied with technical side of RVGL.
But the suggestions / ideas about game concepts, like this one and the one about custom HUD, are still welcome.

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 16:55
Interesting memory!
1) the former is the best, the second allows cheating unless you can find a way to prevent it somehow.
2) Perhaps about integrating texture sharing?
Nice to hear from you Huki!
[HIDE=PS] 666th post, i hope it DOESNT give bad luck omg[/HIDE]
Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 21:12
Abc @ 5 Jul 2016, 12:25 PM wrote:[HIDE=PS] 666th post, i hope it DOESNT give bad luck omg[/HIDE]
That boat has already sailed.