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Posted: 09 May 2006, 01:08
Hi all!
Today, i wanna talk about the new program RVHouse. Yeah, its pretty fine! I contributed a bit on him. Well, as we remember, people used to connect to spy, so, only the community people (you know, people who we know that connects usually and knows much about rv) knows about the existence of this program.
What im refering for?
If the people that connects get connected on house, the newbyes and the people that dont knows will get in spy, and wont found anyone, and will left the game or something like. As i see some days ago, some people still connecting to spy, and they are alsomt news in revolt. If the new people dont/cant come, how we will make a bigger community? What we need to do? What we should do?
Think fast, becauz is an important question i think.
I thought that we need to still in spy (only have connected) to say the other people that come to house. I do it when i can, but i cant do it forever

Maybe with the help of all the people who races on rv is better than me alone, dont think?
Keep the community online!
See ya guys!
Note: I'm not against RVHouse or GameSpy, of course, its only that migrations aren't too good i think ^.^
Posted: 09 May 2006, 03:52
i agree
adx is right
human being
Posted: 09 May 2006, 04:07
just an idea, i dont know much about web and/or programing, but somebody from us, or somebody who is known by somebody from us, who is skilled in doing such kind of things could make a site, an extremely simple one, and make it to be the first coming up one when anybody types "revolt" or "re-volt" into a search engine. (i heard that this is possible, maybe i am wrong). this site doesnt need to contain any further info, just a few sentences explaining how to come to play online, a one page site. by this way anybody who is interested enough in playing revolt online could have the necessary info to be able to do it.
human being
Posted: 09 May 2006, 05:07
May be RV-House would distribute a banner to the most powerfull Re-Volt sites ...?
Then every body looking for Re-Volt on the net could find this banner and would be redirect to RV-House site.
I think is not a problem for the great designer ADX

Posted: 09 May 2006, 06:50
Yes, we need to let people know where we are and that we are still a strong and actice community.
But the problem is, that it will cost to get specific RV sites noticed.
Check out these links as regard to advertising on search engines.
site submission tips
website submission
Add Me Search submission
Let me ask any of you, if you typed in 'revolt RC racing sim for PC' or any other combination of phrases that you think would bring up Re-Volt, into your chosen search engine, how many results can you find within the first ten pages of your search results that actually corespond to the game you know.
I bet, not many if any.
One way, that is free, would be to search for PC gaming forums and find a relative posting, say racing sims, and do a question addvertisement.
"Do you remember that great game Re-Volt ?" boast about it's graphics, game engine physics and the 1000's of custom tracks and cars created, give the odd link to a specific site or forum, say how great it was playing online and how you came across this new RVHouse prgram that was easier and better than Gamespy.
Advertise without making it an obvious spam.
If one of us posted and another one of us replied, this could show active enthusiasm and may spark renewed interest in others.
This would require an extensive team effort.
Posted: 09 May 2006, 16:07
I think the banner idear is a good one, I would place it on all pages of my site (give an excuse to update it as well) and im sure most would as well.
As to the search engine thing, this is a business in its self and is somthing that would require time and money to work properly, how ever I meet with internet experts on a weekly basis and can tap them up for advice.
There is a few things we can do which is very easy to impliment on our sites to make them search engine frendley and I will post here when I have more time (at work at the moment) but in the mean time we need to list all the keywords that would be used to fine information on revolt.
MM has started with one and I will toss in a few more to get us going and if we all put a few in I can write a headder for our sites which will be picked up by search bots.
revolt RC racing sim for PC
RC Cars
On Line Racing
racing sim
rv house
need for speed (not revolt i know but you can attract others gamers this way)
You get the idea, also how about some banner ideas?? its easy enough to have a few designs in the mix also it can be a way to advertise things like Hills cup and stuff the league do.
For now
Josh - piN
Posted: 09 May 2006, 16:12
Just looking at the banners in your posts ADX did you do that your self? if you did it rocks!! so get designing one for RV house im sure Arto wont mind and I will have a go as well, RTT Pig's is good as well so lets get working.
Posted: 09 May 2006, 16:55
Hi again.
Yes I did these artworks

. I have some others, I was a designer in other webpages and I learnt by myselft.
I can make some banners and make exchanges or something like, make posts in gamming forums, be subscribed free in a websearch engine or something like. I think you apported good ideas. Its now time to take them in practice
If you have more ideas, don't think, just post!
See ya!
Posted: 09 May 2006, 16:58
Some information on banners before we start
SIZE = 468 x 60 pixels
Canvas to be 300 dpi RGB, if using photoshop save as psd before flattening the image to save a jepg
Thats it for now
Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:00
Good, I will take care. Something image or special thing to appear in?
Posted: 09 May 2006, 18:49
I think it will need the revolt logo (Brand recognition) the web address and the rest is up to you dude. make sure you can change the web address (Iwill explain later) as I have had an idea, need to send PM to Arto.
Posted: 09 May 2006, 19:06
You can also join the
Re-Volt Webring
Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:24
Good ideas in this thread... for a small fragmented community, finding the places can be hard.
I added to Re-Volt's wikipedia pages a mention of RV House:
Posted: 09 May 2006, 23:26
OK, the latest.
I have registered (.com has gone!!!) and will set up the URL to point to Arto's site. I pm'd Arto and hes cool with that so when we talk about RV House its a much more simple address to give out and use on our sites / banners etc.
Give it 24 hours to sort its self out and we are in business. Its good for two years.
We need more key words !!!
Posted: 10 May 2006, 02:58
Wow good pIN.
You can register .com or .net sites free?
Great fun!
I will put the .net site in banner, but I will do in a week, because I'm in exams now.
See ya!
Posted: 10 May 2006, 09:45
piN @ May 9 2006, 11:37 AM wrote: revolt RC racing sim for PC
RC Cars
On Line Racing
racing sim
rv house
need for speed (not revolt i know but you can attract others gamers this way)
Some more (and it's good to remember it's technically Re-Volt, don't know if it matters for keywords?):
Re-Volt online
Re-Volt community
Re-Volt downloads
Thanks Josh for registering... I'd prefer .net over .com anyway since RV House is not a commercial service

Posted: 10 May 2006, 16:52
Some others:
car game
re volt
online simulator game
Well, I think there are too much, isn't it?
See ya!

Posted: 10 May 2006, 18:34
Great keep em coming, the .net url witk work by tonight with a bit of luck
Posted: 11 May 2006, 17:15
arto works now, and that's great.
A minor thing Josh... when going through it puts the site inside a frame. Is it possible to disable that somehow and keep it as a normal site? It's a bit annoying because for example you don't get into specific sections as you'd think.
For example:
gives error.
But it's a minor thing, most important is of course an easy to remember URL what we got now. Thanks a bunch!
Posted: 11 May 2006, 17:18
Ok the url is now working so go spread the word. - The new home for ReVolt On Line Racing.
Posted: 11 May 2006, 17:31
Great pIN!

Posted: 11 May 2006, 20:07
hey guys,
its good to see people who care.
i allways missed new players and was a bit disappo seeing almost empty rooms.
i hope your work will help to give more life to the commun.
human being
Posted: 11 May 2006, 21:43
piN works now, and that's great.
A minor thing Josh... when going through it puts the site inside a frame. Is it possible to disable that somehow and keep it as a normal site? It's a bit annoying because for example you don't get into specific sections as you'd think.
For example:
gives error.
But it's a minor thing, most important is of course an easy to remember URL what we got now. Thanks a bunch!
I have spoken with the tech dudes at the hosting company and it is a limitation of there service, its vertiul forwarding or somthing, there is a solution but it will involve taking a basic hosting package and putting a html page which forwards it to your site. Now I dont have a problem sorting that out as its not a lot of money (plus I get more web space to store cars and tracks) so if we think that is the way forward let me know and I will sort it.
Posted: 12 May 2006, 16:51
piN @ May 11 2006, 05:13 PM wrote: I have spoken with the tech dudes at the hosting company and it is a limitation of there service, its vertiul forwarding or somthing, there is a solution but it will involve taking a basic hosting package and putting a html page which forwards it to your site. Now I dont have a problem sorting that out as its not a lot of money (plus I get more web space to store cars and tracks) so if we think that is the way forward let me know and I will sort it.
sounds like too much trouble for a little detail! It's great as it is.
Thanks again.
Posted: 15 May 2006, 01:36
For banner creations there are three possible candidates IMO.
All three have shown their talents and skills in image creations and so should be asked to produce a banner, then we should vote for the best.
Just something to keep the community interactive.

Posted: 15 May 2006, 01:58
I think these are good sugestions, I think that we should be able to produce a script that can rotate which one is used so it should be possable to have more than one. I will look into that and see if thats possable.
Looking forward to seeing whats produced
Josh - piN
Posted: 15 May 2006, 01:59
Great, I'm a candidate
Posted: 15 May 2006, 10:45
So you want me to make a banner, alright, I'm in for it.
I know I'm still a candidate, but here you can see some of my skills on regular art:
(Yup, I mostly draw fantasy stuff and anatomy thingies, but I also do cars and many other stuff.

ps:In case I get chosen, Manmountain, let me know through e-mail again, please.
There's a little chance I'm a bit busy today and will reply too late...

Posted: 15 May 2006, 12:55
Guess Ill get into max and whip something up then...
Looks like competition is too tough though

Posted: 15 May 2006, 13:37
Hold on 468 x 60 pixels? Thats very long and thin, is this at all flexible?
Posted: 15 May 2006, 14:14
I got the info from some site, the std sizes are
728 x 90 - Leaderboard banner ad
468 x 60 Full horizontal banner
234 x 60 Half banner
So I guess a leaderbord style is the one to go for..
Posted: 15 May 2006, 14:58
Where I come from an std is a sexually transmitted disease...
Anyhow, Ive done a quick banner, although its a lot taller than you need...
Ah well Im sure ADX will come up with something nice.

Posted: 15 May 2006, 16:50
Hi guys.
Well, this shound't be a competition; why we don't work all toghether?
Alex, you know about 3DSMAX, can you do some models and render it to make the logo? (Can look like the icon house but in 3D

See ya!
Posted: 15 May 2006, 18:42
piN @ May 14 2006, 09:28 PM wrote:I think these are good sugestions, I think that we should be able to produce a script that can rotate which one is used so it should be possable to have more than one. I will look into that and see if thats possable.
There should be no real competition if Josh can get this script thing organised.
But it's good to see you all having a go.
It will be great if we can get a totally integrated central hub site for everything that is Re-Volt.
A one stop shop!

Posted: 15 May 2006, 19:12
I'm not sure what Pin's talking about is it something like this? ... t--ii.html
I used to have a fading one too...
Posted: 15 May 2006, 21:05
Manmountain, you mean a site like
We can made, and join in a All-In-One community
See ya!
Posted: 15 May 2006, 21:20
Well, here you have a streetstyle RVHouse banner
[shown the low quality one]
If you need I can attach in one zip both the low'n'high quality pics
(And can be edited, because project is saved

See ya!
Posted: 15 May 2006, 21:54
OK, I just wish to give my $0.02 worth.
I like both offerings so far, but....
I like the picture of the house from the Toys in the Hood tracks as in Alex's image, as this is an image all will be familiar with (even Demo players), also the official Re-Volt logo is a must. Not sure about the blue overall colour scheme.
I like the "Chat'N'Play" statement from ADX's image, don't realy need the Re-volt & program parts of the statement. The firey colour scheme looks wrong although warm and inviting.
The font for the RVHouse title doesn't seem quite right in either image.
The colour scheme needs to be one that says Re-Volt to most people, not sure what though
An image of the Toyeca or several stock cars should possibly be included.
That's it for now, sorry if I sound too critical, I know I would never be able to produce anything of the same caliber myself.
Posted: 15 May 2006, 21:59
Killer Wheels
I agree with MM
Anyway, the banner could be better without the little icons. It's just my opinion, it's against nobody !

Posted: 15 May 2006, 22:03
About MM comments:
OK, I will change the thing this night, don't matter about that, remember that its a "beta" image
See ya!
Posted: 15 May 2006, 23:49
I guess I won't be needed.
So I'm getting back to my own stuff,
unless someone wants to see my try at it.

Posted: 15 May 2006, 23:55
I guess I won't be needed.
So I'm getting back to my own stuff,
unless someone wants to see my try at it.
Hey men, all here are needed ^^.
We will work in the same work.
Posted: 16 May 2006, 00:35
Im liking what I see so far I will put my attempt up tonight
The_noik - dude I would like to see your work thus far, this is a open thing and all is welcome the more the better IMHO and from what I have seen of your work over the past year or so it wont dissapoint
The ReVolt logo should go on but ADX 's beta banner is different and V cool
Posted: 16 May 2006, 01:02
Killer Wheels
Sry if nobody understand why i'm laughting !!!! HAHAHA !!!!
Well, I think that whoever which can make a banner is welcome to present his work !
(lolooool "O RLY ?" Whahaha ! hem... sry

Posted: 16 May 2006, 01:22
The "O RLY?" thing comes from another forum,
so I couldn't stop myself from making an av with it...

Posted: 16 May 2006, 02:03
I'm not a candidate, but here is my offering :

Posted: 16 May 2006, 02:32
Great fun!

Well, here is a bit modiffied version

Posted: 16 May 2006, 03:10
Seeing as we are on our second rounds, I've adapted mine again, although I didn't get around to changing the font.

Posted: 16 May 2006, 04:38
What can I say, very impressed! All 3 are very good & excatly what we need.
I think i need to work on mine a bit
I have found two banner scripts that might work and will test them out on my site will post here when sorted.
I'm not a candidate, but here is my offering :
Not much wrong with that at all

looks cool to me, all I would do is get the web site addy in there some place.
If we can get one or two more we are done
Good work all
Posted: 16 May 2006, 05:09
piN @ May 16 2006, 12:08 AM wrote:MM
I'm not a candidate, but here is my offering :
Not much wrong with that at all

looks cool to me, all I would do is get the web site addy in there some place.