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Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 17:00
(I posted a similar thread in RVL, but I'm posting here too and hoping for the best)
So yeah, we've seen this coming for a while - today, when I opened my computer, the motherf*cker gave me two options: either I install Windows 10 now or later tonight (or on another close date).
What about
So, I'm asking you guys for help to disable this nonsense before I end up with some crap I didn't ask for...

Is there any way to just delete the freaking installer or something?
PS: Also, this is a shoutout to the devs to find a compatible version as quickly as possible before the sh*t hits the fan - most members of the community might install this update, and will then end up with a malfunctioning Revolt...

Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 17:37
Not sure how it looks like on your screen (if it's too late for a fix or not), but try to use
Aegis for Windows 7/8.x.
I always install this on new, fresh Win7/8.1 setups.
Besides removing GWX.exe (win10 update element), it also removes all telemetry (spying) updates and hides them from Windows Update.
I've used older version. The one I've linked adds some new stuff (mainly related with IE), so it wasn't tested.
Just in case, I'll be able to send older version too, if you'll need.
P.S. moved topic to off-topic section.
Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 00:24
I don't know what you mean, what has begun? I have Windows 7 and I've never seen any Windows 10 upgrade messages. Maybe because I have Windows Update off.
Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 01:31
Phantom @ 27 Feb 2016, 12:54 PM wrote: Maybe because I have Windows Update off.
That's exactly why, the whole Windows 10 blitzkrieg is caused by a particular Windows update, and will continually bother the user until he/she approves the upgrade or finds a way to permanently remove the update. It's a real nuisance.
Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 03:22
Alphacraft @ 27 Feb 2016, 09:01 PM wrote: That's exactly why, the whole Windows 10 blitzkrieg is caused by a particular Windows update
It actually spans over multiple updates and the nasty thing is that even if you try to hide it once, it will reappear sooner or later in the update list again.
I'm managing the updates myself since this incident so I've compiled a blacklist of update numbers that I'm checking for every time there are new updates available (takes just a couple of seconds).
But since thats not a thing for the common user there are programs that do that for you, like Vaid mentioned (can't say much about them though, I prefer to have more control over my system) and plenty of topics on the subject online if you want to know more about it.
Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 04:01
the first time i see that thing i look carefully and found a hidden button like : "don't ask me againe"
after 3 warning messages asking if i'm realy sure ... now i don't get any new win 10 message
it was more that 1 year ago, so they might disable this for now
Posted: 29 Feb 2016, 08:30
(I can't post in rvl until 2043)
You can deny the offering and all Microsoft tracking by doing this:
Disable GetWindowsX (10 in Roman number (internal codename) via policy in registry:
PS: code doesnt allow "titles" like quote?
Code: Select all
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
You can also manually revert what the "tracking" updates have done:
There's a lot floating on the web about it but i suggest this: Disable DiagTrack service (internal name because display name varies with localization) by running: sc disable diagtrack (on a elevated command prompt if you have the shield thing enabled (a default) )
This is mainly aimed for Windows 7 since it has less tracking than win8 and beyond.
You're safe from GWX but not from tracking if you have enterprise edition, that one is offered via Microsoft Enterprise Channels or Volume Licensing Service Center and since its only used in companies the IT manages upgrades. (that's why its not offered)
You can also disable Windows Update and stop bothering about updates, sometimes they fix but if your computer runs fine you have the option to tell microsoft "leave my computer alone"
The registry tweak
ensures that you will never be offered to upgrade again and still be able to upgrade if you wish to.
The anti tracking measure is optional but encouraged.