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Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 04:12
I'd like to make such a thing with you.
There is quite an influx of new people these days and it would be cool to make it easy for them to enjoy the game and join the forums.
Could other cars be created and used in the game ?
Would other people like to race on my lego tracks? Is there a place to share them?
How can I add more tracks to the game?
Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 19:57
Come on guy's & girl's, let's at least get a collection of FAQ's.
Whether you first came across the game a few month's ago or a few year's ago or even way back within the first year of release (that's me

), I'm sure you all had a question or two that you wanted answered.
My first meagre question's were :
Could other cars be created and used in the game ?
Would other people like to share and race on my lego track's ?
I searched and found 'ReVolt Downloads', the first forum I ever joined, and found a community of like minded people.
So, what was your first question ?
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 11:58
One of my first question on 2000 was how can I play split screen? like in the Dreamcast version, I spent a whole day trying to make it happen with no success obviously, I really wanted to have a showdown with other players!
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 22:26
Hot Violet
Gadzooks! This is a good idea.
My very first question was:
"Where can I legally find the game?"
My second question was:
"Where can I illegally find the game?"
Once I found the game itself, my next thought was about updates/source ports.
Were there any official patches?
Unofficial patches?
After finding some things (different builds of 1.2, WolfR4, RVGL) I ran into compatibility questions:
Are 1.2 and WolfR4 compatible?
Are 1.2 and WolfR4 compatible with RVGL?
And how do I get the music working in the newer versions of the game?
Then, after playing for a while, I wanted to find an 'official' wiki to learn about the games background and world (I'm a sucker for fleshed out game-universes).
Is there a full-on wiki mediated by the active community?
Other queries I had were:
Are there fan-made tracks and cars?
How do I install/uninstall them?
Are there any compatibility issues with engines, updates, frontends, track and cars?
I suppose, once I'm actually good at the game, I'll start to wonder more about if there's any kind of active online multiplayer. Then I'll wonder:
Where do the online multiplayer community congregate (dedicated website, IRC)?
What software do I need to get the game online on a modern system?
Online racing etiquette may be a concern for some newcomers (ie/ me!).
That's all the basic things I can think of at the minute. I'm sure I'll think of more!
EDIT: Grammar 'cos am fail at grammerz.
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 23:11
Can't wait to get home

That's gonna be an awesome FAQ page.
Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 00:55
Hot Violet @ 24 Feb 2016, 05:56 PM wrote: Where do the online multiplayer community congregate (dedicated website, IRC)?
What software do I need to get the game online on a modern system?
Online racing etiquette may be a concern for some newcomers (ie/ me!).
That's gonna be a though one with all the different dev versions floating around.
"This version is better!"
"No, that version is better!"
"But version X has this!
"And version Y has that!"
In all seriousness, I'd like to see this particular topic developed upon - I have no freakin' clue about this, and in all honesty, that's the major stuff keeping me from playing online (that and the weird *ss port opening process, yeesh).
Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 01:21
Check out this topic :
State of Play & Future Endevours , for relevant A's for your FAQ's

detail's supplied by Phantom.

Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 22:17
Thank you so much!
I put most of the questions up here and linked the threads:
I'll expand them later, gotta do some research, too (I'm working on tracks most of the time, I don't know that much about playing online, different versions, etc. heh)