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Posted: 06 Jan 2016, 20:03
Killer Wheels
Hi there !
Just to let you know, I'm currently working on a new exporter for 3ds max.
It already works for w/prm/ncp export with a bunch of features not available using ASE2RV tools.
I will probably release a first version very soon for those who are interested.
Still testing and adding features along the way for now.
Find more infos here :
See ya !
Posted: 07 Jan 2016, 01:27
Nice and interesting, which versiona of 3ds it will be compatible? and what about compatibility with other 3D software?
Posted: 09 Jan 2016, 02:10
You had my curiosity… but now you have my attention.
Posted: 09 Jan 2016, 18:04
Killer Wheels
Hi !
I'm still working on it. I just discovered a new way to reduce geometry to quads so I'm gonna change a few things before releasing the first version.
Also currently adding texture animation
I don't know wich 3ds version will be compatible, but it should work from 3dsmax 7 to the latest one. Testing required here, as I don't have every 3ds versions

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:03
Killer Wheels
Hi there !
I finally did some "refactoring" for the exporter and added a few features.
Texture animations do work great, and it's quite easy to obtain great results in no time !
I just made a small track in a few hours to show what can be achieved very easily !
It's named "Slippery Slope", I let you find out why.
Check it out
here !
C&C welcome of course
Enjoy !
I still need to add UI for a small function related to texture animations, but the exporter should be available very soon now

Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 23:25
Good job, KW!
I have to ask, do you enable to add this track to RVR? (with your site's download link of course)
Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 06:05
Killer Wheels
Kipy @ 21 Jan 2016, 06:55 PM wrote: Good job, KW!
I have to ask, do you enable to add this track to RVR? (with your site's download link of course)
Yes of course, I'm glad you like it !
And thanks for keeping the link to my website, I do appreciate a lot

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 14:43
Added to RVR. Thank you, KW!
Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 23:36
Killer Wheels
Hi !
Back to the original subject of this topic: I finally had enough time to make the exporter available !
You may find it here :
I will translate the page in english very soon, sorry for non french-speaking users.
The exporter isn't fully polished yet, but since I don't have much time I decided to make it available so you may already try it !
There are also a few features I'm planning to add, but for now you should already be able to export anything from 3ds max to Re-Volt.
Some features like the texture animation export is fully working but may require a small tutorial. Don't hesitate to ask if you feel lost.
Also, I may be less reactive on the forum than on the website
edit : translation done

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 22:25
Killer Wheels
Hi again !
New update for the exporter.
Check it out here : (same link)
The page is available in both English and French.
I've added a few features and polished a bit further. Hope you like it !
Also, don't hesitate if you want me to make any tutorial about track creation, as I'm able to record video, it maybe easier for some of you if I go through the entire process of track creation...
I also need to fill the surface properties table on the website, if some of you know the associated skid sound effects used I think it could be useful.
Cya !
Posted: 02 May 2016, 20:43
Killer Wheels
Hi again.
Some of you may have encountered an error when trying to download the exporter, it should now be fixed.
I also made another small update of the exporter. Same page, same link

Posted: 17 Jan 2017, 03:53
Killer Wheels
I'm currently working on a demo track with Skitch2 using the 3ds to RV exporter.
You may see some wip
here !

Posted: 30 Jan 2017, 14:41
Thanks I've always been so interested in track creation and since the blender patch is not available for public I'll learn this one
Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 03:28
Killer Wheels
I hope you'll find it useful !
The exporter just made it to its v1.13 !
There's a bunch of new features, check it out !
Also, I've started to write a more complete documentation
Stay tuned !