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Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 01:12
Hello buds, I have tried my first ever car, I used Blender, then 3ds to Milkshape then to zmodeler to make prm, then I resized it in rv car studio, made parameters with base on bertha ballistics params, made a test red texture and made a hull with jigebren's prm2hul. But it is invisible in game and falls to the void!
Here is my car:!cRJ3EKYT!FLaSaYB2...ZuLTcIFitg3bwVw
Posted: 18 Nov 2015, 05:13
I don't want to have my first car experience ruined! Please!!
Posted: 18 Nov 2015, 06:44
Try it again?
Email jig for the plugin?
Make sure you don't have a "leak" in the prm?
Improper usage?
Posted: 18 Nov 2015, 20:23
I pmed jig but nothing. Anyway who need a plugin that may ruin Blender? I have all the means to otherwise do prms and W files. Using Blender to milkshape to zmodeler 1!
Posted: 18 Nov 2015, 20:39
ay lmao, zmodeler 1 is ancient
Posted: 18 Nov 2015, 20:55
It is the only one that supports prm exporting from most commonly-used modellers. Also it is the only way of exporting prms if you don't have jig's plugin.
Maybe you should show some more respect from other's opinions imho?
Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 08:23
It's understandable: a 99 game: use vc++ 98 for real modding then

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 14:38
Yes that's the matter. XD
Posted: 08 Dec 2015, 02:05
Gustavo6046, I used zmodeler as well, and it's really obsolete and full of bugs. this bug you are talking about was the most annoying for me at the time I started. There is a bug in zmodeler that if you export a car to .prm it becomes transparent (wheels as well), what you have to do is: import it again (from the model you have exported) and export again (don't know why, but it worked for me). after that, the car is gonna really dark in the game, so then you have to use rvshade.exe from rvminis package to set all vertex collors bottom white (search for some tutorials for it). That will do, but your car will lost all of it's vertex shading, so I recomend you to get jigebren's plug-in by talking to him or waiting till the official release (which may take some time). I hope that is the same bug that you are having.
Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 19:04
zorbah @ 7 Dec 2015, 09:35 PM wrote: Gustavo6046, I used zmodeler as well, and it's really obsolete and full of bugs. this bug you are talking about was the most annoying for me at the time I started. There is a bug in zmodeler that if you export a car to .prm it becomes transparent (wheels as well), what you have to do is: import it again (from the model you have exported) and export again (don't know why, but it worked for me). after that, the car is gonna really dark in the game, so then you have to use rvshade.exe from rvminis package to set all vertex collors bottom white (search for some tutorials for it). That will do, but your car will lost all of it's vertex shading, so I recomend you to get jigebren's plug-in by talking to him or waiting till the official release (which may take some time). I hope that is the same bug that you are having.
Umm I tried that.

But the car CLIPS into the void and haz NO wheels!