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Posted: 11 Sep 2015, 16:16
Hello! I am a new user here
So, I want to play with my Friend Online and I couldn't. I searched how to fix it and got "Connect by IP" I never tried that so I looked it up.
This showed up : ... 1227125617 Parts of the menu that I don't have.
This is how it looks to me:
So how do I make those other functions show up?
Note: Please don't suggest alternatives.
Thanks in Advance!

Posted: 11 Sep 2015, 23:42
The picture you found shows the old Multiplayer menu on v1.0 and in your screenshot you have v1.2.
The Menu in v1.2 was modified and Connection Type does not appear now. In this version if your friend wants to be the Host, he has to select the
Start Game option and wait for you in the Waiting Room. You (the guest) will need to enter your friend's external IP Address in the
Host computer option and, provided that your ports and his ports are open, press
Join Game option and your game will connect to his and you will be directed to waiting room.
The ports you have to open are 2300-2400 TCP&UDP and 47624 TCP&UDP.
Make sure both of you have the exact same version of the game and Router Firewall off.
Opening Ports is a tedious thing and you might not be able to do it alone. You can find info about it on the internet or plan a TeamViewer meeting with mmudshark or with me and we can open them for you.
Note: Please don't suggest alternatives.
I've no idea what you meant by that, but you should know that nobody uses the internal multiplayer menu to play online. Unless you want a private multiplayer game, I strongly recommend
this instead.
Posted: 12 Sep 2015, 00:44
Acclaim builds were back in windows 98 days.
DirectX allowed you to play over Modem and Serial connections besides TCP/IP
dont worry about connection type.
host uses start game option
player uses join game in conjunction of host address which is the host's ip. (LAN or internet)
use 1.2 which has all this stuff absolutely sorted.
you and your friend must use same version and have the right ports open.
if you guys are racing online use Gameranger, it will be easier for both of you.
phan: he meant alternatives like hamachi and that. (i think)
Posted: 12 Sep 2015, 19:31
(to Phantom)
Thanks I'll go with Gameranger! But I have a few question before I download.
Are all the ads Safe For Work / Ok material? My friend won't remove them because he just won't
Does GR require Port Fowarding?
Posted: 12 Sep 2015, 23:57
Are all the ads Safe For Work / Ok material?
I have the ads blocked so I'm not entirely sure but last time I checked they were mainly about toothpastes, flavoured drinks and similar stuff.
Does GR require Port Fowarding?
In almost all cases it doesn't. Read the Troubleshooting section of my post about GameRanger to know if you need Port Forwarding.
Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 12:56
Phantom @ 12 Sep 2015, 03:27 PM wrote: Are all the ads Safe For Work / Ok material?
I have the ads blocked so I'm not entirely sure but last time I checked they were mainly about toothpastes, flavoured drinks and similar stuff.
Ads are random Google Ads. They're safe for work.
Posted: 14 Sep 2015, 14:34
Abc @ 14 Sep 2015, 08:26 AM wrote: Phantom @ 12 Sep 2015, 03:27 PM wrote: Are all the ads Safe For Work / Ok material?
I have the ads blocked so I'm not entirely sure but last time I checked they were mainly about toothpastes, flavoured drinks and similar stuff.
Ads are random Google Ads. They're safe for work.