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Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 08:19
Someone has listed Re-Volt on Steam Greenlight. Frankly, I'm rather suspicious of it myself. The "author" claims to be a "mate" of Roy Park's and he was given the go ahead to list this there.
I would write more regarding this but I don't know what to say that everyone hasn't heard a bajillion times already. You be the judge.
Nevermind, it's been removed.
Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 11:00
I can guarantee Nerd3 didn't approve of the use of his video...
Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 11:20
Totally has been kind enough to alert me that there has been much doubt in the community about the legitimacy of this been on GreenLight under an account that is not ours. The main reason for it been posted under a different account is our appalling lack of professionalism which we are very much aware of and have been taking measures to rectify. The mobile market can only sustain a company for so long and given the success of Acclaims revolt in 1999, we decided that it best be posted this time with enhanced graphics and optimization as well as incorporation of our own patches and updates instead of the community updates. Now some of you may be wondering why we did not use the updates created by the community and that is a very good question to ask and simple to answer, given that the community had contributed to updating the game we were grateful but did not feel safe or happy in releasing software for code under our name that we had not produced in house.
- WeGo Interactive

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 13:17
screw these noobs.
lets get them delisted from steam greenlight, they seem "stupid". they have IP but they probably lack PC programming skills.
we need someone here who speaks Korean to talk to them.
UPDATE: its removed.
Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 18:04
So... What just happened? And what does that message from WeGo mean?
Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 18:17
Ciccio @ 18 Aug 2015, 03:34 PM wrote:So... What just happened? And what does that message from WeGo mean?
Someone (let's call 'a troll') wanted to put the game on Steam Greenlight. The message, which Phantom quoted, was posted by someone with a name
"WeGo Interactive". Though, this Steam account is way too suspicious to be legit. (VAC ban, "Demonic stains" as his earlier name, 1 steam friend / Greenlight uploader with ridiculous profile info)
In other words, this was fake, a joke. Case closed.
Topic locked.