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Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 16:57
[Vaid]: Split from "Re-volt 1.2 Update Development Thread". Feel free to suggest a better topic title.
Things we need the most at the moment for next version:
1. Late Joining Sound. So everybody in the race can know when a late joiner enters.
2. Establish car ratings. Adding a way to filter the car ratings that will be used in a race and prevent players from choosing any other rating not established by the Host. When you want to have a race with a specific rating (e.g. Pros only / Rookies only), haven't you found it so disturbing and annoying when late joiners pop up with a car completely the opposite of the rating you chose for your room?
3. Host Migration Management. Add an option in the dashboard to select an user and make him/her the Host, so the Host Migration can be chosen if the current host has to leave and wants to give the power to another user, instead of being random like it is right now.
• Version detector when the host has a different version than yours. When you join a room and the host launches but you have "X" version and he has "Y" version, the game itself should tell you what version is being hosted, to extend the usefulness of the "Wrong version" pop message.
Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 00:44
addition to 2: Slugs filter, no dc cars, dc only, tournament filters, etc (commonly used filters including a stock-only filter (there's a lot of noobs with customs)
also 4.
Dedicated Server support Built-in "RV House" lobby system and lobby mirrors (relay-like servers to ensure less lag) along with the old multiplayer which turns obsolete, same with rvhouse itself. no more external programs to play multiplayer.
maybe include anticheat and some sort of ranked system connected to

Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 15:20
Abc, no one will bother with dedicated servers on the old network code, especially when there are works on multiplayer in RVGL, especially because there is no native linux version and dedicated servers should be hosted on linux machines.
Posted: 28 Jul 2015, 17:17
Maybe it will be nice if you add option to change car in menu. Only way to change it is to quit from game >> join again >> chose car... It will be better for example to do that in menu before next map. Sorry if someone mentioned this already.
[Vaid]: Was suggested at least 5 times. Believe me, it's difficult to come up with *new* suggestions for multiplayer as there are plenty of them already.
Posted: 29 Jul 2015, 14:57
pavlovicnikola86615 @ 28 Jul 2015, 08:47 AM wrote: Maybe it will be nice if you add option to change car in menu. Only way to change it is to quit from game >> join again >> chose car... It will be better for example to do that in menu before next map. Sorry if someone mentioned this already.
It's okay the way it is because allowing such thing will be considered cheating.
}!{enR @ 27 Jul 2015, 06:50 AM wrote: Abc, no one will bother with dedicated servers on the old network code, especially when there are works on multiplayer in RVGL, especially because there is no native linux version and dedicated servers should be hosted on linux machines.
actually it doesnt have to be dedicated server, just a builtin replacement of RVHouse
Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 13:10
Phantom @ 26 Jul 2015, 12:27 PM wrote: 1. Late Joining Sound. So everybody in the race can know when a late joiner enters.
I always know/experience when a late joiner enters, because I get a serious lag what freeze my PC for 3 seconds, whatever that I am host or only a simple racer.
Another thing: most of the time I drive with sound off, so this can't be a good solution and we didn't mention deaf players whos probably want to race (no joke at all, I am serious).
Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 16:41
I just need one more thing to write.This thing it's not actually so much important for future of re-volt etc etc... I am curious is it posible to add option for saving replays of races (not in .avi format or familiar, i mean just in game where we can open some galery and watch that replays that we saved - then record it with fraps or whatever to do) but with full stats showing (last lap, best lap, race result, current lap and that....) or there is some key which turn on stats when we watch replay (on replay we only see "replay" in up right corner i think and nothing else)? This can be usefull for some racers who can't race and record at same time cuz of lag for example
About late joining sound....
Why sound? It could be some text that pop up at top of screen and tell as who actually joined.
Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 19:58
pavlovicnikola86615 @ 31 Jul 2015, 12:11 PM wrote: About late joining sound....
Why sound? It could be some text that pop up at top of screen and tell as who actually joined.
That text will annoy the ingame 'chatbox' and some players as well.
Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 20:41
Still we need some way to know when the peope enter. Either a sound or a little icon picture, or both.
Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 21:39
Kipy @ 31 Jul 2015, 07:28 PM wrote:pavlovicnikola86615 @ 31 Jul 2015, 12:11 PM wrote: About late joining sound....
Why sound? It could be some text that pop up at top of screen and tell as who actually joined.
That text will annoy the ingame 'chatbox' and some players as well.
Why will it annoy someone? All the games do so.
I'd vote for both: message in chat + some sound. Sound may be an audio option.

Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 21:56
Hope that won't make any lag, because late joiners do.
Posted: 01 Aug 2015, 02:01
What about making it like a small notification coming from top without replacing anywhere?
like linux or something
it would read:
These players are joining
maybe put it on the bottom so it doesn't interfere with "waiting for... on race start"
also, since a little long while, spectator mode is causing bandwidth issues...
Posted: 01 Aug 2015, 03:04
How about simply kill the lag and keep everything as it is like now?
Posted: 02 Aug 2015, 20:59
I think they would have already fixed the hangs and lags produced when somebody late joins if they could. There are many kinds of lag they cannot fix.
Any method will do as long as we have a way to know when they enter. As a host I want to manage the players in my room and be warned when somebody enters. Probably a sound would be less intrusive for your screen and it won't bother you since you said you play with sound off.
Posted: 03 Aug 2015, 19:53
Kipy @ 31 Jul 2015, 06:34 PM wrote: How about simply kill the lag and keep everything as it is like now?
You can't simply kill lag as easy as word.
(maybe disabling features helps)
there's a LOT of factors involved in there: Geographic locations, internet bandwidth, ping, etc.
is possible that loading players cause lag because they're synchronizing?
Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 21:56
Phantom @ 26 Jul 2015, 08:27 AM wrote: 2. Establish car ratings. Adding a way to filter the car ratings that will be used in a race and prevent players from choosing any other rating not established by the Host. When you want to have a race with a specific rating (e.g. Pros only / Rookies only), haven't you found it so disturbing and annoying when late joiners pop up with a car completely the opposite of the rating you chose for your room?
German host, spanish guest. No communication. Fundamenting why there should be an option that filters the guests' selection of cars, in case somebody strangely thought it's not necessary.
Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 06:17
Country or region based filters too please!
Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 07:42
Why? Make a reasoned fundamentation.
Posted: 08 Aug 2015, 16:06
Phantom @ 6 Aug 2015, 11:12 PM wrote: Why? Make a reasoned fundamentation.
Lag. Geographic lag specifically.
Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 00:42
Abc @ 8 Aug 2015, 03:36 PM wrote:Phantom @ 6 Aug 2015, 11:12 PM wrote: Why? Make a reasoned fundamentation.
Lag. Geographic lag specifically.
Well, let's imagine how it will work:
Allow only one country: it is useless, all the players should be from the selected country.
Disallow only one country: it is useless, there is not a single country which is far from you, hence many countries causing lag.
(Dis)Allow by continent: better, but generally the same as 1(2).
(Dis)Allow multiple countries: NO, this will take AGES to configure...
(the same probably applies to 1-2 too)
(Dis)Allow multiple continents: well, maybe...
But the main problem is: there is a small amount of RV players in total; it will be even less of them if they will repeatedly be unable to connect to servers...
Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 01:26
We don't have enough online players in general. Filtering people by continent/region would be an overkill.
Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 05:10
Suppose we had more players one day (I'm dreaming with flying cows here), filtering users by country or region isn't the right way to fix the problem.
I've raced with people from the other side of the globe and had less lag than with players from my own country or city. Countries or regions don't determine lag these days. Uneducated people with bad manners who download 5 movies via uTorrent and Skype on while playing online does, and internet service providers offering bad quality services as well. But those could happen on your own neighborhood.
Maybe a better way to fix the problem would be with powerful in-game tools like the ability to kick players and spectators, detecting exactly when they join, being able to disable late joining from an in-game option whenever you wish and being able to manage the host migration. I think those would be enough to have your game under control. Currently we only have the ability to kick players.
Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 05:16
Filter by ping? Problem solved.
Phantom @ 9 Aug 2015, 02:40 AM wrote:Countries or regions don't determine lag these days. Uneducated people with bad manners who download 5 movies via uTorrent and Skype on while playing online does
Not always. I use both, including Steam. Never lag. It mainly depends on your internet connection speed. Don't want to argue about that, just expanding my post.
People who have horrible connection shouldn't play in first place. Sad truth.
Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 07:06
it could be implemented exactly as }!{enR says.
you know IPs are geo-standarized. these are suggestions, it just adding a choice, why everything has to be an enforcement? it's hard to troubleshoot? why dont just include "analytics" tracking self-hosted service built in re-volt?
Yeah, people play gta iv online and complain about being kicked a lot coz slow pc. some people never learn
ps:vaid, Are we making the suggestions forum "obselete"?

(idk, but i think it deserves a dedicated topic, all the hassle about IPs and pings and lags

[Vaid]: Sure thing, I felt this was going off board.
Split all relevant posts starting from Phantom's.
People, remember to post your suggestions in this sub-forum. v1.2 development thread isn't for that.