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Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 19:21
A portmanteau of recap and "PACKage" backwards is born the word "r e k c a p" (well I'm going to call it recap anyway....)
REKCAP is a very simple yet powerful wizard-based tool for Correct packing your track file as well as polishing the current files and get reviews about some of them.
What it can do
- Modify track folder name on the fly (as you press keys, the track folder should be correctly renamed)
- Modify track name on the fly (same, name in inf changes at the same time you press keys)
- Check for Junk files
- Add rain/lightning/skybox on the fly
- get a review about pickups
- get a review about shading, polygons count and bitmaps
- generate mipmaps (bmq and bmr)
- generate a super fancy readme file
- resizing a GFX file and applying it correctly
- compress into ZIP correctly
- get a score about how EFFICIENT is your track (it's not how good, it's how efficient), so called 'reckap score'
download link
View screenshots (showcase)
This topic will be a support topic

If you have any suggestions, problems, bugs reporting about it, please post it here
Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 21:07
The tool looks promising.

If it's stable enough and has high compatibility, I may possibly pin the topic. Can't really test it right now.
Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 03:05
must be run "as administrator" on win 8
"PRM kit" listed twice in track type list (readme generator)
Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 17:26
Thanks !

I've fixed the second issue, but windows 8.... forcing admin powers I just saw it on the laptop and it was pretty weird.
I'll see what I can do.
Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 19:35
The "Files that might not be needed" page look usefull but can be improved...
1) not alowing delete original files in stock track folder
2) add a main tick box to select/deselect all files at the same time
3) but if I wish to keep some files on my track folder but don't need to share it (like glue script) on the Zip ... can you do someting ?

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 03:08
Hello, sorry for delay !

I have received the following suggestions and all of them are easy to implement!
For the 3rd not sure if I understood it correctly, do you mean something like this
+*.bm? #keep bmp, bmq, bmr, bms etc...
where wildcards:
* <-- one or many characters (a*c = ac aac abc acc adc ... aabc acdcdc etc...)
? <-- place of one character (bm? = bmp okay but bmpx is not okay)
and the "-" at the beginning stands for removing and "+" at the beginning stands for keeping
The next version will be up in less than 3 days...
Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 20:39
sebr @ 18 Jul 2015, 03:05 PM wrote: 3) but if I wish to keep some files on my track folder but don't need to share it (like glue script) on the Zip ... can you do someting ?
I mean if I have a rvglue.txt and thumbs.db on the track folder
1) I wish to tell RECKAP don't save rvglue.txt and thumbs.db on the zip
2) I wish to tell RECKAP delete thumbs.db but rvglue.txt must stay on my track folder
this is an exemple ...
Posted: 26 Aug 2015, 22:04
Sorry for delay!
Updated to rev2: Thanks to SebR for his suggestions!
+ You can trigger a global deselect or select
+ You can pick which files are to add
The link is the same in the first reply
Have a nice day!