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Posted: 24 May 2016, 23:05
Today when I tried running RVGL, it didn't start and got the same error message both offline and online.
"Windows found an error while opening RVGL and it stopped" (maybe correct translating)
Reinstall didn't help either.
Posted: 25 May 2016, 04:18
Kipy @ 24 May 2016, 02:35 PM wrote: Today when I tried running RVGL, it didn't start and got the same error message both offline and online.
"Windows found an error while opening RVGL and it stopped" (maybe correct translating)
Reinstall didn't help either.
Open Event Log (if you wish to use classic (ui before vista) logs run regsvr32 els.dll as admin and use global logs from computer managment) It's located in Application log "file"
There you can find more details about your crashes. please open a new topic in the appropiate section.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not Huki but I'm trying to help you

Posted: 25 May 2016, 10:56
I've also been experiencing freezes on race restart (in single player though, everything fine with multiplayer) but it could be that I tried to restart with the TVTIME (or dev for car positioning with f10, by the way it would be gread if we could decide the angle of the car by turning around the camera).
Posted: 25 May 2016, 11:38
Ciccio @ 25 May 2016, 02:26 AM wrote: I've also been experiencing freezes on race restart (in single player though, everything fine with multiplayer) but it could be that I tried to restart with the TVTIME (or dev for car positioning with f10, by the way it would be gread if we could decide the angle of the car by turning around the camera).
Combine F6 and mouse with F10 for angle unless you mean vertical angle.
Posted: 25 May 2016, 13:38
Strange that it worked for a couple of months and now immediately stopped working whatever how much times I reinstall it. And it happened without any sign...
Well in this case RVGL is an unworkable thing in my PC what eating free disk place
Edit: Dunno how or why it works again both offline and online....... why
Posted: 25 May 2016, 21:40
Actually, by moving the camera angle you can change the cars' z-axis and x-axis position, not the y-axis position, so you can't rotate your car to put it --let's say-- upside down. Also I noticed that most of the dev codes I remember (bargarama -to replace Envstill with Robert O'Farrel's face-, slowmedown and speedmeup -to slow down and speed up the game by half the current speed-) don't work, they only play the "cheat code inserted" sound. They were kinda useful, expecially when taking screenshots or testing things.
Posted: 02 Jun 2016, 23:47
Huki i'm doing some tests and i noticed that with rvgl you have lag with vsync off only in nvidia cards.Indeed in my laptop i put vsync off and i've max 300-400 fps and stangely in some tracks like botanical it's stable on 60.While in my desktop pc with an amd i've no problem and fps arrives to 700-800 and no lag.In re-volt setting i put mipmaps on that should help ram but no good results.So are there some setting that i could enable or disable in nvidia control panel to increase fps?
Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 01:31
Since some version i do not remember i began to experience certain FPS throttling during races.
Disable antialias and ansitopic...
Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 17:16

FPS issues in a 1999 game? Are you serious??

What else do you need above 60?
Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 21:21
Actually, above 60 fps the game controls better, menuing is way faster, the tvtime camera is faster and bars in frontend are almost instant. Try set the v-sync of and play the game for a week or so, then try to go back to v-sync on, you will notice a HUGE difference both in controlling the car and in the menus. I actually don't have any problems with the nvidia graphic card, but I have some problems with the intel graphic card: NONE of the screen fade effect works, and there is no blue loading bar in the loading screens. Even though it is faster in a way, it doesn't exactly look nice. No problems on 1.2 though, so it is a RVGL problem (or intel problem with Open-GL).
Posted: 08 Jun 2016, 23:51
Huki, can you add kick/move to spec player command for the next release, because there are some who want to kick or move someone and can not.
Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 12:41
}!{enR @ 3 Jun 2016, 08:46 AM wrote:
FPS issues in a 1999 game? Are you serious??

What else do you need above 60?
Old games always have quirks especially on newer hardware where the original games were meant to be ran on slow pcs
Santiii727 @ 8 Jun 2016, 03:21 PM wrote: Huki, can you add kick/move to spec player command for the next release, because there are some who want to kick or move someone and can not.
Please, Will when the spectator features return? And what about fixing the inability to kick/move spectators? (it's a old bug)
Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 22:57
Are there any plans on packaging RVGL in one of these new snap packages in the future? ... verywhere/
Posted: 18 Jun 2016, 00:46
flatpak could be even cooler (:
EDIT: But I think the SDL guys will need to do something so there's a nice runtime to build against. looking forward to see that happening for sure.
Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 22:56
I wrote a little tutorial for installation on Ubuntu 16.04: ... ntu-16-04/
I've been using Linux for a while now but I am not sure if some things done there are best practice.
If you have more experience than I have, I would love to hear your opinion and some tips on what to improve on the tutorial and script.
EDIT: I just noticed that some libs come with rvgl. Where would I need to move them?
Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 17:23
Any chance of the source so that we can build it ourselves? I'm finding it impossible to get 32bit versions of some of the libraries required to get this to work on Arch Linux.
Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 20:53
Enverex @ 20 Jun 2016, 12:53 PM wrote: Any chance of the source so that we can build it ourselves? I'm finding it impossible to get 32bit versions of some of the libraries required to get this to work on Arch Linux.
I was in the same situation. Let's hope for the best.
Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 03:23
We'll see! That been already discussed, Do a forum search

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 15:11
Yes, why not? I've already planned on providing Debian and Arch packages. With container formats like snap becoming more popular, we should consider those too.
Flatpak sounds like an interesting alternative, thanks for the heads up, urne.
Enverex wrote:Any chance of the source so that we can build it ourselves? I'm finding it impossible to get 32bit versions of some of the libraries required to get this to work on Arch Linux.
RVGL already includes some frequently changing libs like glew and enet. Look inside the
lib folder in the archive. For Arch, you will need to get lib32 version of libsdl2_image from AUR. Only enet and unistring lib32 libs are missing, those are either already included with RVGL or they will be included in the next release.
By the way, the real solution is to wait for a 64-bit native linux build. This is currently at the top of my priority list, as I've discussed in my upcoming
plans for RVGL.
Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 15:36
MarvTheM @ 19 Jun 2016, 10:56 PM wrote: Hey,
I wrote a little tutorial for installation on Ubuntu 16.04: ... ntu-16-04/
I've been using Linux for a while now but I am not sure if some things done there are best practice.
If you have more experience than I have, I would love to hear your opinion and some tips on what to improve on the tutorial and script.
EDIT: I just noticed that some libs come with rvgl. Where would I need to move them?
Hi Marv, I think your tutorial is fine for the time being. We'll look into this again once we have a 64-bit rvgl build for testing.
Yes, some libs are already included with rvgl. You just have to place them in the system lib path: on my 32-bit Ubuntu it is "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/". The location for 32-bit libs on a 64-bit Ubuntu is probably the same. But only do this if the required lib is not available from the package manager.
You'll notice that the libs included with rvgl don't have the root .so link, i.e., there is no, only and so on. This ensures that you don't overwrite the latest version from your package manager: so on Ubuntu 16.04, the root will still point to while the 1.10 lib will be used by RVGL.
Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 00:38
I'm being a bit crazy here and trying to install it on Fedora 24 with an 64-bit AMD processor (don't even know if it's possible to make it work on such a configuration). I get the following error:
Code: Select all
./rvgl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I installed the following package from the Fedora package manager: libunistring.i686
Any obvious ideas to solve the problem? If not, it isn't dramatic, I do have the game on my Windows partition, but I'm just curious to see whether it can work on my Linux.
Thanks in advance!

Posted: 23 Nov 2016, 13:07
Just try to paste the included libraries that are within the rvgl folder where fedora looks for them and you'll be all set btw I've just run rvgl with wineskin on Mac sierra so cool isn't it it took me a while though but it works perfect, getting rid of windows right now thanks Huki we love it, I still need the blender plugin from jig he hasn't answered since last year
Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 23:54
Hi guys.
Can i use RVGL on my windows 10 64bit rig and use KillerWheels export tool to make tracks again?
Posted: 25 Nov 2016, 00:37
Hey, welcome back Skitch2.
Whatever you want, the community will give it to you.

Posted: 25 Nov 2016, 05:01
hehe to be honest I never left

But i am a bit out of the loop. Been making textures and racing a bit but getting the urge to create something new so i hope i can get things going again with Max and the new exporter but am still unsure what version of re-volt to create for i have the standard game patched to 1.10 patch i think so let me know what direction to take and i will have a go.
Posted: 25 Nov 2016, 22:44
Posted: 26 Nov 2016, 01:42
Hey Big Man hope your good budd?

Posted: 13 Mar 2017, 00:35
Hello everyone
I just installed RVGL, but I have a concern for its ...
I do not hear the engine of my vehicle, nor skid and some are power-ups
Where does the problem comes from ?
Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 04:47
Thanks a ton for your work in keeping this gem alive.
Is it possible to have the Linux version check for the profiles dir somewhere in $HOME, too? That would allow to roll the game into a package, managed by the package manager, without having to do handstands with double symlink indirection.
Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 13:15
A package would be quite nice. However, the game assets should be located in $HOME as well so you can still mod things, add tracks and cars.
Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 14:32
Some exclusive modification could be done to the linux version to be able to include a folder in $HOME in addition of the base folders.
In windows this can be extremely useful for limited users
And of course keeping the classic way available. not forced
Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 23:45
I just Installed RVGL on my old netbook, that already could run Re-Volt with no issues whatsoever, and I was surprised to find:
A.- Big ammounts of stuttering in the intro
B.- All 3d objects are black and without any lighting. (i.e. the probe logo shows only the rainbow stream)
So, I came here to be enlightened by the re-volt ancients to help me solve this problem.
Broad Specs of my netbook are: Intel Atom N450 @ 1.66GHz, with Intel 3150 graphics, and 1GB RAM
Greetings and thanks in advance.
MrBlitz a.k.a Don Relampago
Posted: 26 Mar 2017, 00:04
Small priority idea :
When there are 16 players at the beginning of certain circuits, if you are in the last positions the visibility can be really low because of players nicknames.
Could be solved with a toggle to show/hide players names (nice QoL change anyways for ppl who like max visibility)
If not possible could we just change the color of the nicknames with transparent colors?
Posted: 26 Mar 2017, 01:28
MrBlitz @ 25 Mar 2017, 12:15 PM wrote: Broad Specs of my netbook are: Intel Atom N450 @ 1.66GHz, with Intel 3150 graphics, and 1GB RAM
Make sure you're using the latest drivers from, that usually fixes these kind of issues
Posted: 19 Jun 2017, 20:31
New version of RVGL ???
Posted: 19 Jun 2017, 20:53
Black-Revolt001 @ 19 Jun 2017, 12:01 PM wrote: New version of RVGL ???
be Patient given the Shader version is on the active works
Posted: 09 Sep 2017, 18:43
Is there a new version of RVGL ???
Posted: 10 Sep 2017, 17:06
Black-Revolt001 @ 9 Sep 2017, 02:13 PM wrote: Is there a new version of RVGL ???
Not yet.
Posted: 11 Sep 2017, 18:59
Will there be a new RVGL ?
With Huki & jigebren taking time away from RV who is doing any future developments, and what future developments are planned or need doing ? ?
Posted: 11 Sep 2017, 21:06
Manmountain @ 11 Sep 2017, 02:29 PM wrote: @MarvTheM
Will there be a new RVGL ?
With Huki & jigebren taking time away from RV who is doing any future developments, and what future developments are planned or need doing ? ?
At this point I wish I could help with RVGL. I think I know enough about development and RV's internal structures to improve it. I also know one other person who would be more than capable to help out.
From what I heard, these things need the most attention:
- P2P urgently needs to be fixed (some racers can't see others). All lobbies use -nop2p right now
- Spectate a lobby when joining mid-race
- Session settings like selective pick-ups and per-track lap settings, easier accessible options for hosts
- Allow changing cars mid-session (if enabled by host)
- A championship-like scoreboard would make online tournaments easier
- Addidional car classes like Drift, Clockwork, Fun, etc.
- Improve Battle Tag and give it a few more options, perhaps add capture-the-flag mode
- Add individual car sounds, skidmarks and other previously uncustomizable things
- Read track difficulty from .inf
- Additional car classes (as mentioned above)
Gameplay and Engine features
- More dynamic camera (optional and customizable), in-game FOV option
- A simple skin changer
- (Surface sounds (play a ground material specific sound))
Posted: 16 Sep 2017, 18:52
Can you also make an addition so that we can see the first 10 ghost cars in the mode against the clock.
Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 17:07
Personally, I'd like to see ToeIn added back in the game (dunno how much i've asked for it) As far as I know, it's a matter of flipping a 0 to a 1. (and I know the comments i saw from the creators, where people were complaining about it. I'd at least like to see it.)
Other than that, a car paint selector (where paint is designated it's own folder) would be nice. Then it's automatically changed in game by pressing up or down. (Like CAT i believe suggested)
Posted: 25 Sep 2017, 02:46
Seems like good ideas MarvTheM! It's unfortunate the code can't be put on an open-source platform such as Github, it would definitely boost the project and contributors.

Posted: 28 Sep 2017, 19:13
gitlab could be used too....
perhaps RVGL isn't foss after all?
Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 02:14
I'll be releasing an update on the stable branch (the non-shader version) in a day or two. It should address the P2P bug at least. It's a shame that sessions use nop2p right now.. how many players are unable to see others in-game?
Marv wrote:At this point I wish I could help with RVGL. I think I know enough about development and RV's internal structures to improve it. I also know one other person who would be more than capable to help out.
Sure, I could use your help managing the stable branch so I can focus my energy on the shader version. As long as you are comfortable working with private repositories and pure C code, you're welcome aboard. Who is the other guy?
Manmountain wrote:With Huki & jigebren taking time away from RV who is doing any future developments, and what future developments are planned or need doing ? ?
Marv's list already covers gameplay related features that were suggested. Technical wise, I want to work on supporting unicode languages and IPv6, but both are put on the back burner for now. The other thing I have in mind is an automatic installer for RVGL (similar to the v1.2 patch) which could be especially useful for non-technical users.
Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 02:33
how many players are unable to see others in-game?
From what I witnessed it's one to four players in a full lobby. P2P is pretty smooth besides that issue. I tried hosting without nop2p but there always were some people who complained.
As long as you are comfortable working with private repositories and pure C code, you're welcome aboard. Who is the other guy?
Sure, I'll do my best to get into it. The other guy is someone I got to know on the Discord server who's working in gamedev professionally, his nick is bonickhausen.
The other thing I have in mind is an automatic installer for RVGL (similar to the v1.2 patch) which could be especially useful for non-technical users.
This will be very useful, especially for people who fail to open 7z files due to some weird zip programs.
Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 17:46
A new RVL scheduled for 2018?
If so ... Thank you for adding my idea
- See the first 10 ghost cars in time trial mode
- Added knockout race mode
- Battle Mode in Solo Mode
Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 19:27
Posted: 02 Jan 2018, 19:28
I saw that you had released a new version of RVGL 1222.a, but I have not seen any news about it
Posted: 02 Jan 2018, 21:52