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Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 08:21
I haven't seen any noticeable difference between 1.1 and 1.2 online, yet I'd dare to say that playing LAN is way far more reliable than online you won't see any lag whatsoever

PS The very best is all playing in the same computer whit split screen
Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 22:30
revolting @ 22 Feb 2016, 11:51 PM wrote: I haven't seen any noticeable difference between 1.1 and 1.2 online..
You don't even play online... you don't have a word on the topic.
Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 23:22
Phantom @ 23 Feb 2016, 06:00 PM wrote: revolting @ 22 Feb 2016, 11:51 PM wrote: I haven't seen any noticeable difference between 1.1 and 1.2 online..
You don't even play online... you don't have a word on the topic.
Same for Kenny...
Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 23:49
Dolo @ 23 Feb 2016, 07:52 PM wrote:Phantom @ 23 Feb 2016, 06:00 PM wrote: revolting @ 22 Feb 2016, 11:51 PM wrote: I haven't seen any noticeable difference between 1.1 and 1.2 online..
You don't even play online... you don't have a word on the topic.
Same for Kenny...
Stating the difference from your own point of view (which was invalid, by the way, since Revolting doesn't play
LAN or at least enough, let's assume) and asking others/You if there was a difference between two versions (even if Kenny doesn't play) is not the same thing...
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 00:50
Apparently since the "hack" events there been too much speculation and trolling about the game.
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 02:26
Phantom @ 23 Feb 2016, 06:00 PM wrote: revolting @ 22 Feb 2016, 11:51 PM wrote: I haven't seen any noticeable difference between 1.1 and 1.2 online..
You don't even play online... you don't have a word on the topic.
Same for ABC
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 04:13
Abc @ 23 Feb 2016, 04:20 PM wrote: Apparently since the "hack" events there been too much speculation and trolling about the game.
Which "hack" events? The only hack event ever reported was your use of the Joker cheat in RV House and nobody cares about that anymore, people have forgotten about that already Abc.
And nobody is against revolting or anybody, he's a nice guy. But it's embarrassing to read the opinion of offline players or lan players talking about online racing as if they played daily.
Cosmo's post is very sensible, he gets the same impression I get when surfing this forum, all this chat about unimportant stuff makes a vistor of this forum think what the heck are these people doing, especially if you're an online player it's easy to think that. This place is now filled with offline players and their ideals. I understand why online players don't bother in coming to this forum or any other, because when you come and try to talk about the important stuff that are affecting the online community you realize that your posts enter in a big list of ignored ideas and proposals that will never see the light.
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 12:33
Ok let's get to work, in this last version I see that enabling V-sync has a negative impact hence the tearing of the screen gets worse, that's why if the game is not properly running in the computer by itself how could it when running online! my suggestion would be to left v-sync disabled by default since most of the newcomers don't mess with those settings, and it will indeed be reflected in the lag and it'd be an all win for all of us! They will be floored at the game play and never again leave at the middle of the race
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 18:22
Phantom @ 23 Feb 2016, 11:43 PM wrote: This place is now filled with offline players and their ideals. I understand why online players don't bother in coming to this forum or any other, because when you come and try to talk about the important stuff that are affecting the online community you realize that your posts enter in a big list of ignored ideas and proposals that will never see the light.
Of course I can't speak for all "offline players" but I certainly don't have anything against improving multiplayer functionality.
However it doesn't exactly help development when all the "important stuff" you're talking about consists of complaints about how it "feels bad" and that "the old versions are better" instead of actually trying to provide some constructive feedback and being patient until the issues are tackled.
And it certainly doesn't help the credibility of online players when you're dismissing or just simply ignoring valid questions about these issues from "offline players", just because you don't think they're "worthy" of being a part of the discussion (on multiple occasions).
Ultimately it's up to the developers to decide which issues/features to work on and it's no wonder things have slowed down since you've effectively reduced the number of people working on the project to one with your attitude.
Obviously there are exceptions to this like Santiii who has provided excellent descriptive feedback of issues that he encountered, but I have yet to see something like that coming from any of the people that have been complaining about the state of the multiplayer since the late 1.2 alpha development (where it initally started).
But since I have "don't have a word on the topic" I'll just roll with it and ignore any future discussions about it, those really have become pointless anyway.
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 20:15
I do play online sometimes, i rarely play revolt offline if ever play.
the baguette keeps trying to fool us (?)

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 22:30
Kenny @ 24 Feb 2016, 01:52 PM wrote:Phantom @ 23 Feb 2016, 11:43 PM wrote: This place is now filled with offline players and their ideals. I understand why online players don't bother in coming to this forum or any other, because when you come and try to talk about the important stuff that are affecting the online community you realize that your posts enter in a big list of ignored ideas and proposals that will never see the light.
But since I have "don't have a word on the topic" I'll just roll with it and ignore any future discussions about it, those really have become pointless anyway.
Good idea. It's clearly the best thing that you said since i read you.
Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 21:22
If the players are across countries / continents then there is definitely going to be high ping, and high ping may result in slightly inconsistent gameplay. Cases like multiple players getting the star definitely happened in 1.1 too, so Dolo's judgement is total nonsense as usual... This is handled quite well already (cheating is especially prevented in Battle Tag).
RVGL's multiplayer is
client-server, this will further increase the ping between players. That's why it's important to pick a good host. For best experience most of the players in the session, including the host, should be geographically close to each other. This is a standard advice given for any online game. You are blaming the software for network limitations like ping...
Then the question really is not about how to prevent lag but how to handle lagging players. The latest 1.2 and RVGL uses the best possible model for this IMO. We cutoff the gameplay predictions if the ping gets too high, so yes, the positions may be little bit off, but we prevent cars and weapons teleporting and bumping into you - that's precisely the point: we sacrifice accuracy in car positions for more stable and smooth animation.
The game can predict the car position ahead by 200ms, so even if ping between players is 300ms, the car will only be 100ms behind it's actual position.
The gameplay is not affected, only the perceived animations are affected. If you shoot a rocket and it had no effect on the player ahead of you, then that means the player is farther ahead than you see him to be, so in reality your weapon never hit him.
An improvement I can add is to display the "ping delay" in milliseconds next to the player's name (i.e., above the car). This will let you know whether your weapon has lesser chance of hitting the player.
I should also note that only a small subset of online players (like eg, Dolo) keep whining about car collisions, and this subset usually enjoys "timed" races. For me it's understandable that you just want to keep following the race track without obstacles / collisions. Well, why don't we just disable car-car collision for you? Sort of like online time-trial...
I'm quite sure that most other players find the gameplay fun and engaging - collisions and weapons including, and don't take every opportunity to make false comparisons between 1.1 and 1.2a / RVGL that no one can verify...
Kenny @ 24 Feb 2016, 06:22 PM wrote:Ultimately it's up to the developers to decide which issues/features to work on and it's no wonder things have slowed down since you've effectively reduced the number of people working on the project to one with your attitude.
Kenny wrote:Obviously there are exceptions to this like Santiii who has provided excellent descriptive feedback of issues that he encountered, but I have yet to see something like that coming from any of the people that have been complaining about the state of the multiplayer since the late 1.2 alpha development (where it initally started).
Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 22:58
Huki @ 25 Feb 2016, 04:52 PM wrote:<...>
Useless blabla like always... I never saw with the 1.1 hosting a gameplay like you propose with alpha 1.2/RVGL Hosting...
I raced many many races in 1.1 and 1.2. And it's not because you write lines of code that it gives you reason since the beginning.
Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 23:55
Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 06:28 PM wrote:Huki @ 25 Feb 2016, 04:52 PM wrote:<...>
Useless blabla like always... I never saw with the 1.1 hosting a gameplay like you propose with alpha 1.2/RVGL Hosting...
I raced many many races in 1.1 and 1.2. And it's not because you write lines of code that it gives you reason since the beginning.
Maybe a more constructive positive input would serve better ?

Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 00:07
Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 06:28 PM wrote: <...>
I usually don't komment on things like this, but may I ask for a bit more respect / less disrespect? We all should appreciate Huki's work.
Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 00:25
MarvTheM @ 25 Feb 2016, 07:37 PM wrote: Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 06:28 PM wrote: <...>
I usually don't komment on things like this, but may I ask for a bit more respect? We all should appreciate Huki's work.
I keep my respect for that Acclaim has accomplished in 1999...
Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 01:23
Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 07:55 PM wrote: MarvTheM @ 25 Feb 2016, 07:37 PM wrote: Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 06:28 PM wrote: <...>
I usually don't komment on things like this, but may I ask for a bit more respect? We all should appreciate Huki's work.
I keep my respect for that Acclaim has accomplished in 1999...
If it depended on Acclaim alone, Revolt would be dead for ages now.
If it wasn't for the community, you wouldn't even have your beloved RV House to play.
If it wasn't for the community's continuous efforts, there would be no new content produced.
Members like you didn't help the community in any way whatsoever throughout these years, I can guarantee it. So either start giving some constructive criticism or get lost? (to think people have been banned for less obnoxious conduct on this forum lol)
Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 01:39
Huki @ 25 Feb 2016, 04:52 PM wrote:<...>
Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 02:28 PM wrote:Useless blabla like always... I never saw with the 1.1 hosting a gameplay like you propose with alpha 1.2/RVGL Hosting...
I raced many many races in 1.1 and 1.2. And it's not because you write lines of code that it gives you reason since the beginning.
Do your complain have a full stop mr baguette? Huki says truth, i can confirm the game is
improved since Acclaim builds. Face it, Nobody haves money for infinite internet, nobody's perfect and lag is everywhere simply because of geographical issues, the world isnt
that close to each other.
MightyCucumber @ 25 Feb 2016, 04:53 PM wrote:Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 07:55 PM wrote:
I keep my respect for that Acclaim has accomplished in 1999...
If it depended on Acclaim alone, Revolt would be dead for ages now.
If it wasn't for the community, you wouldn't even have your beloved RV House to play.
If it wasn't for the community's continuous efforts, there would be no new content produced.
Members like you didn't help the community in any way whatsoever throughout these years, I can guarantee it. So either start giving some constructive criticism or get lost? (to think people have been banned for less obnoxious conduct on this forum lol)
I agree with him too, One less point for the baguette again!
Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 02:44
MightyCucumber @ 25 Feb 2016, 07:53 PM wrote:Members like you didn't help the community in any way whatsoever throughout these years, I can guarantee it. So either start giving some constructive criticism or get lost? (to think people have been banned for less obnoxious conduct on this forum lol)
Amen. He's been talking out of his arse and insulting almost everyone for far too long - I really am surprised he hasn't been banned yet, or at least given a warning.[/HIDE]
Anyway, how is V-Sync in RVGL since the latest update? The last time I tried it out (which was a while back, I'll admit), there was significant input lag. As revolting said, and if the problem still persists in the most recent update (which I have yet to try), wouldn't it be best to disable it by default for now?
Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 14:44
Huki @ 25 Feb 2016, 04:52 PM wrote: ...
An improvement I can add is to display the "ping delay" in milliseconds next to the player's name (i.e., above the car). This will let you know whether your weapon has lesser chance of hitting the player.
That would be great, been trying to run ping tests but many are reluctant to give their ip :-)
Is there a way to run revolt just as server ? I have a few boxes spread over different ISP's that could fit the job and they could could improve the connections between players.
Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 22:17
Dolo @ 26 Feb 2016, 12:25 AM wrote: MarvTheM @ 25 Feb 2016, 07:37 PM wrote: Dolo @ 25 Feb 2016, 06:28 PM wrote: <...>
I usually don't komment on things like this, but may I ask for a bit more respect? We all should appreciate Huki's work.
I keep my respect for that Acclaim has accomplished in 1999...
I'm sure we all respect what Acclaim has accomplished.. otherwise we won't be spending time playing / working on it.
Nero wrote:Anyway, how is V-Sync in RVGL since the latest update? The last time I tried it out (which was a while back, I'll admit), there was significant input lag. As revolting said, and if the problem still persists in the most recent update (which I have yet to try), wouldn't it be best to disable it by default for now?
This is definitely a driver issue.. can you and revolting give your graphics card info? You will find it in your re-volt.log (in the game's Profiles folder).
But yes, I'll keep it disabled by default from the next release as it's safer that way.
Touriga wrote:Is there a way to run revolt just as server ? I have a few boxes spread over different ISP's that could fit the job and they could could improve the connections between players.
Not yet, but it is planned

Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 22:45
Huki can't something be done to support those graphics cards by default instead of forcing the user to downgrade / upgrade our drivers? Almost everybody has that screen tearing problem and we can't be all modifying our systems just for this game. Touching the drivers is something very delicate. I'm still not sure if I have to install the manufacturer's driver, downgrade to an old version of the driver or upgrade to the newest version of the driver in order to fix my screen lag problem.
On another note, a while ago you mentioned there was another approach to the lag management instead of server-client. I think it was P2P and that this could benefit hosts with slower internet. The current RVGL and v1.2 alpha have the same flaws when it comes to lag. There isn't a race in both versions when we don't see people surprised or frustrated because their electroshocks don't work because the positions of the cars we see are fake. It's certainly not fun and it's true what cosmo said that people drop off from rooms because of that. Isn't the cost of of "stable and smooth animation" a bit to high? When are we going to see P2P sysem approach or any other method that the new network sysem can provide?
Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 00:32
Phantom @ 26 Feb 2016, 10:45 PM wrote:Huki can't something be done to support those graphics cards by default instead of forcing the user to downgrade / upgrade our drivers? Almost everybody has that screen tearing problem and we can't be all modifying our systems just for this game.
The only way to work around a driver issue is to disable the feature causing the trouble (i.e., turning off the water ripples, or turning off v-sync). Nothing else can be done to fix a badly written driver. Btw, it's not just this game, it affects all OpenGL games in general.
But turning vsync off is not a bad solution IMO.
On another note, a while ago you mentioned there was another approach to the lag management instead of server-client. I think it was P2P and that this could benefit hosts with slower internet.
P2P requires each player to open a port. It also complicates the code. In my experiences online with RVGL the gameplay was fine (except for sometimes ineffective weapons, which is normal with players are across the world). P2P will be eventually added as an option, but can't say when.
The current RVGL and v1.2 alpha have the same flaws when it comes to lag. There isn't a race in both versions when we don't see people surprised or frustrated because their electroshocks don't work because the positions of the cars we see are fake. It's certainly not fun and it's true what cosmo said that people drop off from rooms because of that. Isn't the cost of of "stable and smooth animation" a bit to high? When are we going to see P2P sysem approach or any other method that the new network sysem can provide?
Wait, you are confusing "smooth animation" feature with P2P (peer to peer), both are entirely different. v1.2 is already peer-to-peer from the beginning, RVGL is client-server.. I hope you understand the difference.
Both latest v1.2a and RVGL have jigebren's lag management improvements, and "smooth animation" is a small feature that is part of his work. This results in the fake positions. If you want I can provide some test builds that disable this feature.
And next time, please remember to use existing online topics in the bug reports section...
Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 16:20
Huki @ 26 Feb 2016, 04:47 PM wrote: This is definitely a driver issue.. can you and revolting give your graphics card info? You will find it in your re-volt.log (in the game's Profiles folder).
But yes, I'll keep it disabled by default from the next release as it's safer that way.
That's great to hear.
When I have the time, I'll test the latest RVGL out with V-Sync enabled (in-game, not forced through the driver), as I not too long ago upgraded from a GTX 750 Ti to a Radeon R9 380. I used DDU to completely wipe any remnants of the nVidia drivers, and installed the most recent AMD Catalyst drivers (11/2015), since the latest drivers (Radeom Crimson) seem to be a bit finicky because of downclocking.
Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 00:32
OK can anybody tell me which drivers I should be installing? Because I'm not in the mood to put my computer in risk trying one by one just for rvgl. My options are:
The one that came in my manufacturer's cd-rom?
The updated one from my manufacturer's website?
The updated one from Intel's website?
Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 01:34
As a general rule I always install Intel drivers from either Windows itself or Intel's website (usually the latter), because motherboard manufacturers/OEM almost never keep those drivers up-to-date. I've run into problems where OpenGL isn't even part of the driver that comes with Windows, so the safest bet is to grab the .zip driver from Intel's website and use the Device Manager to install it.
EDIT: As for lag problems, I haven't experienced any so I can't help you there I'm afraid. With any driver, YMMV.
Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 22:14
New RVGL build
16.0305a is released.
- Initial support for UTF-8 (for filenames only). (report)
- Disabled v-sync by default.
- Fix fin file exporter to workaround Blender plugin issue. (report)
- Fix spectator mode camera glitch. (report)
- Fix disconnecting in multiplayer when loading takes a long time.
- Display the ping delay of lagging players.
For Linux users: there is an added dependency on
libunistring. Also updated the setup scripts for better localization: now placed the launcher in ~/.local/share/applications rather than ~/Desktop, and the rename script should handle non-English characters.
RVGL Pandora Port: We are also proud to announce our first port to ARM devices. Check out RVGL running on
OpenPandora, an ARM / OpenGLES handheld running Linux. The package is found here and is maintained by
ptitSeb. ... gl_ptitseb
Ports to more ARM devices, including
DragonBox Pyra and
ODROID are planned.
Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 22:57
Great! Racing online now. The ping thing is nice!
[HIDE=Little bug]
This occured on the build before this one, only on nhood1 in splitscreen. Intel HD graphics (i5 4300U).
There's some weird tearing/flickering on the left screen.[/hide]
With the most recent build we get this on Return to Thunder Lane: ... cedaa6.png
Pickups, explosion and everything else with additive rendering seems to be like that.
Posted: 10 Mar 2016, 12:47
This new version does not allow me to put a date on the the "Progress table" neither, like for example the date I actually finish the whole progress table, back in the 2000, what I mean is I'd like to be able to modify the title of the translation of the "Progress table" to something like "Progress table finished on 07 28 2000" yet when I modify the strings the game shows in the title only "Progress table finished on blank" please add compatibility for numbers on titles, I think it would be a nice feature, as it makes the game more customizable in a personal preference
Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 06:22
Personally i don't care about fake positions or item not working etc.
As Huki said the best experience is with a good host, same region, not too much players etc. When there are high ping differences it's normal that things dont work perfectly.
But some versions have a better drive feeling online than others. And there must be something in the netcode that is responsible for this, I supect the lag management to be different and to impact the gameplay.
If you drive online on 1.1 or on beta and you go to the last 1.2 or rvgl online right after, with the same players/same host the drive feeling is a lot heavier, hard to describe but it's a mix of perceived imput lag, small hiccups, your car feels heavy to turn...
I feel like the relation between the online code and the driving feelings is not really tested in these new versions. I don't care about fake positions or other stuff, I would like the lag to be felt visually by the players, and not in the car handling.
Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 14:08
Yohanov @ 11 Mar 2016, 01:52 AM wrote:
If you drive online on 1.1 or on beta and you go to the last 1.2 or rvgl online right after, with the same players/same host the drive feeling is a lot heavier, hard to describe but it's a mix of perceived imput lag, small hiccups, your car feels heavy to turn...
Did all those tests had V-Sync off ? Because input lag, heavy to turn all seem VSYNC on symptoms.
Posted: 16 Mar 2016, 03:06
New RVGL build
16.0315a is released.
I've added an optimization that can significantly reduce the track ncp loading time, especially when the track has lot of instances. The optimization targets the collision gridding computation (when instance ncp polys are fitted into the world ncp).
RVGL now loads some ncp's like that of NHood1 and
Ruddles County in half the time as before. Test results are welcome.
Other than that, there are few fixes for multiplayer and a small improvement in the lag management that should avoid lagging cars seem like they zoom past with high speed.
@Yohanov: your own car's driving has nothing to do with the network code, this is decided locally. If you feel any change in driving you should feel it offline too...
Have you tried turning v-sync off like Touriga suggested?
Posted: 16 Mar 2016, 03:33
lagging cars seem like they zoom past with high speed
It's amazing to see an optimization in ncp loading time. That'll be very good for my upcoming track.
We've had a few races with 5 people. While the cars look more stable at times, there was a lot more teleporting and jumping than before. We'll try more races the following days.
Posted: 16 Mar 2016, 16:53
Is there a way to transport the old savegame from 1.2 to RVGL? I can't get it done,
Posted: 16 Mar 2016, 18:09
kajeuter @ 16 Mar 2016, 01:23 PM wrote:Is there a way to transport the old savegame from 1.2 to RVGL? I can't get it done,
Copy your profile (in "profiles" folder) to RVGL. After that, inside
RVGL\profiles\[$profilename], rename
"[$profilename].ini" to
"profile.ini". This should do it.
Posted: 16 Mar 2016, 18:12
MarvTheM @ 16 Mar 2016, 03:33 AM wrote: lagging cars seem like they zoom past with high speed
Not Bonk, the improvement is for normal cars. There is something else wrong with Bonk and Honk, I don't know what it is.
kajeuter @ 16 Mar 2016, 04:53 PM wrote:Is there a way to transport the old savegame from 1.2 to RVGL? I can't get it done,
Create a profile with the
same name as your 1.2 profile, that will import your 1.2 progress (you can backup your 1.2 progress just in case).
EDIT: Vaid's solution should work too..

(my solution assumes rvgl and 1.2 are installed in the same folder).
Posted: 16 Mar 2016, 18:38
Let's put this in another way. The few guys that actually pay both old and new versions online agree with the fact that lag management and online drive feelings are differents depending on versions.
Depending on how laggy is the online game, some versions have more animations hiccups/frameskip, other give you an heavier/lighter drive feeling, other give you a small imput lag, other(1.1, beta) just feels the same that if you were playing offline no matter what.
I hosted a beta game on GR the other day and I had some feedbacks in the chat like "wow fantastic drive feeling", like it was a miracle and like we found back some "lost" online sensations.
Now if you tell me that the netcode and your work has nothing to do with this, I believe you.
I just don't know where those differences come from then. Yes you can also feel small differences offline between versions but that's not comparable with the things you feel online.
Maybe those small offline differences becomes bigger online, I don't know.
Posted: 17 Mar 2016, 06:25
The differences between versions actually come from network code and how physics is handled..... that's the only explanation i can think of.
EDIT: VSync|FPS is also a cause, Still points to programming bugs/changes.
Posted: 17 Mar 2016, 17:13
No, it's because Yohanov is dodging the question on whether or not he disabled V-Sync.
Posted: 17 Mar 2016, 23:19
I've made a comprehensive update of the
rvgl page. Some elements may appear incorrectly because of the browser cache (at least on Firefox). Press F5 to reload the page and clear the cache.
Posted: 18 Mar 2016, 01:37
Huki @ 17 Mar 2016, 06:49 PM wrote: I've made a comprehensive update of the
rvgl page.
Sweet! Thanks for linking to my site!
Posted: 18 Mar 2016, 20:02
VaiDuX461 @ 16 Mar 2016, 01:39 PM wrote: kajeuter @ 16 Mar 2016, 01:23 PM wrote:Is there a way to transport the old savegame from 1.2 to RVGL? I can't get it done,
Copy your profile (in "profiles" folder) to RVGL. After that, inside
RVGL\profiles\[$profilename], rename
"[$profilename].ini" to
"profile.ini". This should do it.
I tried that, but now my RVGL broke, and I cant get it working again. Even reinstalling or restarting my computer does not work. What did I do wrong?
Posted: 18 Mar 2016, 23:29
kajeuter @ 18 Mar 2016, 04:32 PM wrote:VaiDuX461 @ 16 Mar 2016, 01:39 PM wrote: kajeuter @ 16 Mar 2016, 01:23 PM wrote:Is there a way to transport the old savegame from 1.2 to RVGL? I can't get it done,
Copy your profile (in "profiles" folder) to RVGL. After that, inside
RVGL\profiles\[$profilename], rename
"[$profilename].ini" to
"profile.ini". This should do it.
I tried that, but now my RVGL broke, and I cant get it working again. Even reinstalling or restarting my computer does not work. What did I do wrong?
What do you mean broke? Game doesn't launch? However, this wouldn't make any sense, since you've only modified/added sth in profile folder.
There's one possibility though, try deleting "rvgl.ini" (settings file) inside "profiles" and see if the game runs again.
I've tried my 1.2 to RVGL savegame method myself and I can guarantee you that it DOES work.
No idea what the hell happened to your game, if that was even the main cause in the first place.
Posted: 19 Mar 2016, 01:32
nero @ 17 Mar 2016, 12:43 PM wrote:No, it's because Yohanov is dodging the question on whether or not he disabled V-Sync.
Touriga's question was so stupid that it was useless and no necessary to answer something !
Il est évident que Huki, malgré les connaissances dont il fait usage pour continuer à développer et à "améliorer" ce jeu, ne maitrise pas les effets secondaires indésirables qui apparaissent depuis déjà pas mal de temps notamment en mode online...
Et le fait qu'il ne remarque même pas ces effets indésirables de sa propre expérience en dit long sur le peu de crédibilité à lui accorder à ce sujet. (et ceci est valable pour beaucoup de personnes ici)
[Vaid note]: Remove my edits, I remove your harsh responses in your posts. Keep that in mind from now on.
Don't edit my post !
[Vaid edit] If the post was edited that means there was a perfect reason for it. Read below.
Posted: 19 Mar 2016, 03:13
Dolo @ 18 Mar 2016, 08:02 PM wrote: nero @ 17 Mar 2016, 12:43 PM wrote:No, it's because Yohanov is dodging the question on whether or not he disabled V-Sync.
Touriga's question was so stupid that it was useless and no necessary to answer something !
No, it's a perfectly valid question, as V-Sync has a negative impact on the game, and amplifies input lag. Yohanov still hasn't answered the question.
Posted: 19 Mar 2016, 23:47
You think we play with the v-sync disabled on 1.1 and v-sync enabled on 1.2 or rvgl, then come here to complain.
The differences are noticed with the same settings of game, POINT FINAL !
[Vaid edit]: Removed something completely unnecessary.
Stop to censor my post, Vaid
[Vaid]: Write politely and I won't need to censor your posts. Ignoring will earn you another warn level. Your choice.
Posted: 20 Mar 2016, 02:50
Dolo @ 19 Mar 2016, 06:17 PM wrote: You think we play with the v-sync disabled on 1.1 and v-sync enabled on 1.2 or rvgl, then come here to complain.
No, I am still going to assume that
Yohanov is playing with V-Sync enabled, since he completely dodged the question when he was asked about whether he had it enabled or not; instead repeating the same old, same old rhetoric in response.
[HIDE=Off-Topic]And for you Dolo, I don't care about your opinions, nor what you have to say. I care about the responses those opinions of yours invoke, not what they actually are, since you have not
once brought your point across without insulting someone, throwing the devs under the bus, or acting like an entitled prick.
It's time to stop.[/HIDE]
Posted: 20 Mar 2016, 15:09
nero @ 19 Mar 2016, 10:20 PM wrote:Dolo @ 19 Mar 2016, 06:17 PM wrote: You think we play with the v-sync disabled on 1.1 and v-sync enabled on 1.2 or rvgl, then come here to complain.
No, I am still going to assume that
Yohanov is playing with V-Sync enabled, since he completely dodged the question when he was asked about whether he had it enabled or not; instead repeating the same old, same old rhetoric in response.
[HIDE=Off-Topic]And for you Dolo, I don't care about your opinions, nor what you have to say. I care about the responses those opinions of yours invoke, not what they actually are, since you have not
once brought your point across without insulting someone, throwing the devs under the bus, or acting like an entitled prick.
It's time to stop.[/HIDE]
Mais il est pas possible ce gars, un vrai boulet !
Yohanov compare les deux versions avec la même configuration de jeu, sinon quel intérêt !
Il ne va pas s'amuser à jouer avec le v-sync désactivé sur la 1.1 ou la beta et avec le v-sync activé sur la 1.2 ou rvgl et venir expliquer ici les différences qu'il a remarquées !
Moi, j'ai longtemps joué avec le v-sync activé sur la 1.1 et sur la 1.2 et j'ai toujours remarqué de gros changement au moment de passer de l'une à l'autre version donc ton argument ne tient pas la route.
Après que le v-sync ait des impacts négatifs sur la conduite est un autre débat !
Donc les gars dans ton genre devrait plutôt ne rien dire que venir polluer inutilement la discussion, d'ailleurs merci à touriga d'avoir sabordé le post de Yohanov très intéressant par une question totalement débile.
[HIDE=Bulls.h.i.t English translation using Google Translate:]
But it is not possible this guy, a real ball!
Yohanov compares the two versions with the same configuration set, if any interest!
He will not have fun playing with the v-sync disabled in the 1.1 beta and with v-sync enabled on the 1.2 or rvgl and come here to explain the differences he has noticed!
I have long played with v-sync enabled on the 1.1 and the 1.2 and I always noticed big changes when passing from one to the other so version your argument does not hold .
After the v-sync has a negative impact on the conduct is another matter!
So the guys in your genre should rather say nothing than come unnecessarily pollute the discussion, also thank you for having scuttled the Touriga post Yohanov interesting by a completely stupid question.[/HIDE]
Posted: 20 Mar 2016, 15:37
Dolo @ 20 Mar 2016, 09:39 AM wrote: french non-sense
In case you haven't realized, this is an
English forum. You are expected and
required to speak English, and at a comprehensible level.
Do not act as if you are exempt from that golden rule.[/HIDE]
[Vaid]: Marked as offtopic.
[Nero]: Thank you for clarifying - I wasn't quite sure at this point whether or not it was relevant to this topic.
Posted: 20 Mar 2016, 16:28
[HIDE=Offtopic]Je connais deux trois mots en anglais que j'apprécie particulièrement et que j'emploie très souvent...
Si tu tiens vraiment à ce que je m'exprime en anglais, je peux... jajaja
[Bulls.h.i.t quality English translation using Google Translate]:
I know two three words in English that I like and that I use very often ...
If you really want that I speak English, I can ... jajaja[/HIDE]
[Vaid note]: Since this is an English speaking forum, your posts must be in English. No other languages are allowed, unless there is an included English translation in the same post. Google Translate is accepted, but not recommended.
Keep in mind that from now on, all of your non-English posts will be removed without any warning. However, foreign posts with an included English translation will be still accepted.