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Posted: 28 Aug 2015, 04:52
Having a server binary for rvgl multiplayer would be super useful.
being a dedicated server it will need to include support for downloading tracks, uploading tracks (actually, calling tracks from RVZ so the server downloads it from there and for track download, well: let the client pick between server and rvz

) most importantly it will require voting. (I'm sure that this will revolution re-volt multiplayer even more and allow 24/7 servers, maybe include/add a master server for that matter)
Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 14:38
Bugs should be fixed first. Dedicated server with bugs will be horrible...
Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 21:51
And there won't be dedicated servers 24/7 if the game is so unadvertised like it is now. We're currently dying in the online community. We've had bad times before but we've never had such an era with such small number of active players and no input of new players.
Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 22:24
Phantom @ 29 Aug 2015, 05:21 PM wrote: And there won't be dedicated servers 24/7 if the game is so unadvertised like it is now. We're currently dying in the online community. We've had bad times before but we've never had such an era with this small number of active players and no input of new players.
Zach should replace RVH's download link to the new release, because most of players have to connect slowly because of the older version.
I don't want to start a new war because of RVH and GR.. not my business..
Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 23:56
Kipy @ 29 Aug 2015, 04:54 PM wrote: Zach should replace RVH's download link to the new release, because most of players have to connect slowly because of the older version.
That's not going to magically solve all of the problems Phantom raised. The online community was pretty empty long before the old centralized server went down.
Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 14:07
Phantom @ 29 Aug 2015, 05:21 PM wrote: And there won't be dedicated servers 24/7 if the game is so unadvertised like it is now. We're currently dying in the online community. We've had bad times before but we've never had such an era with this small number of active players and no input of new players.
Yep, alpha 1.2 developpment is one of reasons for what happened...
RVHouse should not have to be the place for alpha testers and noobs (i don't mean "new players")...
Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 15:45
nero @ 29 Aug 2015, 07:26 PM wrote: That's not going to magically solve all of the problems Phantom raised. The online community was pretty empty long before the old centralized server went down.
Not all, but can be easier to joining to this empty community.
Problem is that newbies don't want our help or simply unable to understand that these little things are necessary to play via RVH. Not so hard things they have to set up to make playable their game.
Main problem is that 'old' players don't have time to play because of real life stuff or simply don't want to play this game anymore. That's why RVH is empty (not only that's why, but half of the members disappeared)
Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 16:01
Kipy @ 30 Aug 2015, 10:15 AM wrote: That's why RVH is empty
RVH is empty because it's a nightmare to set up for new users. They shouldn't have to research so much,
just to get a 16 year old game running.
I don't bother with RVH anymore, since I can't be bothered to fix my registry issues. I shouldn't have to.
Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 17:18
nero @ 30 Aug 2015, 11:31 AM wrote: RVH is empty because it's a nightmare to set up for new users. They shouldn't have to research so much, just to get a 16 year old game running.
I don't bother with RVH anymore, since I can't be bothered to fix my registry issues. I shouldn't have to.
As I wrote, they not only don't know how to do it, but they don't accept any help what we want to give them.
I didn't and don't want to force anybody to use RVH. It's their own decision, not mine. But if somebody enter to RVH and want to play RV, he/she should accept others' help to make his/her game workable. It takes 10-30 minutes only if everything is fine.
But if they don't want to do these or simply unable to do (because of various reasons) we write them as an advice that use GR instead of RVH. We can't do more.
Posted: 11 Sep 2015, 02:32
Santii found a few bugs on RVGL alpha 0827 while doing some tests. First, putting yourself as Spectator when a race is about to start and then suddenly going back to the race causes a strange bug with the weapons like shown in
this vid.
Second, he told me about graphics issues happening only on his netbook.
These are screenshots. Look at weapons box, direction arrow and skidmarks.
Third, RVGL still freezes for most people using Vsync Off (practically everybody uses VSync off now because Driving and Steering are a lot better) and for me it is evident that it's more resource hungry because it lags in older computers even with VSync On while v1.2 doesn't. We wonder if this could be improved in a future build.
Posted: 12 Sep 2015, 00:44
Phantom @ 10 Sep 2015, 10:02 PM wrote: ...most people using Vsync Off (practically everybody uses VSync off now because Driving and Steering are a lot better)...
for the record, i run RVGL with Vsync off and i have never had any of the "Freezing" that has been reported.
But i do agree that the steering (i use a Logitech racing wheel) is "different" with Vsync on in the game. Vsync on feels like the game is being held back or slowed down and the collisions and weapons effects are made worse or react different than i expect.
i can't point to a specific example, but i can definitely perceive a difference when in the game.
Posted: 13 Sep 2015, 14:37
SCracer @ 11 Sep 2015, 08:14 PM wrote: ...
i can't point to a specific example, but i can definitely perceive a difference when in the game.
This difference of VSYNC on/off is noticed in every revolt version I've played, not just RVGL.
Just my 5 cents.
After almost a month away guess I finally have some time at home to try this properly.
Huki thanks for all your work.
All the best,
Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 22:10
If the freezes happen only with vsync off, then it's definitely the gfx card that is having trouble with this mode. I don't think it has anything to do with resource usage, it's just that the particular gfx card's drivers are not handling it well. FYI, on my old computer with this
integrated chipset from 2004 I don't get any freezes running rvgl with vsync off. Same with my current PC with an nvidia card from 2008. So our best bet is to tackle the steering problem with vsync on rather than trying to solve the freezes with vsync off...
Touriga wrote:This difference of VSYNC on/off is noticed in every revolt version I've played, not just RVGL.
This is interesting.. what if you guys keep vsync on and play with the keyboard? Do you perceive any difference in that case? It would also be helpful to compare the performance with other games you might have (considering that the differences exist in all versions of re-volt, it shouldn't matter whether the game uses Direct3D or OpenGL).
Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 22:25
Huki @ 18 Sep 2015, 05:40 PM wrote: ...
This is interesting.. what if you guys keep vsync on and play with the keyboard? Do you perceive any difference in that case?
I play mostly with keyboard, driving with VSYNC ON/OFF makes a huge difference.
Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 22:34
Same thing here
Posted: 19 Sep 2015, 00:06
It was mentioned many moons ago that v-sync makes a difference in steering. I can't say about the other controller types: gamepad, wheel and etc., but for keyboard there is.
Higher FPS makes your car reacting faster to key presses, and is much easier to control that way. At least for me.
This also includes faster main menu navigation, especially for those who're "flying" through the options, like me.
If you try playing with 60fps again, you feel like there's a huge input lag (maybe not that huge, but noticeable enough).
Try "zigzagging" on the straight road (hold left, then right and repeat in 1 sec intervals) to see reaction time better.
And this message is from someone who can't tell any differences between "infamous different car physics" in v1.2 alphas.
Posted: 19 Sep 2015, 00:27
C'mon guys ? Do we just play RV ? Smoothness only comes out of a decent frame rate.
Still from 120 fps onward we shouldn't feel many differences.
Posted: 20 Sep 2015, 05:08
Touriga @ 18 Sep 2015, 03:57 PM wrote: C'mon guys ? Do we just play RV ? Smoothness only comes out of a decent frame rate.
Still from 120 fps onward we shouldn't feel many differences.
It's the boring months.
Yeah, Using VSync is better, mind that you're limited to the display: 60hz = 60 fps, 144hz = 144fps (just most displays are 60hz)
Also, vsync off is sometimes considered a cheat because of the increased "handling" (it also means you need faster reaction)
Even if you play faster the game still works at a decent rate unlike emulators or other stuff. (as noted in the high fps topic)
Posted: 20 Sep 2015, 17:06
Abc @ 20 Sep 2015, 12:38 AM wrote: It's the boring months.
Yeah, Using VSync is better, mind that you're limited to the display: 60hz = 60 fps, 144hz = 144fps (just most displays are 60hz)
Also, vsync off is sometimes considered a cheat because of the increased "handling" (it also means you need faster reaction)
Even if you play faster the game still works at a decent rate unlike emulators or other stuff. (as noted in the high fps topic)
Vsync better where ? When is gaming at 60 fps better than higher fps ?
Many games will just suck big with your conclusions...
A cheat ? Probably another of your self made conclusions that you try to state as considerations by others.
NVIDIA and AMD listen to ABC you could have stopped development 10 years ago...
I guess you just play alone...if you even play at all ABC...
I hope that people that read your posts know better than you...
All the best,
PS: IMHO playing with VSYNC on just sux IN ANY GAME.
[Vaid]: V-sync is good if you don't want to see screen tearing. That is all pretty much.
Posted: 20 Sep 2015, 23:26
I'll just add on that I prefer to use v-sync because I don't like my laptop to be a space heater.
Within seconds of me turning off vsync, temps climb and the fan kicks into full force. Turing vsync on lets the system stabilize.
Frankly this is the main reason I use RVGL instead of v1.2 - because vsync doesn't work in wine and it's utter nonsense to have to drag out the cooling pad to play a 15-year-old game.
[hide]And yes I play alone. Internet's horrible, RVH is clunky (also no linux version), I don't want GR's ad-ridden junk anywhere near my system (also, again, no linux version) and if I was stuck with only the stocks I would have bored of this game ages ago.[/hide]
Posted: 21 Sep 2015, 11:19
about vsync off: i couldn't said it better than gotolei. that's also why Adaptative vsync exists it plays nice with hardware and does not heat it at all. (for a weird reason most of games it does vsync on fullscreen but doesnt on windowed)
Curious case of high fps cheat: Voobly had an anticheat for Midtown Madness 2 that consisted in kicking players that had mods (it had a whitelist) and high fps.
for some reason my computer couldnt vsync mm2 and i was getting kicked as soon i got to the in game lobby.
Vsync off also does make some games perfomance worse than they are: input hangs, lag. (this is true in quake engines and half-life)
Everyone plays online and offline at some point.
ps: ty vaid about tearing.
vaid: (i think he hates me) (did it had more? pmpls)
[Vaid]: You just have bad reputation, people hates you for that. Deal with it. Touriga was more aggressive this time around though.
Exactly, it's not something often, guess some people hold grudges.
Posted: 21 Sep 2015, 14:19
Is there going to be an RVGL sub-forum, like the way v1.2 is currently?
I imagine that bug reports and suggestions are incredibly easy to miss when all piled together into this thread and then promptly buried under discussions about vsync and who knows what else.
..and speaking of bug reports,
this track causes rvgl to crash with a segfault.
[Vaid]: Pinned the topic for now, if no one is against.
Posted: 22 Sep 2015, 18:52
Gotolei @ 21 Sep 2015, 02:19 PM wrote:Is there going to be an RVGL sub-forum, like the way v1.2 is currently?
I imagine that bug reports and suggestions are incredibly easy to miss when all piled together into this thread and then promptly buried under discussions about vsync and who knows what else.
I suggest using the current bug reports and suggestions sub-forums for both v1.2 and RVGL. Makes sense considering most 1.2 bug reports and suggestions will apply to RVGL as well. Just be sure to prefix the post title with RVGL, like "RVGL - My bug or suggestion".
..and speaking of bug reports,
this track causes rvgl to crash with a segfault.
Fixed.. it was an already existing bug: some variables related to the SpeedUp object were not initialized with proper values. Depending on the system and the compiler used, it could crash some versions but work fine on others. Now they are properly init.
Posted: 14 Oct 2015, 19:04
Are there any news about RVGL and the FPS problem? Will the next release be completely independent of ports already? Will it finally include a multiplayer championship system and bots in online races? Can we expect something that will totally change the face of our dead community?
Posted: 14 Oct 2015, 19:10
If there was any news, it would be posted...
Posted: 14 Oct 2015, 19:40
I don't blame you but I'm simply asking what just a few of us are really interested to know (yeah, surprisingly there's still some interest in the game, hurrah!).
Sorry if somebody finds it annoying to ask certain things these days or if somebody doesn't mind the horrible frozen state of this forum. I am asking because last times he was online he didn't post about the current state of it or what features are planned for the next release, and since the lack of communication has never been a good thing around here I merely decided to make a post after a lot of consideration.
Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 03:16
Thanks for your attempt to make this forum alive

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 07:06
If you want to do something positive Abc you could try ignoring every single post of mine the same way I will try to ignore every single post of yours. So we can stop with this useless bitching that only leads to post being deleted. Ok?
Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 02:16
Phantom @ 14 Oct 2015, 07:04 PM wrote:Are there any news about RVGL and the FPS problem? Will the next release be completely independent of ports already? Will it finally include a multiplayer championship system and bots in online races? Can we expect something that will totally change the face of our dead community?
About the FPS, we already reached the conclusion that it's a driver-specific issue. Vsync off works perfectly on some cards (like mine) but not on others. Comparing with other OpenGL/D3D games could help. I suggest that you create a new thread where people can post their comparisons / experiences with RVGL and other games under various hardware.
As for the
development, there is no clear roadmap for adding new features. The project itself is only about porting the original game and not do something totally game-changing. My todo's would be:
- Implement lobby support
- Port forwarding (nat-pmp)
- Unicode (utf-8) support
- Texture formats (png / jpg)
- 64-bit native compile
- Shader based OpenGL implementation
- Providing easy to use Linux packages / Windows installer
- Documentation / Tutorials / etc. to encourage more custom content
- Integrating DC and demo content would be nice
And I'd suggest you not to take the current state of inactivity too bad. Remember the most important thing for a game's longevity is its ability to run on available systems. Games die off when they no longer run properly and we're ensuring that Re-Volt is guaranteed to keep running on future hardware. So it's only a matter of time before players come back, or a new generation of people get to try it out.

Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 08:59
*agrees with huki*
Phantom @ 14 Oct 2015, 10:36 PM wrote: If you want to do something positive Abc you could try ignoring every single post of mine the same way I will try to ignore every single post of yours. So we can stop with this useless bitching that only leads to post being deleted. Ok?
Posted: 25 Oct 2015, 09:52
New RVGL build 15.1025a is released.
This release brings
lobby launching support. See the
dedicated thread for more info on how to integrate lobby launchers with RVGL. Taking advantage of this requires changes to RV House and Gameranger, but it can already be tested by manually entering the command lines.
Be sure to continue further discussion about this in the dedicated thread.
I've also added a new command line
-nopause. It's an alternative to the Shift+F9 shortcut in dev mode and this command line works even without dev mode.
GNU/Linux users, there is an important change that affects the
enet library. I recently upgraded my system to Xubuntu 15.04 and the enet lib is upgraded to libenet7 (1.3.13) from the previous libenet2a (1.3.11).
These 2 versions are likely backwards compatible, but unfortunately they are named differently. Anyway, it means that if you are using an Ubuntu 14.04 based distro (such as Linux Mint) or old Debian distros, you would have to manually create a symlink of your to
Posted: 25 Oct 2015, 13:23
Great addition!
Could you please make Shift+F9 non dev rather than just a non-dev command line? (maybe also integrate that into 1.2)
Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 03:32
Amazing to see how much things have changed after I shelved the game for 10 years. I've been playing around with RVGL and noticed some strange framerate hiccups on botanical garden. These hiccups only occur on my machine when vsync is enabled and the framerate counter still reads 60FPS. These framerate hangs only occur on the sections of the track where the skybox is visible (and not in the greenhouse at the beginning) and I have not seen them on any of the other tracks I've tried (nhood1, museum1 and supermarket2.) These framerate hiccups may be affecting vehicle physics/handling but I don't know for sure.
Edit: Both toytanics and both ghost town tracks work fine too. I've run every race with 7 CPU if that helps.
Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 05:02
Same problem that I have!!
What's your video card / GPU driver? Mine is Intel HD Graphics 3000.
According to what Venom says, can anybody provide a modified garden without skybox to test if the problem disappears?
Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 05:28
I've also noticed some occasional framerate drops to 30-40 (vsync, counter at consistent 60) but haven't really taken note of when and where it happened. Guess that's another thing to keep an eye out for..
(HD 4000 here)
Also have the differences in the sound engine been addressed? Not the difference in pitch for customs, but how the point where they start fading out is further away from the source than in v1.2.
Especially noticeable on Toytanic where you can clearly hear other cars humming along on the other layers.
Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 05:46
Phantom @ 3 Nov 2015, 12:32 AM wrote: Same problem that I have!!
What's your video card / GPU driver? Mine is Intel HD Graphics 3000.
Same card. Are you running windows on a macbook too?
edit: would it be difficult to add support for another 4 wheels in the parameters.txt file?
Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 08:00
V3N0M @ 2 Nov 2015, 09:16 PM wrote: Same card. Are you running windows on a macbook too?
Windows 7 here on a normal PC.
Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 14:35
Could this:
How to use wglSwapBuffers?
Swap Interval
Have to do with it ?
Came across them and wondered...
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 00:38
V3N0M @ 3 Nov 2015, 03:32 AM wrote: Amazing to see how much things have changed after I shelved the game for 10 years. I've been playing around with RVGL and noticed some strange framerate hiccups on botanical garden. These hiccups only occur on my machine when vsync is enabled and the framerate counter still reads 60FPS. These framerate hangs only occur on the sections of the track where the skybox is visible (and not in the greenhouse at the beginning) and I have not seen them on any of the other tracks I've tried (nhood1, museum1 and supermarket2.) These framerate hiccups may be affecting vehicle physics/handling but I don't know for sure.
Edit: Both toytanics and both ghost town tracks work fine too. I've run every race with 7 CPU if that helps.
Welcome back, it's always good to see old players make a visit.

Can you tell me the version of RVGL you are running? It is displayed in the lower-left corner of the main menu.
Your problem with stuttering in Garden was first reported by Phantom. Can you confirm whether it happens with Nhood2?
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 08:06
version 15.1025a
I can confirm that there is no slowdown on nhood2. Completed 2 races with 7 cpu.
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 09:33
V3N0M @ 4 Nov 2015, 08:06 AM wrote:version 15.1025a
I can confirm that there is no slowdown on nhood2. Completed 2 races with 7 cpu.
Thanks for the confirmation. I believe the freezes with vsync on is due to the Intel driver's bad handling of a certain opengl feature used in the garden track. This effect (i.e., the water ripples under the dolphin fountain) is used only in this particular track, so it makes sense. Also, the effect rendering is triggered by looking at the direction of the dolphin, quite similar to what you've described.
Can you (and Phantom) try this test build with the ripple effect disabled?
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:15
Huki @ 4 Nov 2015, 01:03 AM wrote: Can you (and Phantom) try this test build with the ripple effect disabled?
Voila! This build seems to fix the screen freezing problem under VSync On. I get no hiccups when testing on Garden this time. I'll test other tracks later.
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 23:17
Intel HD seems to be pretty good at giving troubles, just google INTEL HD 4000 stuttering opengl and you will see how many results.
They are mostly driver related.
Phantom do you use intel drivers or manufacturer drivers ?
Troubles with Opengl on Intel HD
All the best,
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 23:28
For all those with older Nvidia cards it looks liked Nvidia discarded the optimizations for older cards in newer video drivers.
Mmudsharklicious was unable to use RVGL because the stuttering was really bad in his Geforce 9600 GT.
Solution was to install older drivers from ... 24;-7.html
In his case the oldest version solved his troubles.
If you try this solution, properly uninstall all NVIDIA related stuff, reboot and then reinstall.
All the best,
Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 23:29
For legacy NVIDIA cards you must pick your card in their picker, it does install the latest supported version. or yeah, use other websites at your own risk
Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 00:28
Guru3d "other website" ? Tickle me to see if I laugh...
Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 05:25
Touriga @ 4 Nov 2015, 03:58 PM wrote: Guru3d "other website" ? Tickle me to see if I laugh...
Whatever website.
Posted: 07 Nov 2015, 01:04
Ubuntu 14.04 x86:
1) For me localization (russian) desktop folder is:
launcher="$HOME/Рабочий стол/RVGL.desktop"
setup script hardcore:
2) When I try to launch game, it fail's with errors:
can't load model go3.m
can't load model go2.m
can't load model go1.m
can't load model gogo.m
can't load sfx wavs/moto.wav into slot 0
Where I can find this resources?
Posted: 07 Nov 2015, 03:26
@wesdfgs3d: Currently we only provide the patch. You should get the full game from some place else. Hopefully once RVGL development reaches some stability we can pack and distribute the entire game files.
Posted: 07 Nov 2015, 07:55
Huki @ 6 Nov 2015, 06:56 PM wrote: Hopefully once RVGL development reaches some stability we can pack and distribute the entire game files.
Can anybody explain why we would be allowed to do that for RVGL and not for RV1.2? Or in theory we could do it for both but we just haven't done it yet?