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Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 02:23
hi guys,
I found this post to play revolt in windows8 and have 60FPS in fullscreen. ... st=1202630
I tried option 1 and that works
you do have to run the program and install the fix before starting revolt
perhaps a commandline script could be used to start the fix on windows startup but havent tried that.
have a play with it
Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 04:01
devs: option 3 seems interesting to integrate in 1.2 (with a dll version check: 6.2 and 6.3 = win8 and 8.1)
second option looks better because it doesn't require you to install a hassle of package (yes act is heavy) unless you do record with fraps.
Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 01:16
Hi halo.. very nice find, thanks. I've added option 3) in re-volt, no external tool or configuration should be required. Download a test build here:
If the fix is being used, you will find an entry in the revolt.log file.
Let me know if it's now working for Windows 8 users in fullscreen. I'd also like to know if it hasn't caused any new problems for Win7 or previous users (it shouldn't as the fix only applies for win8, but just to be sure).
Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 01:51
Testing in windows 10! Success! just discovered that Win10 build 10051 haves 15 fps (worse than 8)
I would like a confirmation if dll version check has been added, thanks.
Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 03:28
just tested on my Win 8
Everithing looks good, racing is realy smooth
the only strainge thing is that i ony get 59-60 fps with or without v-sinc
(with older build and v-sinc off i could get more than 200 fps with some tracks)
Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 11:50
sebr @ 18 Apr 2015, 06:58 PM wrote: just tested on my Win 8
Everithing looks good, racing is realy smooth
the only strainge thing is that i ony get 59-60 fps with or without v-sinc
(with older build and v-sinc off i could get more than 200 fps with some tracks)
its just the build or your driver settings?
Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 15:25
Abc @ 19 Apr 2015, 07:20 AM wrote: sebr @ 18 Apr 2015, 06:58 PM wrote: just tested on my Win 8
Everithing looks good, racing is realy smooth
the only strainge thing is that i ony get 59-60 fps with or without v-sinc
(with older build and v-sinc off i could get more than 200 fps with some tracks)
its just the build or your driver settings?
it can't be my drivers settings because v-sinc is set to "3d soft settings"
and if you read all my previous post i said that i could get more than 200fps with others revolt builds ...
edit : F*****g integrated intel core i5 graphic card

was set to v-sinc on (who doesn't change anything about revolt before) because the nvidia gpu is in use for revolt but with this new patch intel settings are also used at the same time (i'll become crazy on trying to understend that

Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 00:17
on gaming laptops there's an automatic switch system, just force it to use your NVidia in the graphics selection instead of automatic.
I wonder, does this fix break fraps (or any dx hooker) or not? (curious)
Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 16:17
after nvidia driver update i could force the use of it and now everything looks ok
fraps screen capture work as usual, i didn't tried video recording yet ...
Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 21:24
Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 03:29
I tested this 15.0418 win8 test version. It is much better than it used to, I get 59/60 fps with and without v-sync. Win8 windowed mode without v-sync gives me around 1200fps but in the end the screen is 60fps anyways so who cares.
However, I get a slight feeling that the graphics stutter a little, if you understand what I mean.
If I have the time I might test this under win7 as well to see whats the difference.
But good work huki,
Thanx, and Keep it up
Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 20:14
I tested in windows 10:the fix works but it appears to have a 15 fps limit instead of 25-30 that win8 used (i also tested old versions)
i also noted on last few builds a fps limitation from the game itself: i used to have 800 fps, now i have 200-400 on the same track and hardware, is this something related to consistency?

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 21:39
Abc @ 22 Apr 2015, 02:44 PM wrote: I tested in windows 10:the fix works but it appears to have a 15 fps limit
Is Re-Volt capped to 15 FPS in Windows 10, or is the game struggling for framerate?
Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 22:14
halo_one @ 21 Apr 2015, 10:59 PM wrote: Hi,
I tested this 15.0418 win8 test version. It is much better than it used to, I get 59/60 fps with and without v-sync. Win8 windowed mode without v-sync gives me around 1200fps but in the end the screen is 60fps anyways so who cares.
However, I get a slight feeling that the graphics stutter a little, if you understand what I mean.
If I have the time I might test this under win7 as well to see whats the difference.
But good work huki,
Thanx, and Keep it up
edit : F*****g integrated intel core i5 graphic card

was set to v-sinc on (who doesn't change anything about revolt before) because the nvidia gpu is in use for revolt but with this new patch intel settings are also used at the same time (i'll become crazy on trying to understand that

may be the same issue i had at the beginning ...
Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 19:54
nero @ 22 Apr 2015, 01:09 PM wrote: Abc @ 22 Apr 2015, 02:44 PM wrote: I tested in windows 10:the fix works but it appears to have a 15 fps limit
Is Re-Volt capped to 15 FPS in Windows 10, or is the game struggling for framerate?
it's locked to 15 fps, worse than 8, confirmed 100%, it's also told that steam crashes there (haven't tested that, may be a myth)
i tried build 10051.
its not the graphics because its intel hd and it does perform well: ~70 fps
SebR: i can explain and show you how to fix it if you need/want.
Halo_One: probably you have your graphics setting to: "adaptative vsync" or as sebr had and fixed. (when you can't change such setting is generally because its forcefully set in the driver itself)
ps: shouldn't this thread go to bug report/suggestions forum?
Posted: 26 Apr 2015, 13:53
Works great on Windows 8.1. Barely had 32 FPS before this update, now 60 FPS (with V-Sync on). Game seems noticeably smoother! Good work!