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Posted: 29 Mar 2015, 22:56
Hi everyone!
I`m new member with some practice in lego tracks and I have started to practice with blender in order to make extreme tracks in the future. I`m really glad to see that revolt does not die since its released. Keep working those who improve this awesome game.
So, my first question is this. I`ve done a track with blender and I`ve exported it. I would like to know what I need to run it because I know thats necessary files like .inf or other which I dont know how to create. If there`s anyone who could resolve it I would thank him alot.
Posted: 30 Mar 2015, 18:01
Welcome here, RevoltNoob
Original Title wrote:NEW MEMBER
Hey, no need to shout! We're not deaf...
For your track issue, the simplest way is to copy and rename the .inf from an existing track and edit (with Notepad) the NAME, and set STARTPOS to eg. 0 0 0 in a first time.
Which files have your exported and how did you proceed so far?
Posted: 30 Mar 2015, 23:12
Sorry for that shout
Well, I`ve copyed the .inf file structure and changed the name and StartPos and have set it to 0 0 0
I`ve just changed that so and expected not to run because I know that im doing more things wrong.
At the level directory theres only the Blender File which opens automatically Blender and the track. Also there`s another file called "1stTrack".blend1 and the .inf file with the changes u have said.
I would like to know how to make it run and what I need to do it.
Sorry again I know that I`m noob as my nickname. I have less than a month (in experience terms) since I discovered Re-volt for PC, blender and all the new things this community has done.
Thanks you for the help.
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 02:58
If you expect Re-Volt to launch your "1stTrack.blend" file, all I can say is that you actually picked the right name...
Well, first you have to export / convert to a format that is usable by Re-Volt, that is to say a .W file for the world (the 3D data that you see) and a .NCP file for the collision (the 3D polygons that the cars / objects collides with). The textures that come with the .W file have to be in .BMP format.
To edit the .INF file any Notepad-like will be ok.
To save your texture to BMP any image softwares should do the job (but I can suggest
my Gimp plugin to help you with that task if you're using Gimp).
To export to .W and .NCP you need something like my RV Blender plugin (check
this topic).
When you have the trackname.inf, trackname.w, trackname.ncp, a few tracknamea.bmp, tracknameb.bmp, trackanamec.bmp, etc. textures inside a trackname folder, then you'll be able to try launching it in Re-Volt.
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 22:25
Here I am.
Well I didnt expect to launch my track with those files. Its simply to compare my directory and another one from the game and see that it need more files.
About your plugin for blender I downloaded it a week ago. But there`s something wrong. I can import to blender the Levels with .W but I cant export them. So this is the main issue (I suppose) I have. My version of blender is 2.73a
And this is what`s inside the folder
I`ve added collision, textures, and World from blender but it keeps the same way.
Textures are from game, also from a kit downloaded so they are in BMP format.
So much work for a rookie

Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 22:41
Hmm, I doubt the plugin you're using is actually mine in fact...
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 22:46
RevoltNoob @ 31 Mar 2015, 01:55 PM wrote: About your plugin for blender I downloaded it a week ago. But there`s something wrong. I can import to blender the Levels with .W but I cant export them. So this is the main issue (I suppose) I have. My version of blender is 2.73a
O.o Warez detected !
Maybe it's time to request the proper version dude.... (you have an "illegal" copy of the plugin)

Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 22:54
People doing illegal versions of that

im sorry jigebren
Should I send PM to get ur version¿ or there`s something wrong in it¿
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 23:03
Where did you download that plugin from? I don't think it's an 'illegal' version of Jig's one, I do recall someone else did actually make an RV plugin for blender somewhere...
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 23:14
The Revolt Import-Export plugin for Blender is written by Niklas Hassdal. If you've got any suggestions or are willing to help
me improve the addon, please contact me at
this is from the Readme.txt in the Zip
And this is the Web where I found it
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 23:33
This alternative blender plugin
was posted on the forum here some time ago and is unfortunately pretty much abandoned ever since (funny that no one seems to remember this

Posted: 01 Apr 2015, 01:33
RevoltNoob @ 31 Mar 2015, 06:24 PM wrote:People doing illegal versions of that

im sorry jigebren
Should I send PM to get ur version¿ or there`s something wrong in it¿
Don't worry, just another example of Abc's usual perfect relevance here.
There's nothing illegal in this plugin, it's just not the one I wrote, that's all. You can actually PM me your email to try mine if you feel like.
Posted: 01 Apr 2015, 02:14
jigebren @ 31 Mar 2015, 05:03 PM wrote: RevoltNoob @ 31 Mar 2015, 06:24 PM wrote:People doing illegal versions of that

im sorry jigebren
Should I send PM to get ur version¿ or there`s something wrong in it¿
Don't worry, just another example of Abc's usual perfect relevance here.
There's nothing illegal in this plugin, it's just not the one I wrote, that's all. You can actually PM me your email to try mine if you feel like.
Sorry !!