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Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 21:36
*Lightbulb over head*
I was just racin' around in RV and I thought of a pretty good idea. I don't know if it's possible. (but I don't see why not). There's LOTS of tracks out there that are gravel, snow, sand or whatever looking. Yet, some of those tracks (namely the older ones) have only tarmac surface properties. Could it be possible to put an option in the game (like when you pause the game) For a surface property override which lets you choose between the different types of surface properties?
*Wondering about an age old question*
Also, For the guys with access to the RV Source... maybe you can help me with a few things. (I've sent Huki a message like a week ago or so, and still no response)
For the cars:
What (even though it may be unnoticeable really) is the fuctions of "ToeIn" For the wheels, "SteerMod" in handling related stuff, in the car parameters.
These 2 for YEARS have been HUGE unknowns of their functions.
Also, "Restitution", I know when adjusted to 0 or 1, the car begins to bounce a bit. (0 and 1 are the bounds), however, could restitution possibly be used (within the bounds) to affect the handling of a car in a way that matters?
Any insights on all these matters?
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 01:04
gel_lr34 @ 20 Mar 2015, 05:06 PM wrote:Could it be possible to put an option in the game (like when you pause the game) for a surface property override which lets you choose between the different types of surface properties?
As far as I'm concerned such a feature is unlikely to make its way as an option into the game. Too hacky... And an overall material override sounds a bit pointless (you really want grass on the wall?

It you want to add specific material, edit the NCP file directly. With the Blender addon it just a few clicks away...
For the rest of the post, don't mix a suggestion and questions. Post them in the main v1.2 forum.
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 02:15
gel_lr34 @ 20 Mar 2015, 05:06 PM wrote: Could it be possible to put an option in the game (like when you pause the game) For a surface property override which lets you choose between the different types of surface properties?
If you really mean that all surfaces of one type would be changed to another in the entire level then I don't really see the sense in it.
On the other hand being able to let the game decide the surface properties just according to texture won't be possible either since the visual data is independent from the collision data.
Probably the easiest way to do what you want is what jigebren suggested, modify the surface properties with an external program.
[hide=@questions]Unless they changed it for 1.2, "ToeIn" would always be defaulted to zero, no matter what you set the value to.
As for "SteerMod", its loaded by the game but it doesn't seem to be used for anything relevant so no effect here either (again, unless they changed it for 1.2).
(also in case you missed it ->
useless AI parameters)[/hide]
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 14:09
This is what I mean:
There's tracks where EVERYTHING is pavement. Even snow is pavement. (Take a lot of RickyD's tracks for example).
An option to make THAT TRACK have surface properties when you race it for that single time would be great. Thus the surface properties are created in game for a temporary amount of time. When you're done with that track, it resets. Sort of a buffer if you will. I for one, on certain tracks, wouldn't mind if the walls had properties... you don't race on the walls anyway.
So, if you want the track to have say, snow properties... you can have the option to make it that. If you want it sand... etc...
However, the wise thing would be to pinpoint polygons which have only default (or pavement) surface properties)
That's what i'm sayin, dunno how I can get any clearer
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 16:27
So you do mean switching out all surface properties of one kind with another.
As I said, I don't see much sense in it, here's why:
1) It would only be convenient to use for tracks that have one or two different surface properties in the level and even there only the dirt/grass/snow tracks would "benefit" of this feature.
So all in all it would only be useful for a small part of custom tracks (unless you want to play around with different surface properties for any level but thats not really the point of your suggestion).
2) You would have to change it every time you load the level, it would be much more convenient to either have it permanently changed or just done properly in the first place by manually assigning the desired surfaces in the level and updating the track.
I know the latter would require a lot of time/work but its the perfect solution to this "problem".
3) Imo its much less authentic if you drive in a track where surfaces with wooden/asphalt textures would behave like dirt/grass/snow surfaces than the other way around.
And that would be the case for most of the tracks that we are talking about since most of them contain at least a short piece of non dirt/grass/snow sections.
However perhaps it would be a useful feature for jigebrens blender plugin (assuming there isn't already a way to select/modify all surfaces of a certain type, I never really looked into it).
It would still leave the problem of unauthentic surfaces but in case of tracks where most of the surfaces would need to be changed to a certain type it would definitely be helpful.
Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 19:54
I see your point but I still see things in the way that if it's the track that's broken then fix the track. If the track maker has drawn snow surfaces, then these surfaces definitively have to use the snow material, instead of trying to fix at runtime something than can easily be fixed once and for all.
Kenny wrote:However perhaps it would be a useful feature for jigebrens blender plugin (assuming there isn't already a way to select/modify all surfaces of a certain type, I never really looked into it).
1. In Blender, import the NCP, press [TAB] for Edit mode, press [A] to deselect all faces.
2. In the RV Panel: "Faces Selection / Materials: DEFAULT", press "Select".
3. Change "DEFAULT" to eg. "ICE1", press "Apply".
4. Export the NCP.
So, actually possible already, and really just a few clicks away...