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Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 09:00
I would like to point that the current readme misses a lot of old builds, where on older builds readme some builds that are not in the main one are listed there.
Also why not make two readmes? one with docs and the other with changelog, in that way it will be simpler for the people who just want the docs (isn't annoying to have to scroll down a lot to just find the docs?)
What you guys think?
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 18:43
Abc @ 27 Feb 2015, 04:30 AM wrote:Also why not make two readmes? one with docs and the other with changelog, in that way it will be simpler for the people who just want the docs (isn't annoying to have to scroll down a lot to just find the docs?)
I kind of agree with that one...
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 19:23
I agree with both, having a complete list of changes may help to determine a start point of some existing and future issues, don't even know why they were removed...
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 05:26
}!{enR @ 27 Feb 2015, 10:53 AM wrote: I agree with both, having a complete list of changes may help to determine a start point of some existing and future issues, don't even know why they was removed...
Some "minor" versions were removed, merely tests (?)
it's a hassle to check old versions readme to just discover an specific version changes that didnt show in the main changelog
edit: damnit i've typed this way too fast

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 19:18
Which builds are missing, specifically?
I agree the changelog and documentation can do as separate files. How about v1.2_changelog.txt and v1.2_doc.txt?
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 19:59
v1.2 change logs mention builds which you can download from official patch website (except old ones of course).
I don't think it is really necessary to show test builds which you can only download from this forum. Also, these builds mostly have small changes. It would just make text file larger by having not really useful info. Test build features are usually implemented to later alpha builds anyway, If they are not, why mention a feature which only exists in one build then? Especially for version which is even MORE unstable than alpha.
Abc @ 28 Feb 2015, 01:56 AM wrote:Some "minor" versions were removed, merely tests (?)
[List of v1.2 test builds I have collected from various ORP topics] I think I'm missing one, let me know if you found any others.
None of them were ever mentioned inside v1.2 change log. I have no idea what exact builds you call "minor".
[Edit]: Alpha 11.0417 doesn't really have anything "interesting" to mention, so I can understand why it was removed. Alpha 11.0331 features were mentioned in Alpha 11.0416 on newer readme if you haven't noticed.
Huki @ 28 Feb 2015, 03:48 PM wrote:How about v1.2_changelog.txt and v1.2_doc.txt?
Sounds good to me.
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 22:52
Huki @ 28 Feb 2015, 10:48 AM wrote: Which builds are missing, specifically?
I agree the changelog and documentation can do as separate files. How about v1.2_changelog.txt and v1.2_doc.txt?
Compare old readmes with new ones, some build's changelogs are missing. I think these are
minor ones
This is what i meant:
11.0525 readme wrote:
Alpha 11.0418:
New Features|
- More stable Late Joining support.
- Race starting position is randomized at every race (1.2 only).
Alpha 11.0417:
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed a lot of inconsistencies, glitches and crashes introduced in the previous
- "Unofficial beta releases" / Nightly Builds are now tagged as Alpha builds, which
can prevent a lot of confusion.
Alpha 11.0416:
New Features|
- Added Late Joining support (1.2 only).
- Kick player support (can kick players running older versions too). In Waiting Room,
use arrow keys to select the player and ctrl + K command to kick the player. When
in-game, press TAB button to show the Player List pop-up menu, where you can kick
players the same way.
- Enabled trailer camera for multiplayer. Hide HUD when waiting for all players ready.
Keypress Conflict Prevention: When chat is on, all keyboard keys are locked out for
---------------------------- car controls. There are 10 exception keys which are
never locked out: the arrow keys, home, end, pgup, pgdn, left and right ctrl. Joystick
and other controllers are always free even when chat is on.
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed all kinds of out-of-sync countdowns and bad starts. Out-of-sync player will
not be able to start, and will keep trying to get in sync with host's race timers.
When sync is successful, he gets a GO sign.
- Players who have quit are removed from the session more efficiently.
- More efficient management of available bandwidth.
Alpha 11.0331:
New Features|
- Increased packets per second (data rate) to 60, misc. latency improvements.
Sending more data per sec. can crash old versions, so this feature is available
only in 1.2-Only games.
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed possible freeze when sending more data per sec (Vista / 7).
- Included d3drm.dll file to make Track Editor usable in Vista / 7.
Alpha 11.0328:
Current Readme (15.0131) wrote:
Alpha 11.0418
Mod [Multi]
- Race start positions are randomized every race.
- More stable Late Joining support.
Alpha 11.0416
Add [General]
- Includes necessary updates for Track Editor.
- Late joining support.
- Kick player in Waiting Room (Up/Dn to select player, then Ctrl + K).
- In-game Dashboard, accessible anytime with TAB key.
Mod [Input]
- Improved key conflict prevention added in previous releases.
- Increased data rate to 12 packets per sec (from previous 6).
- More efficient management of available bandwidth.
- Enabled trailer camera (previously available for singleplayer only).
- Hide HUD till countdown starts.
Fix [Multi]
- Avoids out-of-sync countdowns and late starts by blocking bad
players until they are able to sync with the host.
Alpha 11.0328