Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 02:42
Hi all,
I was wondering whether it may be a productive project to give some older track's a bit of up to date tweaking and TLC.
I know that the production of new track's is not as prolific as it once was, and we all can think of at least one track, that if updated, could be a whole lot better and renewed as if it were a new release.
We all personally enjoy a certain specific older track that is our 'go to' track when ever we race offline.
What if we use what we know to make these and other track's beter (more enjoyable) and up to date ?
I'm not talking of redesigning or altering the basic track layout, theme or racing route, but am suggesting of tweaking AI Nodes, Track Zones, Trigger's (Directional, Cam & Split's), Object's and Viziboxing, then think of the simple addition's/changes using the new RV1.2 command's.
AI Nodes : We all know of several track's where the AI suck's, this is due to poor AI Node placement and assignment and sometime's Track Zone error's.
Track Zone's : poorly laid Zones can result in AI error's and red 'X' out of bound's error's when you clearly weren't.
Trigger's : some track's have missing or poorly position Trigger's, whether they are directional, cam, object or split times.
Object's : Object's included pickup's, and how often have you thought that there wasn't enough pickup's or that the one's available were in the wrong place's for either yourself or the AI ? Or the miss use of graphical object's that could be omitted or altered.
Viziboxing : How many track'a could be possibly enhanced by some simply well placed viziboxes ?
We could even think of slight GFX editing.
Then there's the addition of custom sky map's, sound's and object's via the RV1.2 enhancement's.
I would not suggest we change a track and upload or re-release as a new version, but rather make a small zip file of the tweaked/enhanced file's and store them on a specific web page (I could host them myself).
It would be a team/community effort, with a possibility of more than one person working on the same thing, duplicate enhancements would assessed and possibly merged before an agreed interpretation was released.
There could be a small list of suggested track's to work on first, before a new list was undertaken.
We would set ourselves and agreed cut off/ release date to keep thing's moving at a steady pace.
I would be interested on all your thought's, if you feel this may have been mentioned before then please explain why it never took off as a project and what should be put in place to ensure it would.
Would you be interested, have you got a track in mind that would suit this kind of project ?
Let me know, thank's for all positive input.

I was wondering whether it may be a productive project to give some older track's a bit of up to date tweaking and TLC.
I know that the production of new track's is not as prolific as it once was, and we all can think of at least one track, that if updated, could be a whole lot better and renewed as if it were a new release.
We all personally enjoy a certain specific older track that is our 'go to' track when ever we race offline.
What if we use what we know to make these and other track's beter (more enjoyable) and up to date ?
I'm not talking of redesigning or altering the basic track layout, theme or racing route, but am suggesting of tweaking AI Nodes, Track Zones, Trigger's (Directional, Cam & Split's), Object's and Viziboxing, then think of the simple addition's/changes using the new RV1.2 command's.
AI Nodes : We all know of several track's where the AI suck's, this is due to poor AI Node placement and assignment and sometime's Track Zone error's.
Track Zone's : poorly laid Zones can result in AI error's and red 'X' out of bound's error's when you clearly weren't.
Trigger's : some track's have missing or poorly position Trigger's, whether they are directional, cam, object or split times.
Object's : Object's included pickup's, and how often have you thought that there wasn't enough pickup's or that the one's available were in the wrong place's for either yourself or the AI ? Or the miss use of graphical object's that could be omitted or altered.
Viziboxing : How many track'a could be possibly enhanced by some simply well placed viziboxes ?
We could even think of slight GFX editing.
Then there's the addition of custom sky map's, sound's and object's via the RV1.2 enhancement's.
I would not suggest we change a track and upload or re-release as a new version, but rather make a small zip file of the tweaked/enhanced file's and store them on a specific web page (I could host them myself).
It would be a team/community effort, with a possibility of more than one person working on the same thing, duplicate enhancements would assessed and possibly merged before an agreed interpretation was released.
There could be a small list of suggested track's to work on first, before a new list was undertaken.
We would set ourselves and agreed cut off/ release date to keep thing's moving at a steady pace.
I would be interested on all your thought's, if you feel this may have been mentioned before then please explain why it never took off as a project and what should be put in place to ensure it would.
Would you be interested, have you got a track in mind that would suit this kind of project ?
Let me know, thank's for all positive input.