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Posted: 08 Apr 2006, 13:25
Hi everyone,
I hope someone still reads this forum. I just dug out my copy of Re-Volt. Since I played it obsessively years ago, I've gotten a Logitech MOMO Force, the red model. Re-Volt does not recognize the pedals as buttons when I try to set up the controller.
Re-Volt does recognize the controller, and the wheel does cause the steering to move. It is really mushy to drive, however, and I need to use a button for accellerator and brake instead of using the pedals.
Can anyone tell me how to get this working?
Thanks in advance,
Posted: 08 Apr 2006, 19:10
Hi and Welcome to Our Revolt Pub,
So, in the controller settings, there is no option to set a brake pedel in the configure controller ?
I do know that there is a key/value for brake in the registry settings for Revolt.
As to the mushy steering, I can only suggest that you try and change the steering deadzone and steering range values, to see if that makes it sharper. It may be just the car that your not use to, some of the cars I find are really terrible to handle.
I don't use a wheel so I'm unsure as to an exact solution, sorry. But there are some wheels and joypads that have force feedback, that don't set up correctly with Revolt.

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 13:09
Thank you for your help!
I don't know how to modify the registry settings for Re-Volt. Is there a guide somewhere?
Also, I've noticed that when doing a Championship, even though I win the race, I geta failed to qualify message.
I am running Windows XP with the 1207 Re-Volt patch. Does this bug sound familiar? Years ago I completed all the championships, but I think that was on Windows 98SE.
Thanks again,
Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 15:41
Hey Jr, I have the same wheel (the best off all) than you without any problem !!!
First, you have to assign the control in revolt (option/controller/config controles)
You can ajust too your controler settings.
Mine : dead zone 0%, sensibility 55%
Then in Logiteck Profiler :
option/global parameters of game controler
Activate ... checked
combinated pedals checked
Wheel properties in revolt profile
throttle and brake pedals properties in revolt profile
At last, before each race turn side by side to the max your wheel to initialize settings
On Windows XP put Revolt.exe in Win98 compatibility