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Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 20:37
Jigebren, hold on a minute. This forum looks dead, indeed, but I can try draw the attention of RVL people to this topic. RVL is way more active these days.
Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 21:44
jigebren @ Mar 30 2014, 03:10 AM wrote: This forum looks plain dead, this community is either dead as well, or just not willing to help; in both cases I have no reason to care any more.
Depends on what you are referring to when you say its dead.
If you mean this particular thread/issue with multiplayer testing then that might be the case.
That would also be somewhat understandable since the majority of people who play multiplayer rather want the most stable build to play with than constantly testing new things that might be more or less buggy than before.
A suggestion from my side would be to gather together some people that are only devoted to testing these new experimental multiplayer builds and to keep these builds out of public until some issues are fixed for sure.
If you mean general activity then what else would you expect besides bug submitting and suggestions for new/improved features?
Because as far as I'm concerned there is not really much else to do here and if you look around there are
plenty of suggestions and bug reports posted in this forum, most of them never even got an answer so no wonder it got to a point where people stopped posting stuff.
Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 23:16
Please don't give up Jigebren. Sure, this forum was once more active but that doesn't mean that there are no more people here in the community who are willing to support you. So it's not, there are Here! It needs only the right communication and methods.
Posted: 31 Mar 2014, 02:33
RV_Passion @ Mar 30 2014, 06:46 PM wrote:Please don't give up Jigebren....
There are still people testing each new version. Your work is appreciated so please don't stop doing it.
Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 05:34
Kenny wrote:That would also be somewhat understandable since the majority of people who play multiplayer rather want the most stable build to play with than constantly testing new things that might be more or less buggy than before.
If I'm not mistaken, the issues in online racing were reported to be a major annoyance, and this thread was an attempt to fix that. If online players don't feel concerned by this thread - which is therefore not just about "testing new stuff" - then, either there was in fact no issue, or I'm missing something...
Kenny wrote:if you look around there are plenty of suggestions and bug reports posted in this forum, most of them never even got an answer
Everyone is free to answer them, that's what a forum is about. Unless of course you're implying that Huki or I have enough time to answer each post??? We can either do it or work on the code, but we definitely can't do both. That's where the community had/has a role to play. Everyone can discuss about it, and then we can pick ideas that sound actually interesting, or pick a bug that is confirmed to be widespread when is is also well described and documented.
Oh, and just as a note, if we exclude all the pointless or redundant suggestions as well as the ill-defined or unreproducible bugs, what remains is mostly the major works that we may not have had the motivation to start working on so far (or Win 7/8 bugs that I just can't work on myself).
As a conclusion, this one
from RV-Live was worth it:
kajeuter wrote:He cant expect everyone to look at ORP constantly. I think he doesnt realize that all the new topics are posted on RVL and not on ORP.
Well, I agree that someone does not appear to realize something, but I'm not sure I am the one that has to feel concerned. Anyway, if I still had doubt about it, this kind of comment strengthens my conviction that I was definitively wasting my time.
Thanks CW, RV_M & mmud for the supportive messages though, I appreciate.
Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 14:16
jigebren @ Apr 4 2014, 01:04 AM wrote: Everyone is free to answer them, that's what a forum is about. Unless of course you're implying that Huki or I have enough time to answer each post??? We can either do it or work on the code, but we definitely can't do both. That's where the community had/has a role to play. Everyone can discuss about it, and then we can pick ideas that sound actually interesting, or pick a bug that is confirmed to be widespread when is is also well described and documented.
Yes, everyone is free to answer any posted suggestions and discuss them (and if you look around it has been done plenty of times) but my point is that we can only do this to a certain degree.
Because unless it is implemented or discarded at some point there is not much to talk about (assuming its a serious and doable suggestion).
Once it is implemented or there is a reason not to implement it, people can discuss it again in greater detail or suggest alternative solutions or point out eventual bugs it has caused.
I'm not saying that you have to consider to implement every posted suggestion nor am I implying that you have to answer each one. But a few answers here and there, perhaps even with some inside information wouldn't hurt the activity on the forum

Or perhaps hire some mods to cleanup some parts of the forum, to deal with all the pointless and redundant posts and to stay in touch with the community.
With that being said, this is all only my impression of the situation and not a general opinion. Of course we are glad when certain things are being worked on or fixed in the game but we never forced you to work on a specific feature.
As far as I'm concerned I rather like to see any development at all whenever you feel like it than a permanently dead project.
And I'm sure many people (me included) would be sad to see you leave.
Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 22:08
On est obligé de parler en anglais, donc forcément ça soule de poster ici...
Pour en revenir au sujet, tout le monde en a surtout marre de devoir changer de version toutes les semaines...
On est pas alpha testeur à ce que je sache...
Fallait ptete penser à créer une équipe composée de joueurs sélectionnés et triés sur le volet qui connaissent parfaitement le jeu avant de commencer cette grande aventure qu'est le développement d'une version nouvelle de revolt...
En théorie, seules les versions stables et donc censées être reconnues et acceptées par la supposée team d'alpha-testeurs devraient être utilisées par la communauté...
Au lieu de ça, vous faites du rafistolage sur des versions alphas qui sont complètement dénaturées et qui ont subi tant de modifications...
C'est dommage que certains "puristes" se soient réveillés un peu trop tard pour vous signaler ces fameux changements de gameplay...
Aujourd'hui on est dans une spirale négative, où ceux qui devraient s'acheter des lunettes ne veulent rien savoir et continuer à jouer sur des alphas "buggées" et les autres qui se battent pour rétablir le gameplay original mais sans réel succès...
Donc en gros beaucoup de ras le bol d'un coté comme de l'autre, mais ça malheureusement vous l'avez un peu cherché...
Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 23:43
I don't know why the inactivity of this forum has anything to do with this thread, but since it was mentioned I have to say that the only reason why this forum looks dead is because all the requests made by people in the last months were either ignored or people got tired of posting the same things again and again without getting an official answer (specially the important suggestions like multi-player championships, individual car skins, etc).
Like Kenny said, most of us don't have the authority or knowledge enough to tell the others if their suggestions can be implemented or not, we can and we did answer the issues we can solve, or help other guys in their problems, personally I love doing so. But I don't feel myself with the right to tell if other people's suggestions can be introduced or not.
Nowadays most people are surely just waiting until the old requests are implemented, or until the issues like the one in this thread are solved.
Apart from bug-hunting and suggestions about Re-Volt 1.2 or the Blender plugin, this forum has been inactive since way longer than a year, so that doesn't surprise me. I am sure Kaj didn't say what he said with bad intention, he only expressed a true fact. RVL is more active than this forum and people normally don't look at this forum unless they have a really bad problem that can only be solved by a Re-Volt developer (personally I have a few done in this right section and I'm still waiting patiently for an answer from Huki).
I see this forum like the new Re-Volt Developers forum that ADX had planned in 2006. Apart from the developing stuff that goes in this forum, the rest of the RV activity flows in other places. The reasons why some people here have decided not to move to Revolt Live or not to merge both forums into one are unknown by me and by 99% of the people here, and personally I don't have interest to get into that. The decisions are personal afterall.
And last but not least, this community is not dead (yet), ReVoltRace is active, Revolt Live is active, RV House is active, Re-Volt Zone is shomehow active. As long as there are a few car/track makers doing their stuff and online players racing, I don't see why we should consider to kill something that isn't dead yet. And like mmud said, there are still people willing to test each new version and give feedback to improve the game. I do it and I will keep doing it for this game, which is the only one I play anyway.
Posted: 07 Apr 2014, 13:18
The only thing keeping the community alive in recent years were the frequent 1.2 patches (that were stable and which everyone used the latest version). New users these days will just nope the hell out of RV House for good because the version war is too confusing for them, let alone their potential router problems.
I still don't understand why this forum still exists. If Huki and Jig moved their 1.2 and Jig's Blender wizardry to RVL, they would probably get more responses and this forum wouldn't be needed anymore.
Posted: 09 Apr 2014, 22:11
Phantom @ Apr 4 2014, 07:13 PM wrote: I am sure Kaj didn't say what he said with bad intention, he only expressed a true fact.
This. And there is no way that I would just insult you like that Jige, im only stating something whats actually true. Besides, im not a person that insults without a reason.
Nero wrote:I still don't understand why this forum still exists. If Huki and Jig moved their 1.2 and Jig's Blender wizardry to RVL, they would probably get more responses and this forum wouldn't be needed anymore.
I fully agree with this.
Posted: 12 Apr 2014, 02:20
Although I know that Kaj had no intention to insult anyone, I can see why Jigebren thinks, that
we should be the ones, trying to find
his attention, and not the other way around.
After all, he's doing the super-quality work he does, and it's the least we can do, that we post our ideas, suggestions where we know he will find it (practically.. here), and that we don't expect him to check all the forums for them.
Cheers, Jig!
By the way, I totally agree with the idea of merging ORP and RVL!
Posted: 12 Apr 2014, 14:24
nero @ Apr 7 2014, 08:48 AM wrote: The only thing keeping the community alive in recent years were the frequent 1.2 patches (that were stable and which everyone used the latest version). New users these days will just nope the hell out of RV House for good because the version war is too confusing for them, let alone their potential router problems.
I still don't understand why this forum still exists. If Huki and Jig moved their 1.2 and Jig's Blender wizardry to RVL, they would probably get more responses and this forum wouldn't be needed anymore.
ORP is a hundred times more enjoyable than Revolt Live... And it doesn't smell noobs here...
Posted: 12 Apr 2014, 16:59
Dolo @ Apr 12 2014, 08:54 AM wrote: ORP is a hundred times more enjoyable than Revolt Live... And it doesn't smell noobs here...
You keep on living in your own little fantasy world, then.
Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 17:13
Dolo @ Apr 12 2014, 09:54 AM wrote: ORP is a hundred times more enjoyable than Revolt Live... And it doesn't smell noobs here...
It doesn't smell noobs here......It doesnt smell anything here....... Because besides the 1.2 thingy, this forum is dead. So yes, you actually smell dead bodys and rotten brats.