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Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 11:16
Is porting revolt to android and Mac really a suggestion or it's actually in progress?

Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 11:24
revolting @ 22 Feb 2015, 02:46 AM wrote: Is porting revolt to android and Mac really a suggestion or it's actually in progress?
It has been done by marv btw (on old version hehe)
^ that wasnt really native tho
expect rvgl on "all" platforms in native format
Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 12:11
Is porting revolt to android and Mac really a suggestion
Sure, why not? You can suggest whatever you want
it's actually in progress?
As to that, I think the answer is no. The main target OS's for RVGL are Windows and Linux. Fortunately, OS X already makes full use of OpenGL, and there are many, many open-source OpenGL games running on OS X, SuperTuxKart being the first that comes to my mind. Once the Linux port is done, it should be cake to compile for OS X as well if one knows how to do it (I certainly don't

Android...that's a different story. It's completely possible to make a port if the RVGL code is available, but there are more roadblocks here than making an OS X port. Android thrives on Java code, and AFAIK from my brief stint trying to modify an Android port of Tux Racer the Android development environment requires the use of wrappers to use C++ code, which will make performance suffer. Furthermore, Android doesn't support the full OpenGL API, but rather a subset, OpenGL ES. I'm guessing that the move to OGL ES would be quite simple for someone with experience, but otherwise there're OGL->OGL ES wrappers as well. As I've seen from running the Tux Racer port on a 2012 Nexus 7 tablet, performance is far lower than it should be for such a simple game.
Rambling aside, it is possible to port RVGL to lots of different platforms, if one has the knowledge to do so. AFAIK, though, there aren't any immediate plans to make RV available on anything other than Windows and Linux, though I have a feeling that's going to change in a few years' or even months' time.
Posted: 09 May 2015, 23:29
Could someone clarify if ReVolt can yet be played on a Tablet or Mobile Phone ?
As I would like to get my grandson away from basic kill and destroy games he currently want's to play.
Posted: 10 May 2015, 01:43
Manmountain @ 9 May 2015, 02:59 PM wrote: Could someone clarify if ReVolt can yet be played on a Tablet or Mobile Phone ?
As I would like to get my grandson away from basic kill and destroy games he currently want's to play.
There's Re-Volt Classic and Re-Volt 2 and Re-Volt 2 Multiplayer (revolt2 is a freemium, classic is paid)
Compiling rvgl for mac should be as easy as pie: get a mac, xcode, xcode cli, and bam, go drink some coffee

(or install hackintosh)
Posted: 11 May 2015, 00:05
I'm unsure but, did you actually answer my question ?
If it help's the wife let's the grandson on her Window's Surface.
Posted: 11 May 2015, 07:30
I don't think there is, because RV doesn't have support for touchscreen controls. As for mobiles, there doesn't exist a version for Windows based devices, only android and iOS which are the versions from WeGo as mentioned above.
Posted: 11 May 2015, 11:31
MM: I did answer your question, maybe I wasn't clear enough, sorry.
There's no Windows Phone app neither a ARM Windows app or a Immersive app for windows 8 about re-volt
Just the released consoles by acclaim, pc acclaim, 1.2, and rvgl, all windows except the latter adds Linux.
RV does support touchscreens on the mobile versions

Posted: 20 May 2015, 01:36
If it help's the wife let's the grandson on her Window's Surface.
Unless it's one of the Windows RT models, there's nothing stopping you from installing the regular desktop version of re-volt and hooking up a controller