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Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 14:26
As hyperthreading and multiprocessor machines are coming increasingly more common, I think trying to get this problem solved is important for RV...
I don't know if anyone has looked into what's causing this. I haven't had much time to dig into it, but every now and then I've tried searching some info.
So what this thread is for, is to collect some information, and maybe some of the information gives someone a hint how to go forward. Hopefully down the line this produces a way to fix it.
For now, my hunch is its a timer related problem, specifically this one: ... -us;327809
Please contribute if you know anything...
The next step, I think, would be to check if Re-Volt calls those Windows API calls which would be promising indicator this is the problem.
Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 18:28
Microsoft - Help and Support wrote: RESOLUTION
To resolve this issue, contact the manufacturer of the program that does not run correctly to determine whether there is an update available to address this issue..
Hmm ? I don't think that is a real option, is it ?
But yes, I too would like to see a solution or work around to this problem, at least for the lap/race timings for ReVolt.
Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 19:22
Manmountain @ Apr 7 2006, 01:58 PM wrote: Microsoft - Help and Support wrote: RESOLUTION
To resolve this issue, contact the manufacturer of the program that does not run correctly to determine whether there is an update available to address this issue..
Hmm ? I don't think that is a real option, is it ?
Yes, I'd say it's safe to assume that if this bug is going to be fixed it will be by the community... Too bad Antimorph has disappeared, he seemed to be able to do RV executable hacking which could help fixing this.
Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 22:49
I have had problems with hyperthreading on other games I play, now Idont know if this is any help at all but and excuse the lack of what the tech names are but ReVolt runs in what I call a non windowed environment ie it clicks out of windows and runs in its own shell.
I also play World of Warcraft (worse than crack) which dose the same thing. I was blue screening all the time on wow and I was getting the same problem with revolt with the times etc. I looked into the problem by searching the error codes from the blue sceen info and someware I foud a post that said turn off hyperthreading, which I did and I have not had any problems with eather of the games since
I had to go into the bios to disable the HT so if you try it be carefull you dont mess up the system but it was quite easy on my PC
Thats my story, HTH
Josh - piN
Posted: 08 Apr 2006, 00:23
I tried disabling HT in BIOS (XP sp2) on my other computer and it did not
help lap time problems in Revolt. Searching around for info I found disabling
HT does not always work for everybody, it might depend on how Windows
was installed and motherboard config. But a changed revolt.exe with this
problem fixed will insure Revolt keeps up with new CPUs coming out, dual-core
CPUs, etc.
Posted: 19 May 2006, 08:10
I have been searching around constantly for a patch or some form of fix to this bug, but my efforts have been futile. I was hoping that somebody here might know a website with a bug fix for this? Or any kind of way to resolve the issue. Thanks
Posted: 19 May 2006, 10:42
No fix yet. Maybe some smart guy can fix it.
Revolt hates anything that looks like dual-CPUs.
Intel P4s with Hyper-threading technology messes
up the lap timer. I have tried turning off Hyper-
threading in the BIOS without luck. The only way
around this bug is to use pre-Hyper-threading CPUs
or use another CPU brand like AMD. This lap timer
bug is the biggest Revolt bug as new CPU technology
become available (also OS compatibility are a problem).
Posted: 19 May 2006, 19:47
Alright thanks. =)
Posted: 19 May 2006, 22:23
lol..nice picture hil!!!!!!!
we got another pc today that someone was gonna put in the bin!! My dad is gonna put XP on it and then......well i dont know...hopefully we keep it so i can put re-volt on it and then hope that bugatux dont come on it!!!!
Try searching for bugatux fix in google or something..that might come up with something>>>i need to do it as well!!
Posted: 19 May 2006, 23:18
bugatux is the name of that in the revolt community : tuxator is the first to have this bug so "bugatux" (bug à tux in french), so you don't find it on google

2 things to fix it : don't have a frequency processor greater than 2.1GHz or fix in the main will come as soon as possible

Posted: 20 May 2006, 00:13
1)right click on the revolt.exe file
2)Click properties and then make it so the program opens with Windows 98/Windows ME
This worked for me..hope it does for u!!
who eva told me THANKS
Posted: 20 May 2006, 00:34
Yea, its a option. I had to put Win98 compatibility to play well. If works better with you, can be done, sure!

Posted: 20 May 2006, 02:21
darksabre @ May 19 2006, 01:48 PM wrote:bugatux is the name of that in the revolt community : tuxator is the first to have this bug so "bugatux" (bug à tux in french), so you don't find it on google

2 things to fix it : don't have a frequency processor greater than 2.1GHz or fix in the main will come as soon as possible

This is the first I have heard of this bug, so I am curious...
Could someone please spell this bug out for me, i.e. tell me exactly what happens when this bug occurs?
I have been running Re-volt on a 3.2 GHz Hyperthreaded P4 (OS: Windows XP MCE 2005) for over a year now (with Hyperthreading enabled), and I do not believe I have ever experienced this bug.
And yes I have always run with the Windows 98 compatibility box checked.
So, I wonder, is it really processor speed related or perhaps another factor, or a combination of factors?
Just curious, thanx.
Posted: 20 May 2006, 02:55
The bug is called Bugatux. What it does is...when your Race time gets to 1 minute 37 seconds it resets back to 0 and starts again. It doesnt affect your race it just affects your time. If you have the box as Windows 98 / ME then this bug will not affect your game..(I think)
thats all i can say..otha people know LOADS more
Posted: 20 May 2006, 06:30
Incredible help guys. Thanks =).
Posted: 20 May 2006, 07:06
There has been a few facts stated about this bug and which spec of machine it actually effects.
Could people who have the bugatux problem please verify what spec of machine they have, to include OS, Processor and whether hyperthreading is turned on.
Also test whether it's the use of the 1207 patch that started this bug and check that your running in Win 98 compatiblity mode.
Is the reset time always 1:37?
It just might help determine what the problem is and when it started.
Thank you all for your time.

Posted: 20 May 2006, 16:13
My friend xinitchi3 have the bugatux. He had 56k connection but now have 1MB and still "bugatuxing". I will say about their spec of the machine.
He have 1207 and WinXP SP2 i think, and as I remember a more than 2.1GHz CPU, but not hyperthreading.
See ya