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Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 23:27
Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 05:33
wish i knew how
looks like a great track to work on, cant wait to see it run

Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 06:08
wish I knew too
"look these are just the fringes of his ways. Only a faint has been heard of him! so who can understand his mighty thunder?"
Now I see just the fringes of your full custom track

Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 06:31
It's always exciting to see promising WIP work like that. I see good ideas here, like the seats design in the wagon that avoid blocking the race line...
I just hope it's not too complex. I mean, the more even - or I could say repetitive - a track is, the easier it is to texture, to set collision, etc. In a destroyed atmosphere like this, where everything is broken you'll have a lot of irregular shapes. It makes the job more complex.
If I can say something that may sound like an old veteran advise,

sometime in a first track we tend to put as much as detail as we can, because our mind is filled with ideas to try. That what I did in my first track (no wonder why it's still WIP, haha), but now I'm seeing it from another angle and I would cut through a lot of things. My best example is the first Market level (Market 2). Such a simple track, but still very enjoyable to race IMO. On the other side a lot of job has to be spend on the texture design (see the Museum tracks as an example, with the baked lights on the column, etc.).
But I'm going offtopic. Note that I'm not implying your track is too complex in fact... it really looks promising. That's just an advice I'd like to give to anyone apparently skilled who is going to create a Re-Volt track.
Be prepared for a long-term endeavour BTW, texturing is not the simplest part.
What kind of help are you asking for?
1) Texture designing/drawing
2) UV texturing
3) both?
Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 00:47
jigebren @ 11 Feb 2015, 02:01 AM wrote: Be prepared for a long-term endeavour BTW, texturing is not the simplest part.
What kind of help are you asking for?
1) Texture designing/drawing
2) UV texturing
3) both?
I need help with the uv texturing. If you have a finished 3d track model, how give you the faces step for step the right textures?
I need a blender texture teacher.
Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 04:31
I'll give you the step to step basic method to texture a simple cube for Re-Volt, using an existing BMP texture, based on the default Blender scene (a cube).
- Open Blender
- In Blender main menu, the "Choose Screen Layout" is likely "Default", you'd better switch to "UV Editing" (you can press [Ctrl+Right] four times).
Now you have an "UV editor" to the left and a "3D View" to the right.
- Import your BMP texture(s) using the Re-Volt plugin ("File \ Import \ Re-Volt (...)").
- In the 3D view select the object you want to texture (here it's the cube) and switch to Edit mode (press [Tab]).
- Select the face(s) you want to texture ([Ctrl+Tab] then [3] for Face Select mode, then hold [Shift] and
on each face you want to texture).
[*]Ensure you're in Textured mode ([Alt+Z] to switch between Textured and Solid modes).
[*]In the UV Editor (the left panel), click on the small icon whose tooltip says "Browse Image to be Linked", then select the texture you want: it will be applied to the selected faces of the cube in the 3D View (if you can't see the texture already, check the previous point about Textured mode).
[*]For now each face is UV mapped to the whole texture. You can either move them independently in the UV editor (right click to select, then you can move / resize / etc. just like in the 3D view - except that UV is in 2D only), or you can start with a (maybe) better option: in the 3D view, press then choose an option in the UV Mapping menu (you can try them all to understand what they do, you can even use Reset to go back to the default "Whole texture" mapping).
I have no time for more complete instructions right now... Try it, and let me know if you face issues you can't understand.
Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 03:46
Is it better, if i use a new blender version?
For example blender 2,71.
I work currently the 2,63 or 2,65.
Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 05:41
RV_Pure @ 23 Feb 2015, 07:16 PM wrote: Is it better, if i use a new blender version?
For example blender 2,71.
I work currently the 2,63 or 2,65.
the current plugin supports latest blender, check updates on your mails

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 05:53
RV_Pure @ 23 Feb 2015, 11:16 PM wrote:Is it better, if i use a new blender version?
For example blender 2,71.
I work currently the 2,63 or 2,65.
Honestly, I wouldn't see the point to stick with an older version. Installing the last one is so fast.. and it's not very likely to break any of your old stuff. Not to mention my plugin may not work with an older version than the one it has been designed to (because of both Blender API evolution and Python version update).
So yes, it's better that you update to 2.73.
Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 05:58
Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 02:42
Abc @ 24 Feb 2015, 01:11 AM wrote: RV_Pure @ 23 Feb 2015, 07:16 PM wrote: Is it better, if i use a new blender version?
For example blender 2,71.
I work currently the 2,63 or 2,65.
the current plugin supports latest blender, check updates on your mails
Sorry Abc, i haven't the plugin to the latest blender. But i think it's on Passions mails. first i will download 2,73 and delete my old version.
Can i also open my old files fron 2,63 or 2,65 with the latest version?
Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 03:00
You'd better send me your email to get the newsletter. I should make a new release soon to include the last bugfixes.
Can i also open my old files fron 2,63 or 2,65 with the latest version?
Yes, you shouldn't face any major issue, and it's quite well documented otherwise.
Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 22:16
Wait a second.... Jigebren, if I read your first comment correctly, you created Market 2? ... and.. if so.. that means you're one of the original Re-volt developers?

Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 23:34
gel_lr34 @ 26 Feb 2015, 09:46 AM wrote: Wait a second.... Jigebren, if I read your first comment correctly, you created Market 2? ... and.. if so.. that means you're one of the original Re-volt developers?
I think he's saying that Market 2 is an example of less-is-more track design, not that he actually created it. But if Jig is secretly an original RV dev... Congratulations for keeping it a secret for so long!

Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 00:43
Ah ah, that was unintended, and the reaction, unexpected... Should have I said "
the best example for me is" instead of "
my best example is" to remove any ambiguity?
I also said my first track was still WIP, I would have made it clearer by saying my first
and only track is still WIP (which it's not true actually, I have 2 WIP tracks).
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 02:37
jigebren @ 26 Feb 2015, 08:13 PM first and only track is still WIP (which it's not true actually, I have 2 WIP tracks).
Intrigued ! ?

Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 03:35
Manmountain @ 26 Feb 2015, 10:07 PM wrote:Intrigued ! ?

There was a topic about it, you can find it
Well, I just had a look at the date of the last post.

There's already a thick layer of dust...
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 15:43
Many thanks for the 2,73 plugin Jigebren.

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 02:48
Where is the small icon with "Browse Image to be Linked" ?
Sorry but i can't find it on the left panel.
Therefore i have taken another way. I opened an texture image and have switched with alt+z between object and texture mode. i've made with ctrl+tab and the select faces before. Hope my text is not to confused.
Now i have a cube with all textured faces.
Posted: 13 Apr 2015, 02:41
Next texture results.
Thanks for your help to uvmapping editor jigebren.
The sidewalk makes a lot of work.
Posted: 15 Apr 2015, 02:54
Looks awesome

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 01:43
After a long time, the street with the potholes is finish now.
Sorry, it was difficult and long to find the suitable street texture. Now i work with the garage wall. The doors with the roofs are finish already.
And sorry for my very late thanks for your praise, kipy.
Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 02:36
Another thing, about the textures. Is it ok if i do the most of the textures in 256x256 for the track?
I ask, because i don't know exactly how many textures i can use. Normally the most of the track textures in re-volt are split in four different pieces=128x128
Or is it no problem if i make every single texture or the most of them in 256x256?
Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 03:56
That's perfectly fine for all versions.
mipmaps exist for low end computers. to fully comply with proper tracks you should make up a 128x128 bmq (which is simply a renamed and resized bmp) and if you want, you can add 1.2 support by providing 512x512 textures as bmo (Read 1.2 readme for more information about it)
ps; gold rule: all bmps should be 256x256 no more no less, use the mipmaps for the rest of sizes
for the amount of textures i don't remember well but take a look at stock tracks texture amount. I think its on 1.2 readme (I'm not sure, I could be lying, don't judge me please)
Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 03:00
Abc @ 23 Jun 2015, 11:26 PM wrote: That's perfectly fine for all versions.
mipmaps exist for low end computers. to fully comply with proper tracks you should make up a 128x128 bmq (which is simply a renamed and resized bmp) and if you want, you can add 1.2 support by providing 512x512 textures as bmo (Read 1.2 readme for more information about it)
ps; gold rule: all bmps should be 256x256 no more no less, use the mipmaps for the rest of sizes
for the amount of textures i don't remember well but take a look at stock tracks texture amount. I think its on 1.2 readme (I'm not sure, I could be lying, don't judge me please)
Hmm...KDL has told me on RVL that i textured wrong. Who has right now?

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 20:58
Put together 4 of those 256x256 textures into a single 512x512 texture,cause I think you've reached the max number of textures for a track
Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 01:56
Mladen007 @ 25 Jun 2015, 12:28 PM wrote: Put together 4 of those 256x256 textures into a single 512x512 texture,cause I think you've reached the max number of textures for a track
Uhh, that makes the track compatible only with 512 jig's patch and 1.2
FYI, Track looks ver weird with nhood1 texture...., Should be tile friendly, Garden1 cobble texture would fit nicely

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 02:02
Uhh, that makes the track compatible only with 512 jig's patch and 1.2
Is there a problem with that?
Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 02:32
Abc @ 25 Jun 2015, 09:26 PM wrote: Mladen007 @ 25 Jun 2015, 12:28 PM wrote: Put together 4 of those 256x256 textures into a single 512x512 texture,cause I think you've reached the max number of textures for a track
Uhh, that makes the track compatible only with 512 jig's patch and 1.2
FYI, Track looks ver weird with nhood1 texture...., Should be tile friendly, Garden1 cobble texture would fit nicely
Maybe i could try both. One with 256x256 and one with 512x512. I want just exactly know how i textured really correct.
Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 14:03
RV_Pure @ 25 Jun 2015, 06:02 PM wrote: Abc @ 25 Jun 2015, 09:26 PM wrote: Mladen007 @ 25 Jun 2015, 12:28 PM wrote: Put together 4 of those 256x256 textures into a single 512x512 texture,cause I think you've reached the max number of textures for a track
Uhh, that makes the track compatible only with 512 jig's patch and 1.2
FYI, Track looks ver weird with nhood1 texture...., Should be tile friendly, Garden1 cobble texture would fit nicely
Maybe i could try both. One with 256x256 and one with 512x512. I want just exactly know how i textured really correct.
You make it look like a tile sequence, also you need to establish the mappings of each areas of the texture. Still, mashing multiple textures in a single one only works good with small ones that don't need definition like ashpalt. btw, due to re-volt limited texture count, you'll need to find a way to fit everything in seven?
(iForgot) textures...
ps: beware of stretching because that makes it really ugly.
