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Posted: 01 May 2006, 18:28
arto @ May 1 2006, 09:58 AM wrote:
- Change from [log] section to debug=1
hmm, i understand everything except this line. please explain this sentence, thank you.
long live stock'n'pix,
Posted: 02 May 2006, 00:06
You need to open rvhouse.ini, the default folder is
C:\Program Files\RV House\conf, so look here or where ever you installed it.
Once rvhouse.ini is opened, goto the section labled
[log] then change/add the value
Now when rvhouse runs it will create a log of its activity and hopefully will explain to Arto what and at which point rvhouse encounted the error.
Just send the log to Arto.
I added your original post here, it seemed relevant to keep all problems and suggestions of RVHouse in one place.

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:51
Just installed the latest version and my anti virus goes mad, I permit the settings for RV house as its trusted and its keeps asking me to pernit etc any ideas?
Posted: 05 May 2006, 03:36
hey manmountain,
yes, i understand why you moved my comment here, i agree.
ok, i will tell Tiger to do according these suggestions.
probably our next conversation will be on the weekend or on monday, so i would come back with results on the next week,
thanks for advise,
stox&pix rulez,
Posted: 05 May 2006, 04:43
Josh, do you have similar problems with Gamespy or mIRC ?
What anti virus software are you using ?
Does it allow you to join at all ?

Posted: 05 May 2006, 10:15
Yes, what MM said. What is the anti-virus software you use?
After having RV House on the safe list of softwares, the only thing I can imagine that you need to permit is for RV House to use internet connections... is it the firewall that is asking and what precisely is it buggering you with? Usually in firewall also you can tell that let this program take connections as it wishes.
Also is this something that happens only with the newest version. Do you remember what version you used previously?
Posted: 05 May 2006, 23:47
The anti Virus I use is Norton 2005 ligit version and fully updated.
The error I get is the std worm protection one you get when you use online games and you get the optin to permit, which I do and then it appears again, I permit, then again and so on.
It would appear the all the ip addresses of the people in the room are the problem not sure. The fire wall is Zone Alarm but that is OK after the initial are you sure crap.
I am using the latest version of RV house and the version I have before it was the one we used that night of initial testing.
I will have a play with the fire wall to see if its that but I dont think it is.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 17:32
Other people have experienced various problems with Norton too...
Since I don't own Norton it's hard to say what to do. It sounds like Norton is bugging you each time RV House sends a packet to a new IP, and since that might happen a lot initially it's probably annoying.
Since RV House uses pretty much similar technology to some P2P programs as eMule, it is sometimes useful to google information how Norton should be configured for them and apply the same procedures to RV House.
Try these instructions: ... pic=104142
Posted: 07 May 2006, 21:42
I've noticed problems with Norton 2006 (not on RV) - so much so that I shall use another AV next year. assuming I keep Norton that long! 2005 was no problem.
Posted: 08 May 2006, 02:27
Thanks for the tips, I will have a look at the emule set up and see if that helps.
Will post results here for reference to others if succesfull.
Posted: 11 May 2006, 16:33
I've made a beta version of RV House which supports multiple languages... if someone wants to do a translation to another language post here with your e-mail and I'll send the needed files and information.
A volunteer for french translation is already.
I'm not releasing the version publicly yet because it makes no sense until there are other translations. Meanwhile I will continue doing other features and a release for that will be most likely next week. The features I'm working on are clickable URLs and private messaging, one of them or both will be on the next version most likely.
Posted: 12 May 2006, 14:07
hey arto,
i can make a hungarian translation.
but i know programing like a chicken knows the alphabet, so if theres no further action but the translation, im able.
stox&pix rulez
human being boiling banging
Posted: 12 May 2006, 16:33
Alright that's cool human,
since I've just about clickable URL support ready, I will probably release the version with language support today... so everyone who wants to translate can do it after that. Doing a translation doesn't require any programming skills!
Posted: 12 May 2006, 17:50
Great men!
I can do the spanish translation.
Proud to do it

Posted: 12 May 2006, 19:56
The new version is out... so new languages can be done if someone feels like they want their native version.
Just see in the installation directory "lang/readme.txt" for information what to do.
And post here or email me if there's probs/questions.
Posted: 12 May 2006, 21:23
I am doing the french translation.
Posted: 12 May 2006, 21:38
Lke @ May 12 2006, 04:53 PM wrote: I am doing the french translation.
cd09 has promised to do a french translation, but it can easily be divided into pieces... you can arrange it with cd09 so that neither one of you does unnecessary work

Posted: 12 May 2006, 21:42
hey arto,
this is the rvhouse.ini file which had been sent to me by Tiger.
please help if you can.
the prog was crashed just after running it.
Posted: 12 May 2006, 22:24
Yo Human,
you sent me the file from conf/rvhouse.conf. You need to instead send me the file from log/rvhouse.log
It will be big, please send it to ajalkane at instead of here.
Posted: 12 May 2006, 23:21
I have updated the installation with French translation courtesy of cd09!
Posted: 12 May 2006, 23:25
Can't we have a section were we can download only the .def and .lang files whitout the rest of the program?
Posted: 12 May 2006, 23:31
Sure thing Luke, good idea! Just a sec and I will set it up!
Posted: 12 May 2006, 23:36
And here are the language files separately:
They can be also reached from RV House web-site from Downloads section (only on English version of the site at the moment).
Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:32
hey arto,
thank you, its solved.
as you said in your email, tiger needed to configure firewall.
its interesting that i have the same wall (outpost) and for me there werent problems.
probably different settings.
tiger asked me to pass his thanks to you.
hopefully he can do it himself online soon.
human being
Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:43
arto, i uploaded to your mail the spanish file. njoy it!
See ya!

Posted: 13 May 2006, 01:48
Yes Human, I just saw Tiger online and raced with him. All good in the kingdom of Re-Volt

Note: in the previous version there was a bug with the translated versions - all rooms created came up with an icon that claimed the room was password protected even if it wasn't. I have updated the installer with a fixed version.
Also I updated the installer to include spanish translation by ADX!
Posted: 13 May 2006, 02:44
Spanish translation files updated

Posted: 13 May 2006, 02:55
Great! Thx ^^ (I did some mistakes XD)
See ya!

Posted: 18 May 2006, 18:06
I've compiled a new Linux version also as there's been quite some changes since the last compiled Linux version.
Available from downloads section.
Also last night the French translation was updated to version 0.80 by cd09. The easiest way to know if you downloaded an installer with the latest french version is to see if Private Message window's Close button text is translated.
Language files can be updated separately from downloads section.
Posted: 19 May 2006, 01:17
Installer has been updated with Spanish and Hungarian translation. Thanks to ADX and Human.
Also once again the language files can be downloaded separately, no need to download the whole installation package.
Posted: 21 May 2006, 21:28
One of the hungarian files was missing (magyar.def) from the web-site (it was in the installer). Sorry about that, I have uploaded the file to the web server also.
Posted: 30 May 2006, 00:30
a new set of icons have been release for RV House, to try them out download from here and extract to RV House directory:
They've made up by ADX (except RV House logo which is made by Pigasque) unlike the previous icons which were collected by ADX from various sources. These icons we can be sure of don't have any copyrights that would hinder their distribution with RV House!
Lots thanks to ADX. The icons are free to download from here and I will put them to the next RV House release with maybe a few changes... mostly depends if cd09 prefers to have the RVTM icon or the one here for track sharing shown, otherwise will be the ones displayed in this pack.
Thanks ADX & Pigasque & cd09 for the icons!
Posted: 30 May 2006, 18:30
Just a little problem :
After install, you have to save or delete "img" folder then rename "imgs" folder with "img"

Posted: 30 May 2006, 19:19
RTT-Pigasque @ May 30 2006, 02:00 PM wrote: Just a little problem :
After install, you have to save or delete "img" folder then rename "imgs" folder with "img"
Ups! Thanks for letting me know Piga

. I have fixed the zip packet to have the correct folder name (img).
Posted: 31 May 2006, 01:27
Also now the installer has been updated with the new icons!
Posted: 19 Jul 2006, 22:20
Is there any way of implementing a focus stealing or action actived type of thing to make RVHouse in the task bar flash when there is something new said, like with mIRC ?
As I seem to miss a lot said while doing other tasks. Yes, I know I can scroll up and read everything, but then it's too late to give my input.
Is there any other new developments/upgrades that may be added soon ?
Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 22:23
Manmountain @ Jul 19 2006, 05:50 PM wrote: Is there any way of implementing a focus stealing or action actived type of thing to make RVHouse in the task bar flash when there is something new said, like with mIRC ?
As I seem to miss a lot said while doing other tasks. Yes, I know I can scroll up and read everything, but then it's too late to give my input.
Yes, that's quite possible, and RV House actually works like that for Private Messages already.
But making it like that for the general chat requires an option, because I suspect many people will not want the main window flashing or coming to focus every time something is written. So when I have time to do some settings dialog to RV House I'll add that.
Is there any other new developments/upgrades that may be added soon ?
A bug fix release and improvement to the speed of the DHT operation is coming soon... I'll probably put out a beta today for testing to be sure nothing gets broken.
Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 18:00
I have uploaded a new beta version of the next release: ... _setup.exe
There's quite substantial changes to the decentralized part, which speed up the operation dramatically. But I'd like a bit of testing before the actual release... so please try it especially if you've had problems.
Relating to that I've seen recently quite many people who have been able to connect only to the centralized server. I don't have a router myself, but because of trying to help Maxi I got a bit better understanding what they need. So I overhauled the router/firewall setting section in RV House: ... er_fw_help
I hope it's easier to understand now. Let me know...
Also there is now the New Player docs that benvoliosaythat has created.
Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 02:46
A new RV House version uploaded...
It's a mandatory update.
The major features are:
- Much faster connection to decentralized network
- Automatic redirection to the router help page if there seems to be problem in connection.
+ some other things.
Note to translators: I changed myself some strings... (DHT -> P2P mainly). But of course the new ones I couldn't do. See lang/readme.txt for instructions how to find the new strings if you want to update. Also in the language.def there is now "version". When you make an updated translation it should also be updated to match the version of RV House. This information is shown in RV House's about window, so users can see how recent the translation is.
Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 03:40
Now the setup has been updated with french translation! Thanks cd09!
Also, I forgot to mention in the previous post... big thanks to OverMADMAX for testing the version to fix the bugs with me. If someone wonders why this version is named Blue Ghost Edition, he can ask OverMADMAX about it!
Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 15:44
a little bit of news. First of all the bad news: I won't have time to work on RV House much at all for a while (during this year), because I have to concentrate on finishing my university thesis. Maybe little things here and there, bug fixes etc. might be possible. I don't find this necessarily a bad thing though, because RV House seems to be working pretty good nowadays. The main functionality is there. The user interface does need some work, but its something that others can help with also.
I do regard this as a community project even though I've so far done all the code. The icons for example has been supplied by different members of the community, there's been co-operation with sharing the tracks with Track Manager, not to mention that the community has embraced RV House by testing it and using it and providing feedback.
Now the good news is that I have uploaded RV House sources to sourceforge:
This means other people can participate in the development and share the code with reasonable little trouble. If you do want to participate, you can already download the sources and test your changes to see that they're working. Please also read the coding_style.txt so that the changes you do will be in the general coding style of the whole project. Without following a common coding style the project easily becomes a mess.
If you do want to help in development and do changes, please set up your compiling environment so that you can compile and test code. Telling me you've done some changes and sending me those without testing them will usually just cost me more time than it would take me to do the same functionality from the scratch. You might find it strange to believe, but so it is in my experience... getting to know someone else's code enough to fix the issues is surprisingly time consuming if the code is untrivial. If the code is trivial, the same applies since doing the stuff from the scratch is easier or same effort than going through the code line-by-line looking for the mistake(s).
When you have done changes and have tested reasonably well that they work, contact me so we can talk about how to incorporate the changes to the main RV House code. Doing this will require some familiarity with Subversion source control system, but it serves no purpose to dig into those details premateraly. Handling subversion won't be a big hurdle compared to actual coding, rest assure

All the libraries that I've done that support RV House are also in sourceforge now, except libnetcomgrp. For the details of needed libraries and links to downloads see RV House source page here: ... on=sources
Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 07:01
May I just add one thing to the todo list (IF YOU CAN).
Can you please add this feature to rv-house.
When your typing your login info, can you have it so you can hit ENTER to submit login info and log in instead of having to move the mouse and click it. Its just so annoying to me..........
Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 02:15
Freqhog @ Aug 15 2006, 02:31 AM wrote: May I just add one thing to the todo list (IF YOU CAN).
Can you please add this feature to rv-house.
When your typing your login info, can you have it so you can hit ENTER to submit login info and log in instead of having to move the mouse and click it. Its just so annoying to me..........
so you mean when the cursor is in the text writing fields, pressing enter would equal clicking Ok? That's a bit of a kludge to implement... you know, you can use tab to move the cursor to Ok and press space to activate it? On top of that, after you've once entered your name and password RV House will remember them until you reinstall a new version. And when it remembers them, you can just press enter when the login dialog comes to enter.
That should take care of it, yes?
Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 05:08
oh so now it remembers your password AHHH last time I used it I would have to keep typing in my password....well I guess thats alright then because now its not annoying....but if you kept the thing in where you have to keep typing in your password pressing enter instead of clicing or alt tabbing mind you is pretty gay still..well I guess its fine
Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 10:21
Freqqy, it was always the case that it remembered the password, except when insalling a new version.
However, there is a bug in the current version that you might be experiencing. If your password begins with the letter 'n' then what you describe probably happens. I will try to do an update as soon as possible.
Also Bonz, do you read this forum? I can't contact you by e-mail, your e-mail provider bounces my mails.
Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 11:05
well before it didnt save (odd) and it did not start with saves now
Posted: 17 Aug 2006, 17:00
I've made a minor update, its so minor that the program won't even alert of it... those who need the features can download them.
First of all thanks to Bonz for the german translation. It's in the usual language files directory in RV House site and also included in the newest download.
The changes:
- raf asked for some new characters that could be used as usernames, so that teams can be shown or something. This is done and new usable chars are [=-]
- The login dialog bug with passwords that have letter 'n' is fixed.
Posted: 05 Sep 2006, 23:00
And a little news bit:
Iskander has made an Italian translation of RV House site. Thanks!
Posted: 17 Sep 2006, 15:29
I've finally build the new version for Linux also. The usual suspects know where to find it.
Posted: 04 Oct 2006, 11:53
The P2P side of RV House does not work anymore reliably. This relates to eDonkey being no more.
So you might be getting unnecessarily a message that router/firewall is not correctly configured. Ignore it. I will put out real soon a new version that will disable P2P for the time being until I've had time to develop a solution.