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Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 05:43
I don't use gamespy, but I installed two versions of re-volt. One is for playing, the other for testing and creating tracks and cars. I believe that RV House selects the one that I last played on. Unfortunately, with my switching between lab and game, I have to start up re-volt and exit before entering RV House. Sometimes I forget to do that. Upon initial setup, which is currently only language setup, or during installation, I would like it if there was something asking where your re-volt directory is. Such as C: Program Files/Acclaim Entertainment/Re-Volt
Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 16:19
Alex_Perdomo @ Oct 5 2006, 01:13 AM wrote: I don't use gamespy, but I installed two versions of re-volt. One is for playing, the other for testing and creating tracks and cars. I believe that RV House selects the one that I last played on. Unfortunately, with my switching between lab and game, I have to start up re-volt and exit before entering RV House. Sometimes I forget to do that. Upon initial setup, which is currently only language setup, or during installation, I would like it if there was something asking where your re-volt directory is. Such as C: Program Files/Acclaim Entertainment/Re-Volt
Unfortunately that is not easily done, because it's not RV House that selects which version to use. It's your operating system. RV House basically just says to Windows "hey, start an application named Re-Volt in multiplayer mode", and then Windows does the rest.
So not so easy... but when I have time I can check if I can influence that somehow.
Posted: 10 Oct 2006, 18:19
New version check it out, Linux version maybe/probably tonight:
Version 0.87.0 (09.10.2006)
- Menus and some shortcuts
- Extra help easily available
- Remembers size and position of main and room windows
- Remembers user settings across new installations from now on
- Settings window
- Option to flash if new message on main chat
- Option to flash if new room created
- Option to flash if new user arrived
- Do not disturb mode
- Small visual improvements
- Some bug fixes
Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 04:14
New version created huge .log files. Not sure why.
I deleted the rv house folder and will go back to an
older version. Anybody else have this problem?
Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 04:41
Updated the new version with French translation... separate french language files available from the usual place also.
I haven't seen the extra large log file problem hil mentioned. Sj has said he has had that kind of problem but I haven't been able to reproduce it myself. The more ppl report something like that the more I have chance to do something about it. Please do tell if that happens.
Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:20
Wow, thanks for telling me. I just found a file,
which is 114,359KB about 111MB.
Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 15:00
Ok thanks, I will check on it... try deleting it, though, since there is not P2P side right now in the application that file shouldn't come.
Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:24
I overwrote my old version with the newest version so I am not sure
when or how that log file got so big. I will make a fresh install of rv house.
Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 18:59
New RV House version released. Updating mandatory. The problem with extra large kadc.log file fixed by deleting it each time RV House started.
- Support for changing some of the colours
- P2P support enabled again
- Login window saves position
- Option to flash if user's nick seen on main chat
- Settings window bug fix: pressing cancel applied settings
- Some other small bug fixes
Linux version will be updated today also.
Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 00:04
A quick note:
when you change colours, they will only be applied to windows that are created after that. This means in practice, that if you may want to restart the application if after changing the colours if you want them to be on tha main window.
Tip: after changing the window colours, creating a new Room window is probably a good way to view how the changes work on the whole.
Another thing about the colour thing: not all colours are changeable. So if you see something that you want to be changeable, send me a mail or post here. This colour changing this is a pretty low priority thing for me, but if the changes are easy to implement I will do them quite quickly. If they are hard, then it will have to wait until I have time to implement it.
And please do post here if you have things you want to see in RV House. I'm really out of time right now so major development to the house most likely won't happen until next year, but its nevertheless good to know what people would like to see in it. And, you never know if the feature you want is a really small job so I might implement it soon.
RV House is right now at version 0.88. If you're wondering what it takes for RV House to be version 1.0, then I can say it is pretty close to what I've thought it should be. Here's the things missing that I require before it is 1.0:
- Showing pings to other players.
- Saving allb window and sub-window positions.
- No outstanding bub fixes.
That's pretty much all that I can think of... there's been many features already in RV House that I have not considered essential, so by no means does the above mean that nothing but those will be implemented. It only means that I won't consider RV House 1.0 until those are done. And to be honest, I might have forgotten something right now, so its not a definite list.
Anyhoo, off and out.
Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 13:23
There's new translation of RV House to Russian by Drifter. You can at the moment get it from here: ... =downloads
You need russian.def and russian.lang files.
These will be included to RV House installation when I will make a new release.
Thanks Drifter!
Posted: 10 Dec 2006, 00:20
Please make a version for Macs so that I can play at school.

PS I found out that my own problem was insufficient privaledges (I'm limited, not admin).

Posted: 10 Dec 2006, 01:23
There's no Re-Volt for macs so that's about the extent of playing RV on macs.
Posted: 18 Dec 2006, 22:37
Uploaded new version of RV House,
New stuff:
- Blocking/ignoring of users using right mouse click
- Private message windows remember position
- Empty room bug fix
About the blocking/ignoring of users: it's done because I've seen every once
in a while people who cause a massive amount of messages to the chat (user enters/exits, or room created/closed etc.) which makes using of the application a pain as long as those users are there. It seems the cause of those things is most likely badly configured router/firewall.
So if this kind of thing happens, the blocking/ignoring will make life more tolerable. Right now the blocking can not be configured, once you block someone you are blocking him as long as until you restart RV House. I hope this feature is not needed much, but if there is more permanent need then I will make the blocking to remember across RV House restarts and make a configuration section for removing the blocking/ignoring.
Also I may do automatic blocking if necessary, so that if spam detected it automatically blocks the user/ip for 30 secs, or 60 secs or whatever. Well, lemme know if you have problems.
Posted: 18 Dec 2006, 23:56
Dude as long as it doesnt recognize my Uber Duber Link Customs as a Spam,it may be a good idea
Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 20:56
And for the weird linux users there's 0.89.2 release for Linux now available also.
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 06:20
New version 0.90.0. This version is just to preliminary to have an easier way to deal with trouble makers by using a global ignore list. As a user named WaVe seems to on purpose try to disrupt and "hack" the service, he is automatically ignored by users. You can turn this global ignore thing off of course if you want to see him or other trouble makers.
The global ignore thingy is not totally complete yet, but we'll see if this is sufficient. As WaVe's IP changes from time to time, let me know if he comes making more trouble and further blocks will be placed. And if there's other users who seem to do similar things let me know also. Remember too that you can ignore any user even if he's not on global ignore list by right clicking on his name. The global ignore is just to help with the common cases.
Note that with trouble making I don't mean someone is annoying or talks foul. But if he's just spamming on purpose etc. then its obvious he's in RV House just to try making other people's life difficult.