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Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 03:11
since some people arent able to connect to certain networks, there are two fallback channels on other networks for live discussion.
i try to be on all three of them as much as possible, but Austnet doesnt like me much lately...
First, get a client like mIRC for best comfort.
Install it and follow the instructions...
First network (biggest chatroom)
Austnet (
servers here)
once connected and youll be in.
Second network
IRC-Hispano (
servers here)
once connected and youll be in.
Third network
Freenode (
servers here)
once connected and youll be in.
i suggest to use a script to automatically connect you to all three of those networks. it works well with me and mIRC but didnt for some other so i cant guarantee for anything to work.
Copy this piece of code:
Code: Select all
on *:start:{
server -m IRC-Hispano
server -m freenode
On *:connect:{
if $network == Austnet {
j #revolt-chat
elseif $network == IRC-Hispano {
j #revolt
elseif $network == freenode {
j #revolt
in mIRC hit Alt+R to open the scripts editor
then paste the code into the Remote tab of that window (should say: "editing: script.ini") and reconnect. should work then. the most frequent problem you could run into is that your network are named differently or do not exist. so you need to create these networks in the server list in mIRC first. but i guess you can figure it out if you want to.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 20:29
If you are unable or unwilling to connect through mIRC you can always use the
RV House as a basic chat room.
Also, RRR has an easy to use direct link to it's mIRC channel on it's home page, the link is labeled "IRC Access <-- need help ?" and is situated under the main banner.

Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 05:13
G'day Blokes
just a quick note to let you know of the new link to austnet's server info page
plus this one which isn't listed on their site
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 03:52
For the amount of people in the community the lack of people on #ReVolt-Chat is appalling.
Hey guys, it's not like IRC is hard to do or anything...
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 03:56
My website has a chat. Just enter, sign in, put your name, choose avatar and ready.
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 04:24
i just use rvhouse as a chatroom
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 04:36
Cat @ Sep 23 2008, 11:26 PM wrote: My website has a chat. Just enter, sign in, put your name, choose avatar and ready.
I know that post was in good intentions, but you just made me see the error in my ways.
I am only a single person named Adam, in this world, I tried to run my own forum and failed miserably. I have now removed my forum, simply because no one cared about it, and rightfully so.
I think to be a good Re-Volter, you should support what's already out, rather than be counterproductive and start your own.
The truth is, no one will use your chatroom.
Jase's response is pretty true, because it is an easy to use and acquire program.
But, #revolt-chat has all the greats on it, and I think they deserve some attention.
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 06:09
Adamodell @ Sep 24 2008, 12:06 AM wrote:I am only a single person named Adam, in this world, I tried to run my own forum and failed miserably. I have now removed my forum, simply because no one cared about it, and rightfully so.
The truth is, no one will use your chatroom.
I was almost brought to tears... ..
Use RVHouse as your main meeting room, if only to chat, it's simple and easy to use without large downloads or specific server issues.
Personal pages/sites/forums do not get the traffic or interest you might want unless the content is unique and appeals to a wide group of individuals.
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 07:33
Manmountain @ Sep 24 2008, 01:39 AM wrote: Adamodell @ Sep 24 2008, 12:06 AM wrote:I am only a single person named Adam, in this world, I tried to run my own forum and failed miserably. I have now removed my forum, simply because no one cared about it, and rightfully so.
The truth is, no one will use your chatroom.
I was almost brought to tears... ..
Use RVHouse as your main meeting room, if only to chat, it's simple and easy to use without large downloads or specific server issues.
Personal pages/sites/forums do not get the traffic or interest you might want unless the content is unique and appeals to a wide group of individuals.
I'll go out on a limb and say you are a very sarcastic person.
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 17:26
We could use some more people at IRC

Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 22:01
That script works so good for me!

Please! Just register at the servers and come to the channels! it is easy

Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 02:35
Adamodell @ Sep 24 2008, 03:03 AM wrote: I'll go out on a limb and say you are a very sarcastic person.
NO?... Really?
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, trust me I couldn't get any lower.

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 14:47
(Post mostly mirrored from
I figured I would make a post telling people we all join on, in a channel named #ReVolt-Chat
Joining is easy. And it's a hell of a lot more reliable than RVHouse, and a lot more specialized to Re-Volt than GameRanger could ever be. Use an IRC client, or a multi-protocol client with IRC functionality of your choosing and supply the following information;
Protocol (if applicable): IRC
optional, default,
Server name / alias:
Should autojoin not exist,
/j #revolt-chat
That's all there is to it. Nothing super-fancy required. Now for private messaging, that requires registering via NickOP, AustNet's version of what most other IRC servers call NickServ. Command as follows;
/msg nickop register [E-Mail address] [Password]
You will then be presented with additional information you wiil have to input to prove you're human, and you're really registering. After that, you can talk to most anyone privately after identifying yourself;
/msg NickOP identify [Password]
If you need help on anything else in or relating to AustNet, do
/j #help. AustNet is not affiliated with Re-Volt by any stretch, so it will be useless to join their help channel for help with our game. Thank you for your understanding.
Cheaters never prosper. If you see anybody driving performance-enhanced vehicles without host consent, then feel free to use the IRC widget available via
Re-Volt Live's IRC thread to report problem users. Considering how tightly-knit the whole Re-Volt community is, the repercussions of cheating are bound to affect problem users in most Re-Volt sub-communities around the web.
Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 22:25
Not putting IRC down (as I use to be on years ago with some of the long since gone legends), but is it not just as easy if not more convenient to chat using RV House ?
Or is it better because of the instant file sharing aspect ?
Just asking.

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 04:40
It's easier for people who don't use RV House, and people can leave an IRC client on much better than RV House, which based upon my experience crashes periodically with some odd error.
Also, RV House as a netplay service is losing relevance over GameRanger. That and for people who don't have either service it's a good portal to chat with newbies who have a sincere interest in running and playing the game, in a stress-free environment where they aren't holding people up who would rather play the game for the time being.
Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 06:52
Adding on to that, I've never gotten RVH to run reliably. The linux client it doesn't even start to open, and the one that does work seems to auto-kick if you idle for ~1hr.
(that or it just crashes silently)
Personally I have a client open 24/7 anyways, but I'm sure I'm in the minority

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 07:13
you should use the windows version of RVH better I've personally tried on linux and it works great

though they should take on fixing the native one since they are gonna port the game to Linux it'll be needed in the long run
Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 22:04
revolting @ 20 Feb 2015, 02:43 AM wrote: you should use the windows version of RVH better I've personally tried on linux and it works great

though they should take on fixing the native one since they are gonna port the game to Linux it'll be needed in the long run
It won't be necessary if they can add in-lobby chat, and it would be nice if the game also has code for an IRC bot to announce when a game is on.
It's how ForsakenX does things.
Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 22:45
Best would be integrate "RVHouse" into the game itself, more centralized!