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Posted: 01 Feb 2015, 22:29
Hello everyone. A while ago I found a weird bug related to car shadows in Select Car screen:

Run RV. Go to Start race - Single race - (any mode) - CARNIVAL as your name (unless you have already unlocked all hidden stock cars). Then choose any Clockwork but the fast one (you may choose Wun, Too or Tree). Wait for the car to be shown and go back to Select Car screen using Escape. Then select any other hidden stock car but the previous Clockworks or Trolley (you may choose Clockwork (the fast one), Probe UFO, or Mystery). This is what you get: the chosen car features the whole gfx/Shadow.bmp as its shadow.

This bug seems to happen in all versions from a12.0802 (at least, a12.0405 and last beta version do not show this bug, and a12.0802 and every alpha from a13.0820 do). I guess it has something to do with the fact that slow Clockworks are loaded in Frontend. I have not been able to spot anything in a12.0802 changelog that might trigger the bug.

Posted: 01 Feb 2015, 23:20
bug confirmed in all versions of 1.2a as far back as 120815. (didnt check older)

Posted: 15 Feb 2015, 02:49
Fixed, thanks for the report.