Posted: 08 Jan 2015, 05:12
Following Phantom's request to improve lag management in version 14.0306, I've created this area so that we can discuss in private in a more convenient way than using PM.
Highly informative and interactive forum for the R/C Racing Sim PC game Re-Volt by Acclaim.
Ok, so I can give my first advice for bug reporting in this topic.RV_Passion @ Jan 8 2015, 09:59 PM wrote:the gameplay, the ballance between the weapons, the physics and collision on 11.0421 is better then on 14.0820, IMO.
Basically you can see and notice the differences offline and online, if you compare 13.0820 with 11.0421 for example. The best way to see the differences is make some online races with some players in one room with two different versions (13.0820 and 11.0421).I know we're here to talk about online gaming, but whenever you mention physics / collision behavior difference, it's important to know whether the difference is noticeable:
-The car physics, car collisions and collision behaviors generally.It would also be interesting to know whether it's mostly about:
Well, the only things that I can say about that is, on rvhouse is currently the most used version 13.0820. Only a few people use 14.0306, like me. How it looks on gameranger I don't know. To say which version is the most appreciated or criticised is very difficult to say because the most people just use the most used version. The only people who have said something about a version are me, dolo, stingbox or phantom. It seems like the other guys just accept the differences or they don't see a difference or they don't really care about the differences. Me, Phantom and Dolo like more the 11.0421 and we are the only ones that have criticised the 13.0820.can you make a kind of summary of the current situation. Something like, which builds are currently mostly appreciated / used or criticised / rejected, for what reasons? (including beta / alpha official builds as well as the test builds I provided some time ago).
I understand this part can be very easily misleading, even myself I have to think twice every time to be sure I'm not getting it wrong, and I admit I'm not even sure I really get it right...In this Patch players don't teleport as much as in 13.0820 because the 14.0306 tries to hide the lag as much as possible. Lag in this version is not easily detectable, and after re-reading your explanations about extrapolation-interpolation again, I can see it is connected with this.
But there is one problem with this version, the hiding of lag also has a side effect. It is sometimes noticeable that the position of the other cars isn't real, it's like the game is lying to you, creating fake positions of the other drivers to give you the fake idea of an unlaggy race. In contrast, old versions and even the 13.0820 show cars teleporting because they don't show a fake car position when data is not received, or at least is not as evident as in 13.0306.
Interesting info.I've detected that independently of the version, when a player is joining a game in progress the lag tends to increase.
RV_Passion @ Jan 30 2015, 07:11 PM wrote: Have you already make tests Phantom?
From experience with the 0820, 6 is already a high number for Re-Volt. In a 6 player race I'm very sure it will turn bad at one moment or another in the 0820 if a player with unstable ping joins. Sometimes not in the first race if he/she isn't having a really bad ping, but it will be noticeable in the 2nd-3rd race. For the 0306, which I think your question is aimed for, I haven't really had much experience in the range 4-8 players and this is why I'd like to have specific tests.jigebren wrote:For example, you may have noticed that you almost expect no issue below 6 players, not matter the players who joined in... And that above 10 players you're quite sure it will turn bad at one time or another. In that case I'm interested by these 2 values.
None I can think of, If was asking just in case you noticed it from experience.Phantom @ Jan 31 2015, 03:55 PM wrote: Do you have any tips that could help us determine which of these 2 variables manipulate the other?
The numbers in place of the radar? There's were here to try to fix the number of lap issue. I've removed them in this build. The most relevant info you can get are in the Numpad Enter panel in DEV mode.Phantom wrote:Also, why are the debugger numbers present and how should I use them? Is it relevant to pay attention to it?
It depends, for example at the beginning Huki was the only one to play with the online code, as far as I'm concerned I was not much interested into that part. But for this issue I'm now taking it in charge while Huki concentrates on the new libraries for the OpenGL build. So yeah, it really depends. But it's usually better when we specialize otherwise we have to discuss / explain ever change and it takes a lot of extra time. And when you're working on a feature it's not always convenient to have someone else modifying it on the same time.Phantom wrote:Do you specialize in some part of the code and Huki in another one, or you both are able to work with any part of the code independently?
I checked the changelog and well...Phantom @ Feb 8 2015, 04:13 AM wrote:Is it be possible to combine an old version like 11.0421 with the new lag management code from your build?
Yes, sorry.jigebren @ Feb 9 2015, 09:11 PM wrote: Oh, BTW can you always mention full version like 11.0421 instead of 0421, that way when I'm reading I already have an idea of how old the build is (yes, I don't remember all builds just from their last number)
Yes, but as long are we're not 100% sure that the subtle differences are actually offline physics differences and not online lag management, it'll be hard to progress... And the way to proceed is not updating the 11.0421 lag management, but actually playing offline only and see whether there's noticeable changes or not, and with which build(s).Phantom @ Feb 10 2015, 09:28 AM wrote:We're total and definitely sure that whatever caused the different driving feeling, it's not present in this build.
Yes. I know, I know. Playing offline to detect feeling differences in physics is the next way to proceed even if that's not what we enjoy the most. It's hard to believe that somewhere in the middle of the development it happend and I'm not able to detect in which build exactly by the changelog. Detecting which build and which feature(s) would be the easiest way to fix it. If only I could manage to do it..jigebren @ 11 Feb 2015, 06:55 PM wrote:for a while we have to forget about the online racing, even if that's what you enjoy the most...
Regularly 90-100ms with people from my same country or nearby.Do you have other regular player-to-player ping values from Gameranger?
I know you're right. This is just my idea in case the issue is indeed absolutely and definitely unfixable in new versions. In that case we older players could at least enjoy the excellent gameplay from 11.0421 between us with a bit less teleporting. But I do know it's not the right solution.And the way to proceed is not updating the 11.0421 lag management