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Posted: 17 Dec 2014, 22:42
Teddy PL
Recently I started to work on their own carboxes collected images to their cars in the RV.
I would like to ask, Is There are naturally some way or program to set the car (in the picture carbox) as in the original carboxes?
For example, I would like this car:
Set in the same way as the original carbox like here:
just change the name, inscription and a view of the car on my car (but set in the same position as the original).
If this is wrong place on this subject I'm sorry I did not know where to put it.
Posted: 18 Dec 2014, 20:53
You have to remake every carbox from scratch, you can only get as close as possible to the original carboxes.
Posted: 18 Dec 2014, 21:39
Teddy PL
I tried to set himself repainted the car in the same way as the original carbox, but not me coming out.
How to modify the basics you give me a clue.
I saw somewhere on the network such picture:
and wonder how someone did it just by changing the color of the name and image of the car on repainted (but the car is set in such a position as the original carbox).
Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 04:33
They messed around with the hue values in Photoshop or something. At least that's how I'd try to do it.

That or they went the hard way and kept swapping skins in-game without moving the car out of place (I did that with the Halloween cars from Wego).
Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 05:49
Teddy PL
So you can not configure your own car (only repainted) as in the original box?.
Can you give me a clue how you did Halloween cars on the example program Paint.Net or Gimp?.

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 07:40
I use [url=]
Paint Shop Pro 4.15se[/url]
I would have two images of same size, one would be of the car on a plain background (as you have) and the other would be the background wording or other image that you have created.
Then using the fill option I would select the background image as my fill pallet and fill the plain background of the car image.

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 08:10
Is Paint Shop Pro 4.15se shareware? Thus car creators would be more willing to flee to this asylum.

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 08:21
It came on a disc attached to a magazine and did not need any codes or have a limited trial period. So ??

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 09:04
btw, you can use photofiltre, or gimp and more. just google (free and good alternatives, even a photoshop-like app)
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 22:09
Manmountain @ 23 Feb 2015, 03:10 AM wrote:I use [url=]
Paint Shop Pro 4.15se[/url]
I would have two images of same size, one would be of the car on a plain background (as you have) and the other would be the background wording or other image that you have created.
Then using the fill option I would select the background image as my fill pallet and fill the plain background of the car image.

Done using what I said, how I said. Simples !!
Obviously this is a rough example of how easily it can be done. The name text can be anything and any direction.

Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 15:10
Teddy PL
Carboxes know how to do this and I use Paint.Net and Gimp, but I meant to set the same as on the original car carboxes position as someone did in the case of the original car color, which I presented at the picture found, would this car as presented (poision) set in the same position as the original carbox only change the text and text color.
Is it possible in some way?.

Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 20:14
If you want to see the other side of the car you have take another screenshot of that car in Re-Volt. Virtually no tool can rotate a 2D image as if the viewed object were actually 3D...
To do this, launch Re-Volt, use TVTIME as your player name, start a race an press the F6 key twice to be able to change the camera location. Then use the keyboard Q W E A S D keys (if I'm not mistaken on a QWERTY keyboard) to move the camera to the desired angle. Then PrintScreen key to take a screenshot, and paste it in Gimp / Paint.Net. And cut out what you don't need.
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 02:45
Teddy PL
Thanks guys for the good advice I'll try to spare time to do something.

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 03:30
Manmountain @ 23 Feb 2015, 01:39 PM wrote: [img][/img]
Hahaha I just noticed the Weezing.

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 01:07
Good evening
I am looking for the carbox of Panga & Rotor in 256 * 256 please thank you.
Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 20:39
Strange request, but here goes...
Carbox images are stored on graphic sheets in the frontend level in the levels folder, Panga is on sheet 'frontende.bmp', and Rotor is on sheet 'carbox3.bmp'.
I have selected them in to separate single images and resampled them to a 256 x 256 format for you ;
[img][/img] & [img][/img]
Not the best image quality, sorry, hope this helps ?
Posted: 10 Oct 2017, 16:31
Manmountain @ 8 Oct 2017, 04:09 PM wrote: Strange request, but here goes...
Carbox images are stored on graphic sheets in the frontend level in the levels folder, Panga is on sheet 'frontende.bmp', and Rotor is on sheet 'carbox3.bmp'.
I have selected them in to separate single images and resampled them to a 256 x 256 format for you ;
[img][/img] & [img][/img]
Not the best image quality, sorry, hope this helps ?
not really, unless there is software to make them more visible.