Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:48
This (the Forum version) does not contain visualizations (images). It is an archaic version of Parameters Notes 7.0. If you wish to download the latest version (Parameters Notes 7.1) click on the following link:
Parameters Notes 7.1 Latest Version
Re-Volt Parameters Notes 7
Welcome to Parameters Notes 7 for the game Re-Volt. This is a guide for tuning your car in Re-Volt. It will go over settings new (RV 1.2) and old for the cars, in an in-depth manor.
The manor in which things will be described (handling related stuff) will be real life cars vs. R/C cars, with an indepth description of how things work for each setting. A section of Parameters will be shown (without the game creators' notes), and then the descriptions will follow (As in the old manor). Some pictures will be included to help with visualization of what is being described.
Heading text is blue and underlined, sub-heading text is red, and valid equations are highlighted in green (just before the equation).
Alot of information will be taken from Parameters notes 6, but recompiled in a cleaner manor.
If there are any questions please contact me via the Re-Volt Live forums (Gel38) or contact me by email
List of Parameter Settings which are Unknown
Car Selection Display and Class :
Car Handling and Weapon offset:
Tires and Additional Handling:
Car AI Setup:
Misc. Info
Re-Volt measures in "RV units".
1 RV unit = 5mm
5 RV units = 1 inch (approximately)
With original Re-Volt Parameters, lines that begin with a semi-colon (;) are merely comments, however if a 'comment' is surrounded by ";======", this means that the line is code.
Special Thanks To:
Jesus Christ/God/Holy Spirit
Without You I'm nothing and have nothing.
My wife
for her patience
The late SuPeRTaRd
Rex Reynolds
For the previous versions of Parameters Notes
For the AI section
For Re-Volt 1.2 and the great Blender plug-in
For Information reguarding the RV 1.2 car shadows and spinner settings.
The entire Re-Volt community
For keeping the game alive for over 15 years! (so far)
Car Name
; Dr. Grudge
Name "Dr. Grudge"
1. Name of Car
This setting is not displayed. However, if you have based your car off of another car by another creator (or Re-Volt car) it is best to fill this in with the name of that car so that people can see what car you based yours off of.
2. Name
This is the name of the car which is displayed in the game on the car selection and loading screens, as well as scoreboards. If you wish to have another name for the car, change this setting.
Model and Bitmap files
; Model Filenames
MODEL 0 "cars\beatall\body.prm"
MODEL 1 "cars\beatall\wheelfl.prm"
MODEL 2 "cars\beatall\wheelfr.prm"
MODEL 3 "cars\beatall\wheelbl.prm"
MODEL 4 "cars\beatall\wheelbr.prm"
MODEL 5 "cars\beatall\spring.prm"
MODEL 9 "cars\beatall\axle.prm"
MODEL 17 "cars\misc\Aerial.m"
MODEL 18 "cars\misc\AerialT.m"
TPAGE "cars\beatall\car.bmp"
COLL "cars\beatall\hull.hul"
EnvRGB 200 200 200
1. MODEL 0-18
This command loads 3d files by showing the path to the file, beginning from the Re-Volt route directory. If you wish to load more models into your car, the directory for the file must be loaded through these lines.
Model files are denoted by the extensions .prm and .m.
This line shows the directory of the bitmap (or texture/paint) that your car will use. If you are using the original Re-Volt you are limited to a bitmap size of 256x256. If you are running the latest Re-Volt 1.2 patch, you can load a bitmap size up to 8192x8192. However, you must be sure that your model is mapped to the proper sized bitmap. (If you apply a 1024x1024 map to a model that is mapped to a 256x256 map, it will not show correctly, and vice-versa.)
The use of the .bmq file can increase the visualization of your car. This file will automatically be loaded with the bitmap. For example, if your bitmap has blue, and the .bmq has pink for the car color, it will act as a pearlescent paint which "shimmers" in the sun. The effect doesn't work so perfectly though. The .bmq file should be half of the size of the bitmap. (I.E. - Bitmap = 256x256, BMQ = 128x128) If this is not done in this manor, your car will not appear correctly in game. BMQ files are Bitmap files with renamed extensions. (.bmp>.bmq)
Bitmap files are denoted by the extention .bmp
This line shows the path of the hull file (or bounding box) of your car.
Hull files are denoted by the extension .hul
This gives shines (or reflections) to your car using whole numbers from 0 to 255. The respectives numbers (1 1 1) are Red, Green, and Blue tints. This gives you the free option of having the shines whatever color you want. The setting of "0 0 0" gives no shine (like matte finish paint) whereas a setting of "10 10 10" would give a light dusty look, and lastly the setting of "255 255 255" would be the shines of that of a new car.
Car Selection Display and Class
; Stuff mainly for frontend display and car selectability
BestTime TRUE
Selectable TRUE
Class 0
Obtain 0
Rating 0
TopEnd 2842.419189
Acc 5.617712
Weight 1.400000
Handling 50.000000
Trans 0
MaxRevs 0.500000
1. Best Time
This is a "True" or "False" flag which determines if a best time can be recorded with the respective car.
2. Selectable
This is a "True" or "False" flag which determines if the car is available for the player to select or not.
3. Class
This line uses the respective numbers of "0", "1", or "2" to tell the game what type of engine your car has, which determines the sound of your car.
0 = Electric Engine - This engine produces the least power and sounds like your average battery powered R/C car.
1 = Glow (or Gasoline) Engine - Produces more power than the Electric engine and sounds like a weed-whacker.
2 = Special Engine (used by UFO) - This engine is basically the same as the Glow engine.
4. Obtain
This setting determines when the user may be able to use (unlock) the car. This setting requires the use of the numbers -1 to 4
-1 = Special requirement - This means the car cannot be unlocked unless you have typed the "carnival" cheat as your name.
0 = Starting car - This means that the car is available from the start of the game.
1 = Championship mode - The car will be unlocked by doing Championship mode in the game.
2 = Time Trials mode - The car will be unlocked by doing Time Trials mode.
3 = Practice mode - The car will be unlocked by collecting stars in Practice mode or Stunts mode.
4 = Single Race mode - The car is unlocked by doing Single Race mode (stock Re-Volt tracks)
5. Rating
This determines the class of your car. It uses the numbers 0 to 4.
0 = Rookie Class - The slowest class with a top speed of 32 mph (51.5 km/h).
1 = Amateur Class - Next class up from Rookie with a top speed of 35 mph (56.33 km/h)
2 = Advanced - Step up from Amateur with a top speed of 37 mph (59.55 km/h)
3 = Semi-Pro - One class up from Advanced with a top speed of 41 mph (65.98 km/h)
4 = Pro - The highest class with a top speed of 43 mph (69.2 km/h)
6. TopEnd
This is the display for the cars actual top speed in feet per minute. This is only for car selection display and will not affect your car.
The mathematical formula to convert mph into feet per minute is as follows:
mph *5280 / 60 = Feet per minute
The formula from km/h to feet per minute is as follows:
kmh * 3273.6 / 60 = Feet per minute
If you are not using Re-Volt 1.2, there is no need to adjust this setting. (Re-Volt 1.2 adds a command line which allows the use of this setting.
7. Acc
This is for the car selection display of the acceleration of the car. It is a reverse scale from 12 to 0. (Maybe representative of time?) 0 represents a very fast acceleration, and 12 represents a slow acceleration.
If you are not using Re-Volt 1.2, there is no need to adjust this setting. (Re-Volt 1.2 adds a command line which allows the use of this setting.
8. Weight
This is the actual weight of the car in kilograms (kg), when calculating your weight for car selection display you should include the weight of your tires in this section. (Tires are most generally .15 kg in weight, but not always)
For those who are wondering how much 1 kg is in pounds (lbs), here it is:
1 kg = 2.21 lbs.
If you are not using Re-Volt 1.2, there is no need to adjust this setting. (Re-Volt 1.2 adds a command line which allows the use of this setting.
9. Handling
This setting uses number input from 0-100. All stock Re-Volt cars have been set to 50. As far as we know, this number does nothing. It's not for car selection display and does not affect your car.
10. Trans
This shows the type of transmission your car has (RWD, FWD, or 4WD) for car selection display. It does not affect your car. It uses a range from 0 to 2.
0 = Four (or All) wheel Drive
1 = Front Wheel Drive
2 = Rear Wheel Drive
11. MaxRevs
This setting deals with the Tachometer in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. However, that we know of, it does nothing special.
Car Handling and Weapon offset
; Handling related stuff
SteerRate 3.000000
SteerMod 0.400000
EngineRate 4.500000
TopSpeed 32.000000
DownForceMod 2.000000
CoM 0.000000 2.000000 -4.000000
Weapon 0.000000 -32.000000 64.000000
1. SteerRate
This is the wheel snap when turning.. High numbers make the car steer more quickly, thus, more like an R/C, but numbers which are too high can make handling the car very difficult. (Oversteer) A setting of 3 seems good for R/C style cars. Higher numbers also cause the car to lay down more rubber in the corners.
Lower numbers cause the steering to be more smoothe and slower, more like a stable car in real life. If you wish to make such a car, use a setting of .5 to 1. Anything below .5 will be uncontrollable, as it will not be able to navigate the turns well enough. (Understeer) Lower numbers cause the car to lay down rubber less often in corners.
Think of this as a Differential setting (Turn-in while cornering, all the while maintaining your speed)
2. SteerMod
This setting is unknown. It appears to do nothing.
3. Engine Rate
This setting determines how quickly your throttle will respond. Lower numbers give slow response. High numbers give a fast response. Numbers above 4.5 make no difference, thus it uses a scale from 0 to 4.5
4. TopSpeed
This setting determines the physical top speed of your car in mph (assuming there's no friction). The higher the number, the faster your car will go.
Cars rarely achieve this number, as there are many factors which attribute to the car's overall speed. 4WD cars are the most likely to achieve this number though.
5. DownForceMod
This adjusts how well your car sticks to the ground while driving. Lower values create lift, which can cause your car to come off the ground more easily. Higher values will force the car downward (like a car with front and rear spoilers). This setting does NOT affect your speed or jumping.
6. CoM
This is your Center of Mass. The central point at which your car rotates (on ground or in air). The CoM setting works on a 3 point axis (X, Y, and Z axis)
X-0, Z-0, Y-0
X = width of car (This is the 1st number)
Y = length of car (The 3rd number)
Z = height of car(2nd number)
Positive numbers on the X axis place the CoM to the Left, whereas, Negative numbers place the CoM to the right.
Positive numbers on the Z axis will bring the CoM up, whereas, Negative numbers will lower the CoM. (A negative CoM is good when you make any 2 wheeled car)
Positive numbers on the Y axis bring the CoM to the rear of the car, whereas, Negative numbers push the CoM to the front. (This is good to play with if you envision your car having a Front, Rear, or Mid engine.
This is your weight distribution.
7. Weapon
This is the point at which your weapons fire from. It works on the same XYZ coordinate system as the CoM setting. This setting should be set slightly above the Offset (see later section) of the car body, and slightly in front.
Car Body Details
; Car Body details
BODY { ; Start Body
ModelNum 0
Offset 0, 0, 0
Mass 1.400000
Inertia 780.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1015.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 445.000000
Gravity 2200
Hardness 0.000000
Resistance 0.001000
AngRes 0.001000
ResMod 25.000000
Grip 0.010000
StaticFriction 0.800000
KineticFriction 0.400000
} ; End Body
1. ModelNum
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number corresponding with body.prm.
2. Offset
These numbers determine the placement of your 3d model. It uses an XYZ coordinate system.
X-0, Z-0, Y-0
X = width of car (This is the 1st number)
Y = length of car (The 2nd number)
Z = height of car(3rd number)
Positive numbers on the X axis place the model to the Right, whereas, Negative numbers place it to the Left.
Positive numbers on the Z axis will move the model down toward the ground, whereas, Negative numbers will bring it up.
Positive numbers on the Y axis move the model forward, whereas, Negative numbers it to the rear
If you move your car too far upwards, and it flips, the car will go under the ground, as this setting does not move your collision hull.hul file.
3. Mass
This is the weight of the body of your car in kilograms (kg). This setting will affect your speed and acceleration as well.
Lighter car = more speed and acceleration
Heavier car = less speed and slower acceleration.
4. Inertia
This setting tells Re-Volt exactly how big your car is. It works on a cubed XYZ coordinate system. It looks something like this
Vertical Axis | Linear Axis
X X, Y, Z
Y X, Y, Z
Z X, Y, Z
On the 1st line, only the X axis (1st number) should be filled in.
On the 2nd line, only the Y axis (2nd number) should be filled in.
On the 3rd line, only the Z axis (3rd number) should be filled in.
How to calculate the Inertia numbers:
Use Positive numbers when doing these formulas.
X line: Add the distance between your Left (Represented by L) and Right ® tires in RV units, preferably the widest distance, then multiply by 25. Inertia will be represented by N. Here are 2 formula options for this number:
(R + L) * 25 = N
R * 2 * 25 = IN
Y line: Add the distance between your Front wheel (F) and Rear Wheel ® multiplied by 25.
(F+R) * 25 = N
Z line: This is the height of your car (H) multiplied by 25.
H * 25 = N
A longer car will turn more sluggishly.
A wide car will be less likely to roll over and may have stiff handling.
A tall car will be more likely to roll over and may be tossed about more easily.
5. Gravity
This determines the amount of time it takes the car to catch grip when it lands after a jump (thus, squealing tires). The lower the number, the more time it takes to catch grip. A value of 100 takes about 5 seconds to catch grip.
6. Hardness
This is how hard the shell of your car is. Higher numbers make the car bouncy, alot like a fully inflated beachball. Extremely high numbers make the car uncontrollable. Low numbers cause the car to take light impacts very well, but the car will bounce after a hard hit like a rebounding rubber ball.
7. Resistance
This, along with the following 2 settings deal with the aerodynamics of your car. Resistance deals with air resistance while driving (drag). High numbers will increase the drag on your car and reduce your top speed. Low numbers (in excess of .0001) reduces the drag created and greatly increase your top speed. This setting will not affect the rotation of the car.
8. AngRes
This is the rotational air resistance (aptitude to turn end over end during a jump). A value which is higher than .001 will cause the car to rotate less quickly in the air, and extremely high numbers will stop rotation in the air (very unrealistic). Lower numbers can cause the car to rotate more quickly in the air. For cars with more weight in the front of the car (CoM is in a forward position) a lower number is good. Negative numbers are not reccommended as, the car will spin wildly out of control while in the air.
9. ResMod
This is the angular air resistance scale when airborne. Numbers around the Re-Volt default of 25 to 30 (and higher) will cause the car to be more stable in the air. However, numbers which are too high will stop the rotation of the car. Lower values will cause the car to act more realistically as if the car weighs more on the right or left side. This makes the car more erratic. This seems to have an effect on the overall handling of the car when in the air.
10. Grip
This is the general grip of the car body. Higher values will cause it to stick to the track better, like a magnet. Lower values will decrease this friction.
11. StaticFriction
This is the car body's resistance to movement while not moving. If the value is high, and the car is upside-down, not moving, then is hit by another car. It will not be inclined to move so much. If the number is lower, the car will be more prone to being moved. This also controls how much the body sticks to and opposes movement when touching a wall. It is not recommended to set the value to 0, and should always be set higher than kinetic friction.
12. KineticFriction
This is the car body's resistance to movement while moving. If the value is high, and the car is upside-down, moving, and then is hit by another car, it will not be inclined to move much father. If the number is lower, the car will be more prone to being moved with ease. This also controls how much the car will slow down when the body sticks to a wall. It is not recommended to set the value to 0.
Tires and Additional Handling
; Car Wheel details
WHEEL 0 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 1
Offset1 -24.000000 -1.000000 37.000000
Offset2 -4.500000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered TRUE
IsTurnable TRUE
SteerRatio -0.500000
EngineRatio 12000.000000
Radius 12.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 12.000000
SkidWidth 10.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.020000
Grip 0.014000
StaticFriction 1.500000
KineticFriction 1.500000
} ; End Wheel
WHEEL 1 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 2
Offset1 24.000000 -1.000000 37.000000
Offset2 4.500000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered TRUE
IsTurnable TRUE
SteerRatio -0.500000
EngineRatio 12000.000000
Radius 12.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 12.000000
SkidWidth 10.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.020000
Grip 0.014000
StaticFriction 1.500000
KineticFriction 1.500000
} ; End Wheel
WHEEL 2 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 3
Offset1 -24.000000 1.000000 -36.000000
Offset2 -6.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered TRUE
IsTurnable FALSE
SteerRatio 0.100000
EngineRatio 12000.000000
Radius 13.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 12.000000
SkidWidth 10.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.050000
Grip 0.014000
StaticFriction 1.500000
KineticFriction 1.500000
} ; End Wheel
WHEEL 3 { ; Start Wheel
ModelNum 4
Offset1 24.000000 1.000000 -36.000000
Offset2 6.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent TRUE
IsPowered TRUE
IsTurnable FALSE
SteerRatio 0.100000
EngineRatio 12000.000000
Radius 13.000000
Mass 0.150000
Gravity 2200.000000
MaxPos 12.000000
SkidWidth 10.000000
ToeIn 0.000000
AxleFriction 0.050000
Grip 0.014000
StaticFriction 1.500000
KineticFriction 1.500000
} ; End Wheel
1. ModelNum
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number corresponding with one of the tire prm's.
2. Offset1
This is the same as the offset setting for the body of the car. Offset1 is the placement of the visual model of the wheels, based on an XYZ coordinate system.
X-0, Z-0, Y-0
X = width of car (This is the 1st number)
Y = length of car (The 2nd number)
Z = height of car(3rd number)
3. Offset2
This setting is just like Offset1, but instead of placing the visual model of your tires, Offset2 places the physical tires. These tires are invisible, thus, you have to look at tire skid-marks to see where they're being placed. Offset2's point of origin is set by Offset1, and can be modified from that point.
This setting can have impact on the handling of your car. Such as, a wider wheel base will increase stability during cornering (unless too wide). Making the car wheelbase longer can cause the car to react sluggishly and increase the turning radius.
4. IsPresent
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag to say if the wheel is visible or not.
5. IsPowered
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag to say if the wheel has power flowing to it from the engine or not.
6. IsTurnable
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag to say if the wheel has steering or not.
7. SteerRatio
SteerRatio tells Re-Volt firstly how much your steering wheels will turn. A number of -6.25 will turn the wheels a complete 360 degrees. It also covers the speed of your steering. The more angle you have, the faster the car will steer. In turn, this effects the stability of the car, making it stable or twitchy.
SteerRatio uses negative (-) numbers for the front wheels, and positive (+) numbers for the rear wheels. Most generally, for the front wheels, a number of about -0.25 is good for R/C cars (and sometimes simulation handling). However, if you wish slightly smoother steering lines, or more understeer, you can bring the number a little closer to 0. If you wish for simulation style handling, -.15 seems to be good. However, dropping below (or rather, above) is not recommended, as you will not be able to properly navigate the turns.
This is the power which is delivered to your tires. Increasing this number will increase the power, of the tire. The front-right tire should have the same power as the front-left tire. Rear tires may have a different EngineRatio than the front tires.
Increasing the power can also affect your acceleration, making it much faster. It can also have an impact on your handling, such as, increasing understeer. Lowering the setting can encourage better, more stable cornering. This setting also affects tire squeal (wheel spin).
Think of this setting as your torque distribution. This can be used as a way to evenly distribute the power of the wheels of a 4WD car. If you wish to have a distribution of 40/60 torque split, keep a number in mind (say 30,000) and then multiply by .6 (or.4). Whatever the amount comes from the equation, that amount of power goes to the front or back wheels.
Example equation:
In this case we want a 25/75, torque split ratio, with a grand total of 30,000 Engine Ratio Units.
Rear Tires
30,000 x 0.75 = Rear Engine Ratio (For each rear tire)
Front Tires
30,000 x 0.25 = Front Engine Ratio
9. Radius
This is the physical (not visual) size of the tire in RV Units. If this setting is not set with the size of the 3d model of the wheel, the tires will either float in the air (if the number is too big), or sink into the ground (number is too
Adjusting this setting also affects the acceleration of the car. Smaller tires require less EngineRatio to turn the wheels more quickly, and likewise, larger wheels require more EngineRatio to correctly power them. Tires which are overpowered will produce wheel spin and will not grip to the ground as well.
This is the weight of the tires in kilograms (kg). Increasing this setting for the tires will increase the overall grip of the tires, making it slightly easier to climb snowy/icy hills, and also less likely to roll. If the tire is too heavy (I.E.: Over 1 kg), when in the air, the tires will move up through the car body, then upon landing will do funny things. This, possibly could be corrected, as this setting corresponds to the MaxPos setting later in the wheels section.
Increasing the mass of your tires can have a very tiny effect on your acceleration and top speed. (For this to happen, the weight needs to be 4 kg or more). If you wish your tires to be so heavy, you may have to slightly increase the EngineRatio setting to accomodate. A setting of more than 6 kg is not reccommended as it will cause the wheels to fly about during impact (however, this may be correctable by the afore mentioned settings).
11. Gravity
This setting tells Re-Volt how long it should take the tires to catch grip after a jump. A setting of 100 will cause the tires to catch grip after about 5 seconds. Having a lower setting can also affect how the car goes onto inclined planes.
Gravity also affects the ride-height of the car/wheels. The norm for this settng is 2200. A setting of about 20,000 will lower the car nicely, but 200,000 will put the car through the floor. Very high numbers will affect the top speed of the car.
12. MaxPos
This is the vertical movement of the tire on it's respective "spring", in terms of RV Units (vertical travel) divided by 2
U = RV Units
M = MaxPos
U / 2 = M
MaxPos, will also affect your handling. A setting of 6 to 8 seems to be fine for most R/C style cars, however, a setting of 1 will cause an extreme amount of understeer. Increasing this number in excess of 50 - 100 seems to encourage a heavier, more simulation feel of the car. Doing this will give the car slightly smoother steering lines. Any numbers above 100 do not have much effect.
13. Skidwidth
This is the width of the wheels skid-marks in RV Units. The placement of the skids are set by "Offset2". This setting should match the width of the wheel model. Making the Skidwidth excessively wide (or thin) seems to have no effect on top speed or handling.
14. ToeIn
ToeIn is usually the angle that the tires are pointed toward (or away) from the center of the car. This (depending on if the car has Toe-in or Toe-out) can increase (or decrease) understeer/oversteer in a car. However, in Re-Volt this setting seems to be irrelavent, having no function.
This setting requires further, more indepth testing.
15. AxleFriction
This is the value for the amount of friction produced by that wheel on the axle. Increasing this number reduces the amount of friction on the axle, this in-turn can greatly increase the speed of your car. However, it will make the car more twitchy. Lower numbers will increase the friction on the axle, making it easier to slow down when the gas is let go. Likewise, decreasing the overall top speed of the car.
It is not recommended to go over a setting of 0.3.
16. Grip
This is the general grip of the individual wheel. Higher values will cause it to stick to the track better, like a magnet. Lower values will decrease this friction.
This setting can be used to stablilize RWD cars by increasing the grip on the rear tires by a value of 0.06 over the front tire grip. This will produce a handling result of the Ferrarri 458 Italia on Forza Motorsport 4. A setting of 0.025 will give much stability to the car. Anything above 0.025 is not recommended, as it will increase tire squeal, and numbers in excess of 0.03 will decrease the top speed of the car.
Increasing the Grip setting on the front tires can lead to oversteer. Increasing front grip too much can cause a near 0 point turn radius. Therefore, it is not good to increase front grip unless you wish to have a car which snaps into the turns, however, steering corrections become near impossible. A perfect example of this would be to think of a Smart Fortwo that is fully tuned and RWD.
17. StaticFriction
This is the wheel's resistance to movement while not moving (if hit or on an inclined plane). It also affects the amount of grip the tire gets when the gas is depressed.
Higher values increase the friction produced, whereas lower values decrease friction. This setting should be higher than KineticFriction. It is not good to bring this setting close to 0.
Lower values (in tandem with the KineticFriction setting) can be used to make the car drift through the corners with ease. Depending on how low the friction is, the picture can be like butter sliding on a hot plate.
This setting can have an adverse effect on handling.
18. KineticFriction
This is the wheel's resistance to movement while moving. It also affects the amount of sliding that occurs when the brakes are hit.
Higher values increase the friction produced, whereas lower values decrease friction. This setting should be lower than StaticFriction. It is not good to bring this setting close to 0.
Lower values (in tandem with the StaticFriction setting) can be used to make the car drift through the corners with ease. Depending on how low the friction is, the picture can be like icecream sliding on a hot plate.
Car Springs
; Car Spring details
SPRING 0 { ; Start Spring
ModelNum 5
Offset -12.000000 -20.000000 34.000000
Length 22.000000
Stiffness 400.00000
Damping 9.000000
Restitution -0.950000
} ; End Spring
SPRING 1 { ; Start Spring
ModelNum 5
Offset 12.000000 -20.000000 34.000000
Length 22.000000
Stiffness 400.000000
Damping 9.000000
Restitution -0.950000
} ; End Spring
SPRING 2 { ; Start Spring
ModelNum 5
Offset -12.000000 -19.000000 -33.000000
Length 19.000000
Stiffness 400.000000
Damping 9.000000
Restitution -0.950000
} ; End Spring
SPRING 3 { ; Start Spring
ModelNum 5
Offset 12.000000 -19.000000 -33.000000
Length 19.000000
Stiffness 400.000000
Damping 9.000000
Restitution -0.950000
} ; End Spring
1. ModelNum
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number corresponding with the spring prm.
2. Offset
These numbers determine the placement of your 3d spring model. It uses an XYZ coordinate system.
X-0, Z-0, Y-0
X = width of car (This is the 1st number)
Y = length of car (The 2nd number)
Z = height of car(3rd number)
Positive numbers on the X axis place the model to the Right, whereas, Negative numbers place it to the Left.
Positive numbers on the Z axis will move the model down toward the ground, whereas, Negative numbers will bring it up.
Positive numbers on the Y axis move the model forward, whereas, Negative numbers it to the rear
3. Length
This setting is only used when there is a 3d model of the spring present. This setting tells Re-Volt how long the Spring model is, in RV Units, from the top of the model to the center of the wheel model. This does not affect the handling of the car.
4. Stiffness
This is your springrate. The higher the number, the more stiff (hard) the springs will be. Higher numbers can prevent body roll, whereas, lower numbers (coupled with the Damping setting) encourage body roll.
One way to know that you have properly tuned the springs:
If the springrate is set incorrectly, the tires of the car will bounce. Springrate is usually determine by taking the total weight (W) of the car, multiplying that by the front (F) or rear ® weight distribution percentage, then dividing by two. This is a two step process.
Real life equation:
W*F/2= Front Springrate
W*R/2= Rear Springrate
If you have a weight distribution that is a perfect 50/50 (This means the CoM is set at 0 on the Y axis) these numbers all be the same. If the distribution is 40/60 (or anything else) the front tires should have a different springrate than the rear tires.
Note: Re-Volt also seems to take into account the track-width and wheel-base for the spring rate, so, if the previous formulas do not work, adjust the springs so that they do not bounce underneath the car.
5. Damping
This setting adjusts the speed of your shocks (or springs). If the value is set high, this will result in more stable cornering, but will cause the car to slam to the ground after a jump, making it possible to flip or lose control of the car (such as a sports car in real life). Higher Damping settings can also give the car more precise steer. However, if the value is too high, the steering can become twitchy.
Lower values will cause the shocks to move more quickly, absorbing bumps (such as a "Grocery Getter" car in real life). This can result in smoother steering lines and good rebound after jumps. However, the tires will be more likely to travel through the top of the car body upon landing jumps (See MaxPos of the Wheels Section)
Increasing this setting can affect the top speed and acceleration of the car.
6. Restitution
Restitution works on numbers ranging from -1 to 0. This determines how "high" on the shocks the car will sit when sitting still. This means that the wheels (when the car is pressed down) will come up, and when the car is in the air, they will fall a bit. Values lower than -1 or above 0 will make the car behave oddly. And a setting of 0 will have an effect on the acceleration of the car.
Pin Details
; Car Pin details
PIN 0 { ; Start Pi
ModelNum -1
Offset 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length 0.000000
} ; End Pin
PIN 1 { ; Start Pin
ModelNum -1
Offset 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length 0.000000
} ; End Pin
PIN 2 { ; Start Pin
ModelNum -1
Offset 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length 0.000000
} ; End Pin
PIN 3 { ; Start Pin
ModelNum -1
Offset 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length 0.000000
} ; End Pin
1. Model Num
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number corresponding with the pin prm.
2. Offset
This offset seems to have no function, as the base of the pin model is generated from the same point as the base of the springs model. However it may use the same offset as the other Offset options to align to the center of the car.
3. Length
This setting is only used when pin is displayed. This is the length multiplier for the pin models as read from the model file. If the pin has length 10 in the 3d model, a value of -1.5 here would make it 15 units long. If you use an existing pin model, use the value defined in the original car's pin section, unless it needs to be made longer or shorter. The length does not affect handling.
Car Axle Details
; Car axle details
AXLE 0 { ; Start Axle
ModelNum 9
Offset 0.000000 -1.000000 35.000000
Length 18.000000
} ; End axle
AXLE 1 { ; Start Axle
ModelNum 9
Offset 0.000000 -1.000000 35.000000
Length 18.000000
} ; End axle
AXLE 2 { ; Start Axle
ModelNum 9
Offset 0.000000 -3.000000 -28.000000
Length 18.000000
} ; End axle
AXLE 3 { ; Start Axle
ModelNum 9
Offset 0.000000 -3.000000 -28.000000
Length 18.000000
} ; End axle
1. ModelNum
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number corresponding with the pin prm.
2. Offset
The Offset from center of car for base of axle (the base is the point where axle is attached to chassis of car, usually the bottom edge of the chassis). This only applies to axles that are displayed.
3. Length
This is only used when the axle is displayed. This is the length of the axle model in RV units from origin (base/bottom edge of chassis) to wheel centerpoint. If an existing axle model is used, use of the value defined in the original car's spring section is recommended. The length does not affect handling.
Car Spinner
; Car spinner details
SPINNER { ; Start spinner
ModelNum -1
Offset 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Axis 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
AngVel 0.000000
} ; End Spinner
1. ModelNum
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number corresponding with the spinner prm.
2. Offset
These numbers determine the placement of your 3d spinner model. It uses an XYZ coordinate system.
X-0, Z-0, Y-0
X = width of car (This is the 1st number)
Y = length of car (The 2nd number)
Z = height of car(3rd number)
Positive numbers on the X axis place the model to the Right, whereas, Negative numbers place it to the Left.
Positive numbers on the Z axis will move the model down toward the ground, whereas, Negative numbers will bring it up.
Positive numbers on the Y axis move the model forward, whereas, Negative numbers it to the rear
3. Axis
These numbers range from 0 to 1. This is the axis (X,Y, or Z) on which the spinner model should rotate. It is possible to combine 2 or 3 axis to achieve unique angles.
4. AngVel
This is the velocity (or speed) of the spinner rotation. A value of 1 means that the spinner will spin once in 1 second. A value of 2 means 2 rotations in one second, and so forth. A negative value will make the spinner spin in the opposite direction.
Car Aerial Details
; Car Aerial details
AERIAL { ; Start Aerial
SecModelNum 17
TopModelNum 18
Offset -10.000000 -22.000000 -30.000000
Direction 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000
Length 35.000000
Stiffness 2000.000000
Damping 5.500000
} ; End Aerial
1. SecModelNum
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number which corresponds to the vertical part of the antenna/aerial (typically number 17).
2. TopModelNum
This corresponds with the "Model Filenames" section. This setting uses the numbers -1 to 18 and determines which model is used. If no models are used, this number should be set to -1, otherwise from 0 to 18. In this case you want the number which corresponds to the top part of the antenna/aerial (typically number 18).
3. Offset
These numbers determine the placement of your 3d spring model. It uses an XYZ coordinate system.
X-0, Z-0, Y-0
X = width of car (This is the 1st number)
Y = length of car (The 2nd number)
Z = height of car(3rd number)
Positive numbers on the X axis place the model to the Right, whereas, Negative numbers place it to the Left.
Positive numbers on the Z axis will move the model down toward the ground, whereas, Negative numbers will bring it up.
Positive numbers on the Y axis move the model forward, whereas, Negative numbers it to the rear
4. Direction
This is the angle of the aerial on XYZ coordinates with numbers ranging from -1 to 1. The first number is the X axis, the second is the Z axis, and lastly the third number is the Y axis.
With the X axis, positive numbers will tilt the aerial to the right, whereas negative numbers will tilt it to the left.
On the Y axis, positive numbers tilt the antenna to the front of the car, whereas, negative numbers will tilt it to the rear.
The Z axis is a bit unique of the 3 axis, as, it uses only the whole numbers of -1, 0, and 1. This is unlike the other 2 axis, as the X and Y can use decimals or whole numbers.
5. Length
This is the overall length of the aerial, from base to top. Increasing this number will make the aerial longer. Decreasing the number will make it shorter.
6. Stiffness
This is the rigidity of the aerial. It tells Re-Volt how much the aerial should be able to bend, or not bend. Increasing this number will increase the rigidity of the aerial, and decreasing the number will make it more floppy.
7. Damping
This refers to the speed the aerial will rebound after it has moved. Increasing the number gives a slower rebound, and is kind of like a blade of grass that has been stepped on, then a few hours later returns to it's original position. Lower numbers will cause the aerial to bounce back like a spring.
Car AI Setup
; Car AI details
AI { ;Start AI
UnderThresh 93.820000
UnderRange 3835.356934
UnderFront 197.100006
UnderRear 556.727966
UnderMax 0.510582
OverThresh 462.209991
OverRange 1182.744873
OverMax 1.000000
OverAccThresh 37.340000
OverAccRange 625.908142
PickupBias 13106
BlockBias 22936
OvertakeBias 19660
Suspension 16383
Aggression 0
} ; End AI
1. UnderThresh
This setting says when the AI should correct the car when it is sliding sideways. If the sideways speed of the car exceeds the limit, the car's AI will kick in and correct the sliding issue. Lower numbers will cause the AI to correct the car sooner, and higher numbers will let the car slide further. This ranges from 0 to infinity.
2. UnderRange
This is the smootheness of correction given to the car when the UnderThresh setting takes over, and causes the car to correct itself. Lower numbers cause sharp corrections, and higher numbers encourage the AI to give smoother corrections to the vehicle. This settings ranges from 1 to infinity.
3. UnderFront
This settings works in tandem with the UnderRear setting. If the front and of the car exceeds this limit, the AI will tell the car rather to fully brake, or press the accelerator. Lower numbers will cause the car to fully brake sooner, and higher numbers will encourage the AI to tell the car to press the accelerator. The range is from 0 to infinity.
4. UnderRear
This settings works in tandem with the UnderFront setting. If the front and rear of the car exceeds this limit, the AI will tell the car rather to fully brake, or press the accelerator. Lower numbers will cause the car to fully brake sooner, and higher numbers will encourage the AI to tell the car to press the accelerator. The range is from 0 to infinity.
5. UnderMax
This is the maximum limit at which the AI is allowed to correct the steering of the car while sliding. Lower numbers give smoothe corrections to the steering, and higher numbers will give sharp steering correction. This setting ranges from 0 to 1.
6. OverThresh
If the rear of the car is moving faster than the front of the car (resulting in Oversteer), OverThresh kicks in to correct the problem. Setting this number low will cause the car to correct the steering more quickly. Setting the number higher will result in the car turning into the oversteer, causing a spinout. This ranges from 0 to infinity.
7. OverRange
This is the smoothness of steering correction given during powersliding or spinouts. Lower numbers give sharp corrections to the steering, while, higher numbers encourage smoothe corrections. This setting ranges from 1 to infinity.
8. OverMax
This is the maximum amount that the AI is allowed to correct the steering of the car in the event of a powerslide or spinout. Lower numbers will give smoother corrections, and higher numbers will give sharper corrections to the steering. The range for this setting is 0 to 1.
9. OverAccThresh
This refers to the amount of throttle correction given during the event of a powerslide or spinout. A lower value will cause the AI to correct the throttle sooner, and a higher value will let the car follow through with the slide or spin. The range is from 0 to infinity.
10. OverAccRange
This setting tells the car to either apply the brake or depress the throttle in the event of a powerslide or spinout. A lower value will cause the car to brake more. A higher setting will cause the car to more often apply the throttle. The range is from 1 to infinity.
11. PickupBias
This setting may tell the car how often to acquire a pickup in a race. Assuming, a higher number might make the car acquire pickups more often, and lower numbers may cause it too acquire them less often. However, this needs testing.
12. BlockBias
This may be how likely the car is, when controlled by the AI, to block other cars which may seek to pass it. Assuming, a higher number might make the car move to block another car more often, and lower numbers may cause it to block less often. This setting needs further testing.
13. OvertakeBias
This setting may refer to how likely the car is to overtake (pass) another car. Assuming, higher numbers may cause the car to overtake more often when coming upon another opponent. It may also be that lower numbers will cause the car to be more passive, and not overtake opponents as quickly. This needs further testing.
14. Suspension
No input. This setting needs further testing.
15. Aggression
This setting may correspond to PickupBias, BlockBias, and OvertakeBias. It is possible that this setting could tell the car how often it should use these setting. Assuming, higher numbers make the car more aggressive, and lower numbers make the car more passive. This setting needs further testing.
Addition AI notes:
If a car has less than 2 wheels on the ground, the AI will not defer to the 'Car AI Details' section. In this case, the car will refer to the track's AI. Thus, if your car is a motorcycle with only 2 wheels, the car will only use the AI settings which the track tells the car, and not the AI Details.
Re-Volt 1.2 Addition Options
If you are running the latest Re-Volt 1.2 patch, you will find that Re-Volt 1.2 adds many options to the Parameters.txt file. Such as the ability to drive upside-down, a turning head (such as Panga), and an additional camera. If you are not running the latest Re-Volt 1.2 patch, it is highly recommended. You can acquire it from here:
Commands lines added in by Re-Volt 1.2 begin with a semi-colin ( ; ) and right parenthesis ( ) ). Only then will Re-Volt recognize the command line. The command lines should be placed in the proper sections in Parameters.txt. (This section of instructions will use different command lines from different DLC cars).
Model and Bitmap Files

This line is used to load a custom carbox bitmap for the user's car. This is for display in the car selection screen.
This command is used to load a custom shadow bitmap to your car. This is used when the user or AI select the car for use. This is recommended if the car would (in real life) cast a unique shadow on the ground. However, if your car is similar to the shape of one of the stock Re-Volt cars, it may be better to use the SHADOWINDEX setting, as this will save on disk-space.
This option lets you select one of the stock Re-Volt car shadows. It uses the numbers 0 to 27, plus an additional "number" called TSHAD. TSHAD means that the shadow is a special sort of shadow. Here is a list of the shadows by number for the stock Re-Volt cars so that it is easier to select which shadow is best for the car.
RC Bandit 0
Dust Mite 1
Phat Slug 2
Col. Moss 3
Harvester 4
Dr. Grudge 5
Volken Turbo 6
Sprinter XL 7
RC San 8
Candy Pebbles 9
Genghis Kar 10
Aquasonic 11
Mouse 12
Evil Weasel 13
Panga TC 14
R6 Turbo 15
NY 54 16
Bertha Ballistics 17
Pest Control 18
Adeon 19
Pole Poz 20
Zipper 21
Rotor 22
Cougar 23
Humma 24
Toyeca 25
AMW 26
Panga 27
Clockworks TSHAD
This setting will stretch (or scale) the size of the shadow select by SHADOWINDEX or loaded in by the TSHADOW commands.
This setting works on an XX, YY coordinate system. The first number (this should be a positive number) draws the shadow to the right (X axis) of the car. The second number (should be negative) will enlarge the shadow to the left (x axis) of the car. The third number (should be positive) moves along the Y axis and will move the shadow toward the front of the car.
The 4th number (should be negative) moves the shadow along the the Y axis and stretches. the shadow toward the rear of the car.
The fifth number is a special case, as this reacts like the sun, shining down light on a moving object, as the object moves at a different angle against the light, the shadow will move. Thus, this is the movement of the shadow. It works with negative numbers, and the greater the negative number, the farther the shadow will move from the car as it is steered. A number of -5 will give a fairly stable shadow. Too much movement is not recommended.
Car Selection Display and Class

1. Statistics
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag which tells Re-Volt if the statistics of the car are shown in the car selection screen.
2. CPUSelectable
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag which tells Re-Volt if the car can be used by the AI.
Car Handling and Weapon Offset

1. Flying
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag which tells Re-Volt if the car is a flying car (like the UFO) or non-flying car.
2. Flippable
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag which tells Re-Volt if the car can drive upside-down without affecting the steering controls (such as Rotor) or not.
3. ClothFx
This is a TRUE/FALSE flag which tells Re-Volt to apply animation to the car or not. This animation looks much like a floating sheet (Such as the Mystery Car).
Car Spinner

1. Type
This command line tells Re-Volt how the spinner behaves. It uses the values 1, 2, 4, and 6. The input of 1 is the basic rotating spinner (Such as the radar on the top of Bertha Ballistics). The value of 2 causes the spinner to turn (not rotate) to the left and right when the steering of the car is turned left or right. The number 4 will cause the spinner to rotate faster as the car moves faster. An input of 6 is a combination of 2 and 4, to create a picture of this, it is like a powered front wheel which turns.
2. Trans
This setting tells Re-Volt how far a turning (non-rotating) spinner will move on the X, Y, and Z axis.
3. TransVel
This is the speed at which a turning spinner (such as the turning head of Panga) will move. This value should always be a positive number and never 0. The higher this number is, the faster the spinner will react.
Additional Car Camera


1. Camera
This signifies the beginning of the camera section.
With this line being present, it will add an additional viewport for the car.
3. HoodOffset
This is the position of the camera from the hood of the car for the front view. It works on an XYZ coordinate system.
On the X axis (1st number), positive numbers will move the camera to the right of the car, and negative numbers will move it to the left.
On the Z axis (2nd number) positive numbers will move the camera downwards, and negative will move the camera's position up.
On the Y axis (3rd number) negative numbers will move the camera to the rear of the car, and positive numbers will move it to the front.
4. HoodLook
This is the angle of the camera (as if rotated on the X axis). Lower numbers will cause the camera to look straight ahead, and higher numbers will cause the camera to angle downward towards the ground. Use very small increments with this setting, as, 0.04 seems to work quite nicely with most cars (for a forward facing viewport).
5. RearOffset
This is the position of the camera from the hood of the car for the rear view. It works on an XYZ coordinate system.
On the X axis (1st number), positive numbers will move the camera to the right (when standing behind the car) of the car, and negative numbers will move it to the left.
On the Z axis (2nd number) positive numbers will move the camera upwards, and negative will move the camera's position down.
On the Y axis (3rd number) negative numbers will move the camera to the rear of the car, and positive numbers will move it to the front.
6. RearLook
This is the angle of the camera (as if rotated on the X axis). Lower numbers will cause the camera to look directly behind, and higher numbers will cause the camera to angle downward towards the ground. Use very small increments with this setting.