Posted: 27 Aug 2014, 05:06
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Hello everybody, i provide this from my own knowledge and experiences with the game.
• If you are getting
you can continue to use rvhouse but you may (not) be able to launch games, probably it may get annoying if you login frequently, you don't need to reinstall rvhouse, in fact reinstalling won't help.
you may not be able to run the game within RVH if you get the warning below (regardless of the warning above, if it happens without the above warning then re-register the game:

solution: check that you have the game and the game registry values exist
you may need to install and run 1207 or 1.2 beta to get these registry paths automatically generated, then you can upgrade to 1.2 alpha, but apply in the same folder where you ran the "register" copy
game settings: (this is the minimal of what rvhouse expects otherwise it displays the login warning)
DirectPlay: (rvhouse expects this to be able to launch the game successfully otherwise the "couldn't find re-volt..." message pops)
Note: the above"fix" applies for other programs used to play online (Voobly, GameRanger, Evolve, etc): they use these paths to detect the game location as well.
• only dev version and 1.10 and up is able to run in windows vista and up, you need to use -sli (only official Acclaim versions except demos and dev). in all versions Win98 compat is preferred but purely optional. Running the game elevated is a must too. same applies for RVHouse. (in vista and 7 UAC can be disabled, but on windows 8 and up you cant, only make it prompt-less otherwise running elevated explorer/shell causes big screen/immerse/metro/store apps to refuse to launch)
• installing 1.00/1.10 on a path that contains no spaces (valid path without quotes) is recommended especially when launching from RVHouse, it displays a CRC error if the path contains spaces. (the message may pop even in windows 98 compat)
• Network related info: you must have either firewall disabled or configured for allowing the following: (archive of defunct official doc: "DirectX: Ports required to play on a network" section "Using DirectX 7 or an earlier version" in "more information")
Connection Ports for Client and Host Configuration
TCP Outbound & Inbound 47624
UDP & TCP, Outbound & Inbound 2300-2400
• if you happen to see errors about missing folders in startup it means that you're trying to run the game alone or extracted in the wrong location if its a patch. either uninstall and reinstall the patch or simply re-run the version you had before and copy the patch files to the proper location and fix shortcuts, uninstall entry will become invalid if you choose to copy the files manually
Re-Volt requires: cars, levels, strings, edit, models, gfx and wavs folders besides dlls to minimally run. to change settings it requires frontend track and all its respective assets including wincar, wincar2 and wincar3 to be useable (and font.bmp to display characters)
Thanks for your patience, Good luck and Happy racing!
PS: Right now this is the furthest i can remember for now, will update it soon
(Anyone can tell me how i strike text? mod/admin: feel free to fix it and note it, thanks)
EDIT: Actually, anyone is free to add stuff, any troubleshooting information helps, i just started it
, we could make a compilation for everyone out there.
(feel free to copy this and make a better one for understanding and credit me, thanks)
Hello everybody, i provide this from my own knowledge and experiences with the game.
• If you are getting

you can continue to use rvhouse but you may (not) be able to launch games, probably it may get annoying if you login frequently, you don't need to reinstall rvhouse, in fact reinstalling won't help.
you may not be able to run the game within RVH if you get the warning below (regardless of the warning above, if it happens without the above warning then re-register the game:

solution: check that you have the game and the game registry values exist
you may need to install and run 1207 or 1.2 beta to get these registry paths automatically generated, then you can upgrade to 1.2 alpha, but apply in the same folder where you ran the "register" copy
game settings: (this is the minimal of what rvhouse expects otherwise it displays the login warning)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications\Re-Volt (without Wow6432Node for 32-bits OS)
• only dev version and 1.10 and up is able to run in windows vista and up, you need to use -sli (only official Acclaim versions except demos and dev). in all versions Win98 compat is preferred but purely optional. Running the game elevated is a must too. same applies for RVHouse. (in vista and 7 UAC can be disabled, but on windows 8 and up you cant, only make it prompt-less otherwise running elevated explorer/shell causes big screen/immerse/metro/store apps to refuse to launch)
• installing 1.00/1.10 on a path that contains no spaces (valid path without quotes) is recommended especially when launching from RVHouse, it displays a CRC error if the path contains spaces. (the message may pop even in windows 98 compat)
• Network related info: you must have either firewall disabled or configured for allowing the following: (archive of defunct official doc: "DirectX: Ports required to play on a network" section "Using DirectX 7 or an earlier version" in "more information")
Connection Ports for Client and Host Configuration
TCP Outbound & Inbound 47624
UDP & TCP, Outbound & Inbound 2300-2400
• if you happen to see errors about missing folders in startup it means that you're trying to run the game alone or extracted in the wrong location if its a patch. either uninstall and reinstall the patch or simply re-run the version you had before and copy the patch files to the proper location and fix shortcuts, uninstall entry will become invalid if you choose to copy the files manually
Re-Volt requires: cars, levels, strings, edit, models, gfx and wavs folders besides dlls to minimally run. to change settings it requires frontend track and all its respective assets including wincar, wincar2 and wincar3 to be useable (and font.bmp to display characters)
Thanks for your patience, Good luck and Happy racing!
PS: Right now this is the furthest i can remember for now, will update it soon
(Anyone can tell me how i strike text? mod/admin: feel free to fix it and note it, thanks)
EDIT: Actually, anyone is free to add stuff, any troubleshooting information helps, i just started it

(feel free to copy this and make a better one for understanding and credit me, thanks)