Hey Zach,
glad too see you want to improve the navigation a bit ^^
Here's what I've pointed out so far :
- There's no obvious "home page" ! There should be a place with the last 5 or 10 cars and tracks WITH IMAGES. You may add some text info here too if you think it is needed (like "main news" or something like that). Well, the page a casual visitor would check to see what's new...
- The search engine is great, but I don't understand why when clicking on "new tracks" there's no pagination at all. I think it would be better to put the search with all inputs on a "search" page, and pages like "top graded" or "new tracks" would be like shortcuts with just pagination and no inputs.
- I saw there are new search criteria like "length" or "grade", but when displaying results the length or grade should be shown somewhere...
- Search results display is really strange. When I search for a new track, the first thing I check is the image, and it's the smallest thing on the screen + borders are rounded so you hide more infos !!
- last but not least, when clicking a link to open in a new tab, the actual page is refreshed too. Some links can't be used like that at all (like links to forums etc..). I don't know why but it's really annoying.
Here are my 2 cents. Good luck with this and thanks again for the work you already did !!