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Posted: 03 May 2014, 10:49
Time ago, I was working on a track (I'm still working on it but that's not the point), and when I imported it, something strange happend.

I thought that it was my fault, and I tried to fix my track in many ways but nothing changed.
After a while, I was playing on the stock tracks, then it happend again.
I realized that it was unrelated to my track, since it was an issue on every track of the game + customs.
On many other PCs this doesn't happen.
A possible reason of this could be the Intel integrated GPU, since all the other PCs where I checked for this issue have a NVidia card and the glitch is not present.
I don't know if there is a fix for it... anyway, I'm not using the most recent release, I'm still using the one with the rubberbanding/catch up disabled for personal preference, but I checked the changelog of the newer versions and nothing about this glitch is said, so I assume that it's still not fixed.
Some example of the glitch on a stock track:
Another small issue about what I'm not going to open a thread because I don't know if it's a real issue or just casuality... I have a small issue with the random of the pickups. It happens so often that when I get a certain power up, the next pickup gives me the exact same power up. I think it works with the CPU as well. It's too easy to get the same item twice in a row, probably there is something wrong with the pickup code, I don't know.
I hope this helps.
Posted: 03 May 2014, 15:32
Is the graphics glitch easily reproducable (if yes how) or does it just occur on random loactions?
Have you tried yet playing around with the graphic settings in the game?
What hardware do you have in the PC where the glitch occurs?
Perhaps other users with the same hardware (or at least the same graphics chip) can confirm that there is an issue.
Regarding the pickups:
Afaik the way the game decides which pickup you get hasn't been touched in any of the 1.2 patches. With that being said it could be that some other code changes had an influence on the "randomness" of the pickups, but only the developers themselves can confirm this.
So as long as there is no definite proof (which is obviously next to impossible here) you can't say for sure that something has changed compared to the original.
Posted: 03 May 2014, 15:58
Intel Core i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80 GHz
Windows 8.0 x64 (that's not the problem because I tested another PC with W8-64 and the glitch wasn't present)
Intel HD Graphics 4000.
The glitch happens randomly and for very short moments; it was very hard to take these screenshots because it isn't easily reproductable... it happens often but it's so short that you have to be lucky pressing the Stamp/Print Screen button at the right time.
There are places where it happens more often but I haven't realized why and where are precisely those places (the one where I took the TITH screenshot is one... the house just in front of the starting line).
Haven't tried with different settings yet, but I think it's related to the shiny effect of the surfaces. I will try as soon as possible.
I remember of someone saying me that he had the same problem, but I can't remember well and I'm not sure about it.
About the randomness of the pickups, no problems, it's just a suspect, I know that there are no proofs and it may just be me.
Posted: 03 May 2014, 18:07
They can't be bothered with 1.2 anymore, you'll just have to deal with it.
Posted: 04 May 2014, 01:45
What nero said is unfortunately true, the developers don't seem to have interest in the project anymore. I think we'll just have to accept that the alpha 0820 is the last version of the game.
I can only suggest you that you keep working with your track on another computer or check again if something related with your windows configuration could have caused the problem.
Posted: 04 May 2014, 02:05
I guess it's the Intel GMA. Certain models have problems with hardware transform & lightning not only in Re-Volt but with other games aswell.
Posted: 04 May 2014, 17:47
Is it ''Green Hill Zone'' from Iko-kun ?
If yes i worked on this track too, have a look on LC's XTG Beta project page.
You'll see my work on it. Can you tell us if the glich happen againe ?
Posted: 04 May 2014, 18:56
I tested it with different configurations, and looks like the glitch is present with any configuration except when I disabled the shiny effect on the models.
I read somewhere that some GPU have some limits on how many multiple textures they can map on the same model; maybe the glitch is caused by the fact that the car.bmp, the BMQ, the shiny texture and something else (the battery or the electric effect) are all mapped on the same mesh and the Intel video cards have issues handling this... it's possible?
Anyway I think Cat is right.
The glitch is not too much invasive, it's annoying but I can still play the game and make my cars/tracks. I just reported it so if Jigebren and Huki will ever work on a new release again, maybe they can fix it... I hope they won't leave this project, but sadly, if they aren't interested on working on it anymore, I hope that they will give the code to someone else so this project can continue...
About the track:
It's not the same Green Hill Zone... that one is still in development, it isn't released yet... but there is a pre-alpha version on ARM if you want to try; I had to delay it a lot of times because I was busy with study.
If I remember well, the other Green Hill track was called "Grin" Hill Zone, or something else.
Someone did a video of the alpha version of this track, I just discovered it now lol
Link to the video because it's offtopic.
EDIT: I noticed that there is a raceable version of my track on Re Volt XTG, I didn't know this. Yes, I'm the author of that track

Don't worry, I will finish it as soon as possible, I'll work hard on it this summer.
Posted: 04 May 2014, 22:36
Iko @ May 4 2014, 02:26 PM wrote: EDIT: I noticed that there is a raceable version of my track on Re Volt XTG, I didn't know this. Yes, I'm the author of that track

Don't worry, I will finish it as soon as possible, I'll work hard on it this summer.
i made this raceable version ... but still give your name (and mine) on the readme

add animated water and somme texturing (was thinking that the project was off)