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Posted: 24 Feb 2014, 12:30
Note: This post is NOT related with my other post about a similar error that Seth is having.
This "can't restore primary display" is something i'm experiencing myself in the last days and I think it's caused by minimizing re-volt on 1.2 alpha 0820 with the -emulatefullscreen commandline enabled.
Well, i first noticed the problem when I minimized re-volt (with Ctrl+D or Alt+TAB) and then i tried to restore it from taskbar, it gives me this error message:
Obviusly the game doesn't start after this and pressing Accept kills the game.
Then I noticed I had the -emulatefullscreen command on. I remove the commandline and the error message doesn't pop-up anymore. I apply it again, and it occurs.
Is the -emulatefullscreen commandline incompatible with Windows 7?
I repeated the test with the -window commandline and re-volt minimizes and restores perfectly with it. The error only happens after trying to restore re-volt from taskbar with -emulatefullscreen enabled.
In case there is any way to avoid re-volt from crashing after minimizing, can you please provide me a fix build for this problem so I test it? Thanks!
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 03:28
It seems that the -emulatefullscreen has undesired effects on Windows 7.
Recently I asked the gameranger developer to add it by default so re-volt could be played in gameranger under windows 8. The commandlines on gameranger are not something personal like in RVHouse, the developer adds the change for everyone. He added -sli and -emulatefullscreen under my request, and he also added support for 12 players instead of 8, and enabled late joining.
The change works excellent on windows 8, finally people with win8 can join our races and have good fps, but now i noticed that the FPS are drastically reduced for most players with Windows 7, inluding me (I see a line in the middle of the screen that makes the game quite unplayable).
At first I didn't know how to deal with it, until I finally discovered that turning VSync Off makes things a little better for most players.
But I would seriously want to know if you guys're planning real Windows 8 compatibility without using commandlines so I ask the dev to remove -emulatefullscreen which is causing trouble for Win7 users.
In case you can't make re-volt fully compatible with Windows 8, is there a way to make the -emulatefullscreen commandline less adversive for Windows 7?
Apart from the bad FPS, there is also the DDERR_WRONGMODE - Can't restore primary display error that I explain above^. Cause is the same.
Please, an answer here or an answer
there would be welcomed.
Posted: 03 Mar 2014, 21:13
I run re-volt in windows 8 and I have exactly the same problem.
Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 00:47
Hi, I have the same problems, with XP.
Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 12:12
tucika @ Mar 9 2014, 08:17 PM wrote: Hi, I have the same problems, with XP.
Oh Tucika, the newest build has already fixed that!

thanks Huki/Jigreben
Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 19:18
Yeah, since Build F & G the error of "Can't restore primary display" doesn't happen anymore after minimizing and restoring re-volt. It is weird that Jig didn't mention anything about this in the changelog.
However, the low fps for Windows XP and Windows 7 when -emulatefullscreen is applied still persist. Since GameRanger has this commandline enabled by default for everyone, I will have to find a way to make -emulatefullscreen less adversive for Windows 7 and XP -or- I will have to ask the gameranger developer to remove this commandline, which will have the bad consequence of making re-volt not working for Windows 8 users.
I hope Huki can find a way to make it less adversive or bring real Windows 8 compatibility so the commandline can be removed without bad consequences.
Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 19:41
Phantom @ Mar 10 2014, 01:48 PM wrote: However, the low fps for Windows XP and Windows 7 when -emulatefullscreen is applied still persist. Since GameRanger has this commandline enabled by default for everyone, I will have to find a way to make -emulatefullscreen less adversive for Windows 7 and XP -or- I will have to ask the gameranger developer to remove this commandline, which will have the bad consequence of making re-volt not working for Windows 8 users.
I hope Huki can find a way to make it less adversive or bring real Windows 8 compatibility so the commandline can be removed without bad consequences.
This. I get lag spikes because of it on GameRanger. Also add the ability to choose between Fullscreen and Windows mode
Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 19:55
nero @ Mar 10 2014, 03:11 PM wrote: Phantom @ Mar 10 2014, 01:48 PM wrote: However, the low fps for Windows XP and Windows 7 when -emulatefullscreen is applied still persist. Since GameRanger has this commandline enabled by default for everyone, I will have to find a way to make -emulatefullscreen less adversive for Windows 7 and XP -or- I will have to ask the gameranger developer to remove this commandline, which will have the bad consequence of making re-volt not working for Windows 8 users.
I hope Huki can find a way to make it less adversive or bring real Windows 8 compatibility so the commandline can be removed without bad consequences.
This. I get lag spikes because of it on GameRanger. Also add the ability to choose between Fullscreen and Windows mode
Moreover, -window doesn't work to me (windows 8 user). I've tried with "-window 640 480" and "-window <640> <480>" btw
Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 20:53
The commandline that lets you choose resolution is
-res, not
For using
-res, you have to add width, height and color depth. For example:
And you can convine it with the window mode like this:
Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 21:08
Phantom @ Mar 10 2014, 02:48 PM wrote:Yeah, since Build F & G the error of "Can't restore primary display" doesn't happen anymore after minimizing and restoring re-volt. It is weird that Jig didn't mention anything about this in the changelog.
The build F, G, etc. are different from the last official releases and don't include last Huki's modifications, since it just a test build rather aiming at multiplayer. He and I also no longer use the same compiler for now. This could explain that... I have personally changed nothing about that piece of code.