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Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 18:36
Good morning all! I have finally finished sorting through the tracks and cars that didn't make the transfer. There are 4 categories, but several files could actually fit into more than one of the categories, so expect more work than just what list it's on. I tried to create an online resource for the fixed files and I attempted to explain the process on that site. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here. Thank you,
Please fix only one file at a time. When the file is fixed and uploaded, it is automatically added to RVZ and removed from the list. Only doing one at a time will minimize the risk of two people fixing the same files at the same time. Here is the link: . And don't worry about the integrity of the files, every fix is logged and I will inspect each file. Thanks again!
Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 21:52
Do put the same post at RVL forum as well, there are more active people there.
Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 23:00
I planned to, just didn't have time before i left for work.
Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 09:05
Progress is being made, but more help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
Posted: 15 Feb 2014, 20:58
your server don't agree with repacked
Code: Select all
This form only for FIXED files please!
Please ensure the new *.zip file is named exactly like the bad *.zip file!
Posted: 16 Feb 2014, 21:36
I will have a look at it when I get home. Thanks
Posted: 17 Feb 2014, 10:03
I found the issue SebR! It was an error that didn't display properly. It has been resolved and I uploaded the file for you. If the error occurs again, it will tell you. lol
Posted: 17 Feb 2014, 18:46
Sorry for being little late.
I will start to update from incomplete list, I still have updated tracks, so it won't take so long.
Posted: 17 Feb 2014, 23:22
Excellent progress vaid! Thanks
Posted: 21 Feb 2014, 07:59
Still desperately need help. Everyone please fix a couple files for RVZ. If we all do a couple files, then it will get done much quicker.
Posted: 22 Feb 2014, 00:21
zagames @ Feb 21 2014, 07:59 AM wrote: Still desperately need help. Everyone please fix a couple files for RVZ. If we all do a couple files, then it will get done much quicker.
I will repack a few cars this Sunday.

Posted: 24 Feb 2014, 15:39
Hello Zach!
The file under "Needs Repacked" seems to be corrupt. What to do in this case?
Posted: 24 Feb 2014, 18:59
Yes, grasshopper has the same problem. I am hoping someone will be able to open it or find an uncorrupt copy somewhere. Otherwise it will not be available on RVZ.
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 03:10
zagames @ Feb 24 2014, 02:29 PM wrote: Yes, grasshopper has the same problem. I am hoping someone will be able to open it or find an uncorrupt copy somewhere. Otherwise it will not be available on RVZ.
got the same problem, but i found it on XTG
i made it ready to use with rv1.2, low COM car can now race on it
Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 19:31
I found the Re-ville PRM pack somewhere, how can i upload it to keep original creation date and author ?
Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 20:11
Put the link here, I'll upload it for you.
Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 21:40
I need time to add missing files to this prm pack, i'll update my post with the link after
Re-Ville full PRM pack with collision data and textures
Posted: 10 May 2014, 07:52
Bump :-D
Posted: 11 May 2014, 18:27
not finished yet
Probleme with "0002 :" : there is Silverstone lego track on it and not millennium ...
Posted: 11 May 2014, 20:25
sebr @ May 11 2014, 02:57 PM wrote:Probleme with "0002 :" : there is Silverstone lego track on it and not millennium ...
Yup, I've found this quite some time ago, seems no one noticed it.
Post from Rvzt Repacked Tracks topic @ Nov 18 2012, 09:55 PM wrote:Millenium Silverstone (Wrong track!) (Can be found in "wrong" folder)
Repacked. Converted from tdf. tdf file moved to track folder. Added reversed mode. Need gfx file
doc and jpg files are moved to separate zip - "Millennium (files).zip" in "wrong" folder.
This track is wrong, because of different name inside tdf, doc files and different track showed in "snap.jpg"
Atleast it's finally removed from the list.
Posted: 11 May 2014, 20:36
i still hope that i'll found this track somewhere ...
Revolt xtg -> no
Alias Revolt Master -> no
Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 20:49
Killer Wheels
I just tried to download this track :
link - in google Chrome, and it says me that the file has malicious content...
Is it the case ? Does someone else got this message ?
Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 21:49
I did not get the message and opened the .zip file. My guess would be that you get the message because it includes 2 .bat files. It's all explained in the readme. No issues here! Hey Kiwi, I tried to send you a message the other day, did you get it? Thanks
Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 23:35
Killer Wheels
Ok, weird..
I just saw your message, sry for the delay