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Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 01:55
what file is the track zones in...i know fob is objects, fin is instances...but i dont remember what the rest of the files are (as, i ddint bother to look when saving the file) and my track zones are screwed up..... (any added info as to what files are is appreciated...thanx
Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 04:29
track zones are in .taz file.
lights are .lit
POS nodes are .pan
IA are .fan
cameras are .cam
triggers are .tri
viziboxes are .viz
Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 04:31
i mean AI, are .fan

Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 23:10
ok, this is really stinking frustrating me! I've done the stupid track zones 3 stinking times! i'm a littled ticked off with it. cuz everytime i do them, and then reload the crashes on there something that i need to do BEFORE i do the zone? ai, what? it's very a;ldkfpeouakljxcbverogaihbd nerve wracking..........................................
Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 23:43
I place the track zones before I do the POS and AI nodes. Are you editing in Time Trial mode (with track renamed to an ingame track)? I set the start line (in the .inf file: STARTPOS and STARTROT) before I add track zones. Then I put track Zone 0 covering the start line, then add the rest of the track zones. Then I do the POS nodes so i can race in Time Trial mode and see the lenght of the track and the time for 1 lap. Then I add the AI, always in Time trial mode until all the nodes are are connected. Then you can race the track in single player mode.
Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 00:48
As Hil says, Zone 0(zero) should always be over the start position.
If you have done some editing on AI, Pos Nodes and the inf file and then the game crashes while loading your track, it probably means that your Zone 0 is not covering the start position. Just delete the taz file to fully start a fresh, the track should then load OK, but you will have to re place all the track zones. Another option is to edit the inf file to the original start position so that you can at least enter the track zone edit mode, then move/edit the zones to suit your desired start position, after saving re edit the inf and all should be OK.
Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 23:10
ok, i'm having trouble getting the speed up object to work (the 2 towers with the electricity between them) i used to know how to get it to stay on do i do this? (or sumthing close to it)
Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 00:51
The Speedup Object has 4 different settings.
Width:How far away you want the two poles to be. The poles will center themselves on where you place the pole in edit mode. Also the Z axis points to the direction in which the speedup will operate. It is important to point the Z axis toward the direction of travel because if you don't the cars will not be able to pass through it.
LoSpeed (mph):This is the setting for the speed the cars will be accelerated or decreased to when the poles are red in the game.
HiSpeed (mph):This is the setting for the speed that the cars will be accelerated or decreased to when the poles are green in game.
Time (s):This setting determins how long, in seconds, the Speedup will remain Green and how long it will remain Red. Thanks to Luca for that tip.
---from RVA tutorials.