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Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 16:25
Thanks for the report, yeah I guess the simplest solution would be to edit the spruefont.bmp from a '£' to a '#' and the second '"' at the bottom to a '~'.
But since I'm rather bad at image editing, feel free to do it yourself (directed towards everyone who reads this)
I guess I could also fix the '£' from within the editor and simply add an exception for the letter but
1) then there still wouldn't be a '#' letter available (I doubt that '£' is really that much needed anyway) and
2) since '£' is outside the standard 127 ascii range, it would also become a localization problem and I don't really want to mess with that (yet), especially since the implementation for reading keys makes it hard to mess around with it too much without having to rewrite and restructure major code sections.
You probably have also noticed that the last two rows from the spruefont.bmp are not displayed at all in the editor, I can only assume that they didn't want to mess around with these special characters either (or didn't have the time left to properly implement them).
Oh yes and I assume you also have noticed that when trying to save a track with some of these special chars, he can't save the track?
Its because Windows won't allow some of these characters in filenames, so my question is if it would be better to even allow these characters to be used or to "encode" them in some way so they can be saved in Windows?
Alternatively I could just save the entered tdf names with "gibberish" text (like its done with the compiled tracks) but I'm not sure if that would be a good idea, especially since it would make it hard to identify saved tracks by their filename (which would be somewhat required for your previously requested load-track-on-start feature).
Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 20:58
Fixing the '£' within the track editor makes no sense. I hope someone will edit the spruefont file properly, as I do not feel able to do it either.
By testing the special characters, I have found that the track editor thinks that ':' is a valid character for files and lets you save a track with it, but then the name is truncated at the ':' position, the file loses its extension (or gets another one if the file has a point in its name) and the file saves no data.
The symbols that Windows do not allow are pretty hard to "encode" in a way that they are identified in the final file name, but there might be some reason to use it as a track name. The best option is probably "encoding" them in the file name. The file names should stay in a way that track names are easily identified without opening them using the Notepad.
Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 07:22
This is getting me startled
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 01:35
Abc @ 17 Sep 2014, 11:43 PM wrote: The picture you took is the pipe walls being invisible aka pure black :| Anyone can do that..
Err no, thats a compiled track from a quickly modified build where the module walls were excluded from compilation, if you look close enough you can even see some remains that I missed to exclude from the code since the walls are not used in one place alone.
But feel free to prove me wrong by making a track look like this using pure black textures
nevermind wrote:Do you remember the clockwork grid issue in x0.75 tracks? I thought nothing would happen if the previous block was different from a crossroad or a straight corner to the right. Actually, that was not the worst thing it could happen: check this video.
Yeah its very unfortunate that not every possible configuration works but as I already explained, I don't think that it can be fixed from the editor.
Not to mention that if you try to make it fit for the Clockwork configuration, it probably won't fit for the default 8+ car grid anymore.
I just thought since Clockwork Carnage wasn't a commonly used mode it would be okay to keep the functionality for smaller tracks for now but if you think differently then I could of course remove it again
Also I found an even worse case than yours, just build a track where the last module before the start grid is a few steps higher, compile in x.75 and run Clockwork mode.
The entire last row of cars (you included) will spawn inside that module, falling into the black void and you can't even reset yourself back to the track.
Next I wanted to mention that I finally released
a new update 15.0222 (also to be found in the first post now).
The amount of changes are rather small and definitely not near the number of changes I wanted to make for a next release but I figured it was time to show some activity again

The trackzone problem mentioned by nevermind should be fixed now and I also added functionality for command-line file loading like he suggested. However the latter required me to change all relative paths in the code to absolute ones so it would definitely be helpful if you could check for any bugs regarding correct file writing (or rather writing in the correct paths).
With that being said, don't expect the next update to come anytime soon (unless there is a critical bug included in this one), working with the current/original codebase is getting more and more annoying so it might very well be that the next update includes some more serious changes (not sure yet though).
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 02:49
(Just made it sticky.)
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 03:50
looks great so far

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 04:33
jigebren @ 22 Feb 2015, 10:19 PM wrote: (Just made it sticky.)
WD40, works wonder's

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 21:04
Nice, the editor now lets you drag and drop the tdf file or even set an association of .tdf extension and that is great

Both ways you may also open a .tdf which filename is not allowed in TE, as long as its extension is correct (if it is not, it starts with an empty track), and that is not bad, but if you try to run Track Editor from an invalid .tdf file, it crashes (while if you try to load an invalid .tdf file from the menu, it just does nothing). Maybe it should try to start with the empty track if the .tdf file is invalid, just like the behaviour when getting a non-tdf file as the argument.
I have also tried to add weird characters to the editor folder name to check if adding strange characters to the paths affects the files saved by the TE. I have noticed nothing so far.
I have found a new bug, though. When you go to Load menu in TE and no tracks are shown, if you press Enter, the editor crashes. This did not happen in the previous release.
Now the help in the main menu is correctly displayed, but it does not talk about the function of / and * keys. This weekend I will make several tracks and test them in RV to check the track zones issue.
Thanks a lot for working on this editor!
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 21:39
nevermind wrote:if you try to run Track Editor from an invalid .tdf file, it crashes (while if you try to load an invalid .tdf file from the menu, it just does nothing).
I have found a new bug, though. When you go to Load menu in TE and no tracks are shown, if you press Enter, the editor crashes.
Thanks for reporting, both are fixed now (I will postpone a hotfix release until more reports come in, in case any other bugs appear).
nevermind wrote:Both ways you may also open a .tdf which filename is not allowed in TE, as long as its extension is correct (if it is not, it starts with an empty track), and that is not bad
I actually forgot that the tdf files also usually have a special name, would you prefer for the editor to check for that too when starting up or should he accept any kind of tdf files as long as they have the correct file extension and the proper file format?
nevermind wrote:Now the help in the main menu is correctly displayed, but it does not talk about the function of / and * keys.
Yes, that was actually one of the things that I originally wanted to include in the release (along with a help menu for the config menu) but since that requires a lot of trial and error to make sure that the new strings are displayed correctly (with the sprite sizes and everything) I didn't feel like spending time on that now.
nevermind wrote:Thanks a lot for working on this editor!
Thanks, and thank you for actively searching for bugs and issues

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 03:53
I actually forgot that the tdf files also usually have a special name, would you prefer for the editor to check for that too when starting up or should he accept any kind of tdf files as long as they have the correct file extension and the proper file format?
There is no reason to deny loading a correct file only because of its filename.
After several .tdf editing (I have tried to export nothing so far), I have to say this:
- I have just noticed that the Dreamcast theme now features walls by default. Why?
- I found a strange bug. If you run the editor and enter the Modules menu very quickly (in less than a second), the module preview in that menu does not show at all, and that keeps happening until I restart the editor. This only happens in one of my two computers (it happens in the one where modules spinned at the right speed, and it does not happen in the one where modules used to rotate too fast (this has been corrected
)) and only if I run the editor in window mode (but if I change from window to fullscreen after it has happened, it does still happen). It did not happen in the previous release.
- Now, when you copy a module, it does not copy its height and rotation, only the ID of the module (that includes the surface). I am not sure if it is a bug as it might be desirable, but as that has not been mentioned in the changelog it is probably a bug.
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 05:34
[HIDE=Offtopic]let me guess it happens in your slowest computer? or I should say that computer is among your liabilities

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 05:55
revolting @ 1 Mar 2015, 01:04 AM wrote:[HIDE=Offtopic]let me guess it happens in your slowest computer? or I should say that computer is among your liabilities

[HIDE=Offtopic]It is the slowest, but it is quite far from being a slow one. (Just like AMW is the slowest in the set of non-4WD Pro cars (Cougar and AMW), but it is not slow at all)[/HIDE]
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 17:22
nevermind @ 28 Feb 2015, 11:23 PM wrote: There is no reason to deny loading a correct file only because of its filename.
Not if the editor internally only lists files with a specific name format. But if you're okay with that then I guess we can leave it like it is now.
Regarding your points:
1) I guess that change slipped in when I was testing some stuff with Dreamcast tracks

It'll be changed back for the hotfix release.
2) I actually came across this bug as well but only one or two times. Since it sounds like you are able to reproduce it (more easily) I'm sending you a test build, more details are in the PM.
3) You're right, thats due to the fixed bug that would cause the editor to crash when trying to copy certain modules in a specific position of the track.
It should be fixed now but since you mentioned it, would you prefer the module to be in its original state when copying or should it have the same height and direction as the placed one?
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 18:55
The module does not disappear in the test build

The speed of the module is about 0.01 and the range is 0.0090 ~ 0.0101. It might be out of that range when I open the menu, but it stabilizes over time. If I try to reproduce the bug, I get some sort of invalid value (1.#INF00) for less than a second.
All new bugs seem to have been solved in the test build (but the DC theme one, of course, which does not depend on the executable), and now a message is displayed when you try to load an invalid .tdf.
I prefer the old copy method as you can think about the changes that you have to apply while you are moving the cursor to the module you want to copy, and not right before placing it. I am very accustomed to that.
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 19:58
Alright, time for a new public release then
As I previously mentioned,
15.0301 is meant as a hotfix and therefore contains no new features or anything like that.
For more info look into the
Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 01:49
nevermind @ 28 Feb 2015, 11:23 PM wrote:...and that keeps
happening until I restart the editor. This only
happens in one of my two computers (it
happens in the one where modules spinned at the right speed, and it does not
happen in the one where modules used to rotate too fast (this has been corrected

)) and only if I run the editor in window mode (but if I change from window to fullscreen after it has
happened, it does still
happen). It did not
happen in the previous release.
Did you just happen upon this ?

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 23:59
Is this project still alive? If so, I would suggest the possibility of choosing which surface use in a user-made theme. I'm not that good with rv glue and modifing a single part of the theme.rtu file without any advanced knowledge would be great.
Posted: 25 Jul 2015, 12:17
Ciccio @ 20 Jul 2015, 07:29 PM wrote: Is this project still alive?
I put it on hold for the time being since other things in my life have taken taken priority over maintaining the editor.
I would like to continue the project at some point of course, as I have big plans for it but I don't know when that will be (especially since these plans involve a lot of work and I'm not even sure how much of those planned features I'll be able to implement without having to spend an enormous amount of time on them).
Posted: 02 Aug 2015, 15:24
Ok, never mind, I asked this because the last reply to this topic was 3 months older.
Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 22:55
English :
Good evening
I create a circuit with this editor dreamcast version ... but the concern is when I want the imported crash the editor and returns to windows.
What is the updatetrack.exe file?
French :
Je crée un circuit avec cette éditeur en version dreamcast... mais le souci, c'est quand je veut l'importé, l'editeur crash et revient sur windows.
A quoi sert le fichier updatetrack.exe ?
Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 11:49
Black-Revolt001 @ 29 Sep 2015, 02:25 PM wrote:What is the updatetrack.exe file?
it was introduced in 0916: it's to update 1.0 editor tracks to 1.1 .tdf
Are you sure that you're using the updated Track Editor?
ps: for line separation you can use
ps2: please don't bump without usefulness. Try learning english first.
there's french users here, maybe that helps

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 17:50
Abc @ 30 Sep 2015, 09:19 AM wrote:Are you sure that you're using the updated Track Editor?
Yes, my editor is in version 15.301
Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 02:57
Black-Revolt001 @ 30 Sep 2015, 09:20 AM wrote: Abc @ 30 Sep 2015, 09:19 AM wrote:Are you sure that you're using the updated Track Editor?
Yes, my editor is in version 15.301
Does it crash if you use Acclaim Track Editor?
Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 17:05
Abc @ 30 Sep 2015, 10:27 PM wrote: Black-Revolt001 @ 30 Sep 2015, 09:20 AM wrote: Abc @ 30 Sep 2015, 09:19 AM wrote:Are you sure that you're using the updated Track Editor?
Yes, my editor is in version 15.301
Does it crash if you use Acclaim Track Editor?
Posted: 02 Oct 2015, 02:24
Run editor as administrator. In Properties, compatibility tab.
Posted: 03 Oct 2015, 02:55
If the problem still persists you can post (or PM me) the .tdf file of your track so I can further investigate.
Posted: 04 Oct 2015, 14:55
Kenny @ 2 Oct 2015, 10:25 PM wrote: If the problem still persists you can post (or PM me) the .tdf file of your track so I can further investigate.
I have the matter with 13.1227 Version despite an error Quime said that my circuit does not form a loop.
Posted: 04 Oct 2015, 20:46
The track you sent me contained too many collision polygons to handle (more than 65535), deleting some modules should resolve this problem (like the track that I sent you back).
With the the increased level size choice this is unfortunately more likely to happen, can't remember if the original editor notified you about this though or just crashed as well (there is at least a text string that indicates this, could have just been used for console versions though).
However the way its currently implemented is wasteful anyway since it only depends on the unoptimized poly count instead of the optimized, so it might be possible to squeeze some more modules in there this way (61697 vs 3469 in the fixed track).
So yeah, might change this in future versions, including a notification if there are too many modules (instead of just crashing).
But as I mentioned earlier, the project is currently on hold so you'll have to work around the issue this way instead.
The "doesn't form a loop" error might commonly appear if you are having the "reversed" option enabled (which will attempt to compile the track in reverse mode as well).
This is just a notification that its not possible and as the error states, the track is still exported in normal mode.
To resolve this, just build your track in a way where you could also race backwards (no jumps or steps in it), to help you with this the cursor will be placed on the last valid module after the message (as the error text states).
Posted: 25 Oct 2015, 02:05
good evening
I wish I had more things in the next version of the editor
- Possibility of added up to 100 pickups.
- New block
- Possibility of activating the rain.
- Possibility of an infinite number of block.
Posted: 25 Oct 2015, 13:21
Black-Revolt001 @ 24 Oct 2015, 05:35 PM wrote: good evening
I wish I had more things in the next version of the editor
- Possibility of added up to 100 pickups.
- New block
- Possibility of activating the rain.
- Possibility of an infinite number of block.
Why would someone put a pickup on every block!?
Please elaborate the new block
You can control rain with Objects, 0% related to the editor
Why you would want infinite blocks? That definitely would kill re-volt itself. (literally, i mean reaching the limits very easily)
Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 19:27
Slopes not identical to those of the editor ...
Round stitches, crossed chases.
Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 15:06
No new update Track Editor ???
Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 22:35
Black-Revolt001 @ 14 Oct 2017, 11:36 AM wrote: No new update Track Editor ???
No, because the author of the update is not around and he didn't share the source code with anyone I know.
Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 00:33
I think he added his mail to his profile, you could give that a try.

Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 16:05
Pyves @ 14 Oct 2017, 08:03 PM wrote: I think he added his mail to his profile, you could give that a try.
Yes, I have seen, but this last connection dates from 2016
Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 19:43
Black-Revolt001 @ 15 Oct 2017, 11:35 AM wrote: Pyves @ 14 Oct 2017, 08:03 PM wrote: I think he added his mail to his profile, you could give that a try.
Yes, I have seen, but this last connection dates from 2016
I was referring to his
mail, not the forum's PM system.