Posted: 07 Nov 2013, 05:20
The mother-of-all championship, where six teams of two compete against eachother. Drivers choose their cars, and will be assigned to their other-classed teammate according to their skill.
Cars from the Dreamcast version will be used. Download the latest version of the DC car pack here so you don't see DrPepper, Kipy and Mmud driving Mystery cars.
Benvoliosaythat - Evil Weasel
Matias - Panga TC
Pinklop - R6 Turbo
Nero - NY 54
Mladen007 - Bertha Ballistics
Kipy - Shocker
RV_Passion - RC San
Tavi_96 - Candy Pebbles
Urbanrocker - Aquasonic
VaiDuX461 - Mouse
DrPepper - LA 54
Mmudshark - Matra XL
Kipy and Tavi - The Lonely Business
Mladen and Urbanrocker - Fishin' the Tram
Matias and DrPepper
Nero and RV_Passion - The Dark Horses
Ben and Mmud
Pinklop and VaiDuX - ViiP
Leave a message if you're willing to be a backup driver.
The room name must be "Slug Championship 2013 - Session X" (X is the number)
You must have the latest 1.2 patch (get it here.)
If there are missing players by the time the race would start, I'll wait 20 more minutes and I will start getting in replacement players.
If you're late for a Session without telling me in advance, then for every minute you're late for a Session, you will get a 2% point penalty for any points you score in that Session.
If you miss a Session without telling me in advanced and giving me a detailed reason why, you will get a 50% point penalty for any points you score in the next Session. Do that two times in a row and you won't have to bother participating in the championship anymore, as you will be permanently replaced.
Do not spam in the waiting room, or you will be kicked and the above penalty will apply for you. (this doesn't apply to temporary replacement players)
If you are in another person's race by race time, don't bother participating in the championship anymore, as you will be permanently replaced.
Do not shoot your teammate.
1st: 9 pts
2nd: 6 pts
3rd: 4 pts
4th: 3 pts
5th: 2 pts
6th: 1 pt
7th or lower: 0 pts
Racing sessions:
We will race 20 laps on every original track (except Toytanic 1), 2 tracks every week throughout 6 weeks.
Session 1 results
Session 2 results
Driver Standings:

Team Standings:

Session 3 (Toy World 1, Ghost Town 1) will start at 28th November, 7:00 PM GMT.
Cars from the Dreamcast version will be used. Download the latest version of the DC car pack here so you don't see DrPepper, Kipy and Mmud driving Mystery cars.
Benvoliosaythat - Evil Weasel
Matias - Panga TC
Pinklop - R6 Turbo
Nero - NY 54
Mladen007 - Bertha Ballistics
Kipy - Shocker
RV_Passion - RC San
Tavi_96 - Candy Pebbles
Urbanrocker - Aquasonic
VaiDuX461 - Mouse
DrPepper - LA 54
Mmudshark - Matra XL
Kipy and Tavi - The Lonely Business
Mladen and Urbanrocker - Fishin' the Tram
Matias and DrPepper
Nero and RV_Passion - The Dark Horses
Ben and Mmud
Pinklop and VaiDuX - ViiP
Leave a message if you're willing to be a backup driver.
The room name must be "Slug Championship 2013 - Session X" (X is the number)
You must have the latest 1.2 patch (get it here.)
If there are missing players by the time the race would start, I'll wait 20 more minutes and I will start getting in replacement players.
If you're late for a Session without telling me in advance, then for every minute you're late for a Session, you will get a 2% point penalty for any points you score in that Session.
If you miss a Session without telling me in advanced and giving me a detailed reason why, you will get a 50% point penalty for any points you score in the next Session. Do that two times in a row and you won't have to bother participating in the championship anymore, as you will be permanently replaced.
Do not spam in the waiting room, or you will be kicked and the above penalty will apply for you. (this doesn't apply to temporary replacement players)
If you are in another person's race by race time, don't bother participating in the championship anymore, as you will be permanently replaced.
Do not shoot your teammate.
1st: 9 pts
2nd: 6 pts
3rd: 4 pts
4th: 3 pts
5th: 2 pts
6th: 1 pt
7th or lower: 0 pts
Racing sessions:
We will race 20 laps on every original track (except Toytanic 1), 2 tracks every week throughout 6 weeks.
Session 1 results
Session 2 results
Driver Standings:

Team Standings:

Session 3 (Toy World 1, Ghost Town 1) will start at 28th November, 7:00 PM GMT.