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Posted: 29 Sep 2013, 07:43

I think we are all here because we enjoy the game Re-Volt, it is really a good game full of color and talking about color I think you'll enjoy taking a look at this article that I read and listened to online, It might help us to redesign Re-volt and to enjoy this game the most as we take full advantage of what God has taught us! enjoy it
Keep revolting

Posted: 29 Sep 2013, 17:45
Can't tell if you're a bot or some online manifestation of a jehova's witness.
Either way, i find this insulting towards anyone with a different religious point of view ( myself included.)
Posted: 29 Sep 2013, 19:58
You are not a bot but what you are doing in your real life? Does you are part of any religious clans?
I think that such things should not be important to the gamers.
Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 00:23
He is a jehova's witness, I've already warned him not to post things like this on RVL, pay no attention to it if he does it here.
Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 02:34
Skarma @ Sep 29 2013, 09:53 PM wrote: He is a jehova's witness, I've already warned him not to post things like this on RVL, pay no attention to it if he does it here.
This thing is popular even here. Fortunately not in my family.