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Posted: 19 Sep 2013, 21:28
The list of my releases with pictures is now
there, so I can easily expand it in the future.
Reply here, not there!
Posted: 19 Jan 2014, 21:45
So, I finally ( _finally_ ) finished Challenge Pack 3 <satisfied smile>. For download, see the end of the list in the first post.
Posted: 19 Jan 2014, 22:39
Time for fun baby. Was waiting for this.
If you can add a few preview pictures of what's in each pack it would be sweet.
Posted: 20 Jan 2014, 21:59
Hm, perhaps I was somewhat rash. Sorry about that...
Phantom, your idea is actually good. I just didn’t know I could use dropbox for the images, too.
Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 21:43
Phantom, I added the pics.
Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 22:01
This is awesome! Thanks for everything Citywalker!
Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 22:58
You're welcome

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 22:00
I updated the Drift Stocks, so please re-download them. They are now with doubled SteerRate that correctly makes them RC-nimble again. Thanks to burner94 for pointing out the initial sluggishness. That means: 1) I had to re-tune their AI, and 2) they are tested for proper drifting at Toys in the Hood 1. Some handle better if corrected by steering, some by timed throttling (the pack includes replay examples of both methods).
Also, the following packs now include V1.2-ready special cars (Clockworks, Probe UFO, Trolley and Mystery), so you don’t lose their shadows in Re.Volt V1.2 when using the packs or when restoring after their use (requested by burner94):
Real-Life Stock Cars Pack
Drift Stock Cars Pack
Expert AI Stock Cars Pack
Challenge Pack 3: WolfR4 Total Mod obviously doesn’t, because it’s not compatible with V1.2 (yes, there are still things that WolfR4 does better).
And I merged the 2 parts of the Hot Wheels True Size Pack into a single whole, for convenience.
Thank you for your attention. Have a nice Re-Volting day

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 20:34
Bump: added Challenge Pack 3.1

See the first post.
Bump 2:
Another update to Challenge Packs 3 and 3.1:
The pinball-illness of Pygmy Mouse is now cured. It still bounces off walls like a toy, but not exponentially anymore.
Posted: 26 Jul 2014, 20:21
I finally got around to updating the Concepts Packs to V1.2 features.
They now have:
• custom front and rear hood cameras;
• custom shadows;
• custom carboxes;
• custom frontend bars;
• Expert AI;
• new showcase pictures with proper shadows.
The group pictures still has old shadows, as a reminder that they were originally made for WolfR4.
P.S. I previously forgot to fix the pinballitis of Challenge Pack 3 / 3.1 wincar replacements (as those are also Pygmy Mice in RC).
Now they’re fixed, too.
Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 20:16
Another update, this time to Carmageddon 2 Full Conversion Pack – Mystery made carboxes for it. Thanks!
Posted: 15 Nov 2014, 21:44
Hot Wheels are now mostly cured of the pinballitis. They still crash and tumble like Hot Wheels, but not exponentially anymore. The zip includes the previous edition for lulz and general nuttyness.
Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 21:49
New release, see the first post.
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 08:18
I notice you've stated "No picture, ORP doesn't allow so many..."
Firstly, sorry for this, we do allow for ten images.
Can I suggest that you store your images and provide the link's for the packs you can't display here.
Are you producing any other pack's or is your future work dependent on future work of RV1.2 ?
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 23:02
Well, all my packs are listed here, just without pictures. The same thread at RVL has all the pictures.
And I will definitely do more stuff with WolfR4 (with compatibility for both versions, wherever possible). RV 1.2 still lacks some things that I like in WolfR4

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 22:41
OK, nicely done. But why the negative tone to the description of the new thread ? i said I'm sorry.
Also, why don't you place reasonably sized images up to 600 pixel's across, similar to the Concepts Pack 3 image.
And hyper link the image's to the downloads.

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 21:14
OK, nicely done.
Thank you
OK, nicely done. But why the negative tone to the description of the new thread ? i said I'm sorry.
There’s no negative tone, it’s purely informational explanation.
Also, why don't you place reasonably sized images up to 600 pixel's across, similar to the Concepts Pack 3 image.
Because I don’t have them bigger. They were originally intended for the old RVZT.
And hyper link the image's to the downloads.
Because I’m not that good with html (yet).
Also, another new release is out. See the list, linked from the first post here.
Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 00:50
Citywalker @ 25 Feb 2015, 04:44 PM wrote:OK, nicely done. But why the negative tone to the description of the new thread ? i said I'm sorry.
There’s no negative tone, it’s purely informational explanation.
OK, but IMHO could be worded better or omit reason altogether.
Citywalker wrote:Also, why don't you place reasonably sized images up to 600 pixel's across, similar to the Concepts Pack 3 image.
Because I don’t have them bigger. They were originally intended for the old RVZT.
And hyper link the image's to the downloads.
Because I’m not that good with html (yet).
Added a little test image for you
If you like it I can do same/similar for the rest.
If not, I will remove.
Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 23:18
It works! Nice!
So yes, if you have time, please do the rest. (Only please make the Challenge Pack 1 pic static again

Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 23:42
Citywalker @ 26 Feb 2015, 06:48 PM wrote:...please do the rest. (Only please make the Challenge Pack 1 pic static again

You don't like the animated pic that show's the content's of the pack in more detail ?
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 21:48
At least use the one that’s inside the pack, then (it has all vehicles at the same angle etc.).
But I think it’s just as well that all pics are static – a uniform style, if you will.
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 01:32
Citywalker @ 25 Feb 2015, 04:44 PM wrote:There’s no negative tone, it’s purely informational explanation.
*Obsessively informative* maybe?
A few quotes (the bold are mines):
Topic description wrote:Citywalker's Packs with Pics List,
Because ORP posts have picture limits
Citywalker @ 24 Feb 2015, 05:13 PM wrote:This is only a list, so I can add posts here, because ORP posts have a limit of 10 pictures.
Citywalker @ 19 Sep 2013, 04:58 PM wrote:The list of my releases with pictures is now
because ORP posts have a limit of 10 pictures.
Citywalker @ 23 Feb 2015, 06:32 PM wrote:Well, all my packs are listed here, just without pictures. The same thread at RVL has all the pictures.
Manmountain @ 23 Feb 2015, 03:48 AM wrote:I notice you've stated "No picture, ORP doesn't allow so many..."
I think we have all well understood, at this point...
My turn to be purely informative: There was another easy way to solve your issue. There's a little box called PM, you send a message exposing your issue and asking if we feel like increasing the number of images per post because you have XX of them in your car pack topic. I've already been asked for that by - erm, whoever it was it doesn't really matter - as I think it was previously even more restrictive than 10... Easy isn't it?
Citywalker @ 25 Feb 2015, 04:44 PM wrote:Manmountain wrote:And hyper link the image's to the downloads.
Because I’m not that good with html (yet).
You don't have to do HTML for that (did you know that you're also restricted from posting HTML on ORP, oh no, what a shame...), you only have to use the forum BBCode. Just use the code below with the proper url to your archive and the url to you image (apparently we can't have multiline link with BBCode, so there's one line for the title and one line for the image):
Code: Select all
[]The name of your pack[/URL]
Phrase of the Day:
"restriction create breeding grounds for creativity"
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 02:02
Manmountain @ 26 Feb 2015, 07:12 PM wrote:Citywalker @ 26 Feb 2015, 06:48 PM wrote:...please do the rest. (Only please make the Challenge Pack 1 pic static again

You don't like the animated pic that show's the content's of the pack in more detail ?
Citywalker @ 27 Feb 2015, 05:18 PM wrote:At least use the one that’s inside the pack, then (it has all vehicles at the same angle etc.).
But I think it’s just as well that all pics are static – a uniform style, if you will.
My intension was to allow all to see the content's of your pack in their own original glory (an action shot, if you will), rather than just a really poor quality small image of them.
jigebren @ 27 Feb 2015, 09:02 PM wrote:Just use the code below with the proper url to your archive and the url to you image (apparently we can't have multiline link with BBCode, so there's one line for the title and one line for the image):
Code: Select all
[]The name of your pack[/URL]
That's how I linked the animated slideshow image.
I'll put it back to how you had and wanted it, OK ?

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 21:52
Jig, and if I then release more packs, then you’ll need to increase the pics per post limit again? And again?
I thought it’s easier to just sidestep the issue, sectioning the post. “Restriction creates breeding grounds for creativity,” even if the paths the creativity takes are varied sometimes
About obsessively informative – give me some time and I’ll remove the “has limits” parts that you guys seem to find objectionable...
The rest: I found that there’s no point in making the pics clickable anyway – not all packs have pics (the ones that I only collaborated on, not made from scratch). If someone wants to make the missing ones, then please do, as you have way more time than I do...
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 23:34
I'm not sure it really makes senses any longer to have an images per post limit anyway. Because of cases like this, and also because if anyone actually abuse it we can directly sanction the user instead. But having a limit is a good passive protection already to avoid moderation tasks (though 10 useless images can already be abusing anyhow).
give me some time and I’ll remove the “has limits” parts that you guys seem to find objectionable...
You mean... the parts that you seem not to find negatively biased? Nice then...

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 01:20
jigebren @ 28 Feb 2015, 07:04 PM wrote:About obsessively informative – give me some time and I’ll remove the “has limits” parts that you guys seem to find objectionable...
You mean... the parts that you seem not to find negatively biased? Nice then...

So if I was to refer to you as 'Citywalker (who just makes AI adjusted packs)' every time I mentioned you, would you not find this negative or just informative ?

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 23:17
Hey, I just found out! If any of you drive the Caterpillar bucket loader (the one included in my Challenge Packs) - beware, the author has mistakenly used right wheel model for left wheels and vice versa. Swap the wheel models and behold the beauty!
Posted: 13 Mar 2015, 21:27
Update to Vertex FX Kit:
Now includes a bonus vehicle: 8WF Rawdog with transparent windscreen that survives repositioning.
Posted: 25 May 2015, 21:45
Update: Carmageddon Splat Pack now has carboxes by Mystery. Thanks!
Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 21:18
Update for the Carmageddon 2 Pack:
Quoting Mystery: "Here's a fix for a handful of carboxes that had glaring shadow issues."
Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 20:39
News again: Challenge Pack 3.2: WolfR4 Total Mod (Vertex Edition) is out!
Edit: please download again, I corrected a carboxes file. Sorry.
Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 21:44
Vertex FX Kit now also includes instructions to apply the effect to headlights directly shaped by polys.
Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 18:08
A new release:
Challenge Pack 3.3: WolfR4 Total Mod, PumaR4 Edition
+ Requires
PumaR4 ver. 2015-10-03 or newer.
++ Why:
+++ For real air races (true-flying Cop-ter is now also a real opponent).
+++ For custom bonnet views (V1.2 hood/rear cameras for old Re-Volt, even for very high vehicles like Motocross Rider and Komatsu).
+ Also:
++ Now includes a more realistic crash-and-explode (no flames in RV, sorry) variant of the Toy Plane (its AI won’t cheat you by reversing anymore).
++ And several tweaks to other vehicles, for better racing experience (handling/cameras/visuals).
An update:
Concepts Pack 2
+ Now includes an updated, crash-and-explode variant of the Toy Plane.
Have fun!
Posted: 26 Dec 2015, 19:57
I think PumaR4 is now mature enough and sufficiently tested to include it here as a release, too. The list-of-releases post has a short description and a link to PumaR4’s own topic for more details and a download.