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Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 03:27
well,i take a 3 days edit that revolt,and i wish you like my own build
Revolt veugar edition
another realese's later....
i change Front End,car's and so many cars not repainted:like rotor,who use rotor a bad car when flip the another slow speed
the Screenshot
wish that you like it plz comment
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 10:09
So...what did you change?
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 15:41

why not download and play
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 17:24
Maybe it's not so appealing, veugar. You haven't even said anyone what you have changed. If you'd say what it contains, some people may want to try it.
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 17:38
Downloading sth, which takes 136mb and don't know what's inside, no thx.
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 19:11
Strange name, no description, no pictures, not even single comment about it. It's totally useless to download then.

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 07:30
RacerBG @ Sep 2 2013, 10:41 AM wrote: Strange name, no description, no pictures, not even single comment about it. It's totally useless to download then.
Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 12:21
So veugar... seeing that there are several comments on this topic, and all of them says the same thing, namedly, that you should post pictures, and say what's changed in *your version*, don't you think you should do that? Just asking...
Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 13:31
If -I- can't even generate any further interest with the last few pictures I posted in my WIP thread at RVL, how are -you- going to with no pictures or information here?
Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 15:03

say that,when chek your revolt size:798 MB ,not strange ,what this a description: well,i take a 3 days edit that revolt,and i wish you like my own build
Revolt veugar edition
another realese's later....
i change Front End,car's and so many cars not repainted:like rotor,who use rotor a bad car when flip the another slow speed dry.gif
the Screenshot
wish that you like it plz comment ,then i never build some thing that ppl like ,why?
not trust me or what

,so that the comment about some new user try to build a Re-volt

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 17:46
Hmm, you think 3 days is much time to build an *own game* as you say? I don't think.
Veguar, POST SCREENSHOTS of what has changed!!!!! It's not enough if you say 'the Screenshot' in your post, post actual screenshots!
Unless you do that, noone will download this, and you just keep ranting about it.
Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 12:58
If you are angry to us for our comments then I believe no one will ever try your game! We must have respect to each other and please believe me that building your own game can take more than 3 years even if you have "the core" already build. From the comment you posted above I understand that maybe you had changed the front end but how to understand "so many cars not repainted"? What you are trying to say? My English is bad and maybe Im guilty for my misunderstanding but I can't get the point here.
Here is my example about game description:
Introduction: What you want to achieve with this, your goals, etc...
Version Changes: What's new?
To Do: What needs to be done, your future plans...
Screenshots: Eye candy stuff...
Credits: If needed...
Posted: 07 Sep 2013, 20:35

i like it,but why there no revolt logo,and some new frontend of revolt,then i check it always and no comment of veugar
dude,some of your own changes,plz
racerBG right guys